changing gun trends

Not afraid of pre-ban mags or even cops. My time is just worth more than the hours and extra money wasted on a false arrest if a cop ignores you when you say 'but officer look! zipper back on the mag means I can have *high caps* cause its pre-94' and cuffs you and drives you off to booking anyway.
Dude basically if the guy is looking at your mags you're getting f****** arrested anyways so just Stow that s*** away..... 🤣 magazine capacity charges don't get determined on the side of the road it becomes part of a calculus later when they're deciding how much to f*** you up the ass.
besides the political shit we deal with daily, do any of you guys ever sit back with a beverage and ponder the changes you've seen in your time as a firearms enthusiast? two that i think about is...watching the semiautomatic pistol push to the forefront while tossing revolvers to the curb and the other, the emergence of the anemic, weak ass european cartridge with one bullet style and loading, the 9mm, into a powerhouse heavyweight contender. with several bullet weights and styles available to the reloader now as well as a bunch of commercially loaded good loads offered too. the 9mm has shocked me the most. knocking the .45acp almost out of the conversation.
i have just seem a less open discussion over the years.
I know more none gun people that have applied for their LTC in the past 10 years than the people I knew had their ltc before that.
Now of the new LTC holders I can say 1/2 carry often. The older holders not to much.
One thing that seems to be unsettling is the amount of "gun owners" I know that are just waiting to see what else the gov is going to take away.
The widespread acceptance of plastic guns surprises me. I'm fine with it: they're not for me, but their runaway success has impressed me. Who knew that all you had to do was replace "plastic" with "polymer" to make people feel great about it?
LOL corrosion and gun maintenance is f****** horrendous. having guns made out of polymer gets rid of a lot of that s*** although in some cases you could argue that it's really just a side effect of the designs.

There is literally nothing better than being able to have a carry gun which just gets carried for months and months that you basically almost never have to touch or even worry about. Also for people who actually shoot under all conditions it's a much better arrangement. Get sweat all over the gun? no big deal. I had a friend on here a while ago who basically has corrosive sweat. Basically if he would carry a gun like a typical 1911 or a BHP the thing would start rusting literally within hours if he got even the smallest amount of sweat on the thing.... another huge side effect of these guns is they typically f****** a lot less than their metal counterparts with some limited exceptions just because the matter of the machine is a lot simpler. The brilliance of something like a glock or CZ P10 etc is its relative inelegance buys a lot of upsides. A great way of describing it is like the way I heard it car reviewer describe a particular SUV. "This is like automotive medicine. It's like a great washing machine or something you're not necessarily going to have an emotional attachment to a vehicle like this but the fact that it is stupidly reliable is good in its own right. " same thing could be said for something like a Glock. Yes it's ugly. Yes its boring. But they just work and there's no bullshit, no drama, no faggotry involving incessant cleanliness (unlike some 1911s which jam if you look at them funny) so on. Drop in, modular..... Parts and support..... EVERYWHERE. The same cannot be said for a shitload of other guns in that Glock price class.
Dude basically if the guy is looking at your mags you're getting f****** arrested anyways so just Stow that s*** away..... 🤣 magazine capacity charges don't get determined on the side of the road it becomes part of a calculus later when they're deciding how much to f*** you up the ass.
Exactly and trying to explain it is f*cking stupid.

If a cop is examining your guns on the side of the road, you STFU and let a lawyer do the talking, you are not changing any minds or winning any arguments on the side of the road so let them take you away and get extremely frustrated when you dont incriminate yourself.

I know not talking is a weird concept for NES, you are all super smart and can talk your way out of anything, but you should try it.
A trend I've seen is to make carry guns smaller and smaller. In my opinion, this is not necessarily a good thing. When guns get very small, the caliber should also get smaller otherwise both the gun and the shooter get beat up. Another is to invent bigger handgun calibers like the .500 S&W and mousegunguy I agree the Colt percussion revolvers are some of the most beautiful revolvers ever made. I'm lucky enough to have a couple.
LOL corrosion and gun maintenance is f****** horrendous. having guns made out of polymer gets rid of a lot of that s*** although in some cases you could argue that it's really just a side effect of the designs.

There is literally nothing better than being able to have a carry gun which just gets carried for months and months that you basically almost never have to touch or even worry about. Also for people who actually shoot under all conditions it's a much better arrangement. Get sweat all over the gun? no big deal. I had a friend on here a while ago who basically has corrosive sweat. Basically if he would carry a gun like a typical 1911 or a BHP the thing would start rusting literally within hours if he got even the smallest amount of sweat on the thing.... another huge side effect of these guns is they typically f****** a lot less than their metal counterparts with some limited exceptions just because the matter of the machine is a lot simpler. The brilliance of something like a glock or CZ P10 etc is its relative inelegance buys a lot of upsides. A great way of describing it is like the way I heard it car reviewer describe a particular SUV. "This is like automotive medicine. It's like a great washing machine or something you're not necessarily going to have an emotional attachment to a vehicle like this but the fact that it is stupidly reliable is good in its own right. " same thing could be said for something like a Glock. Yes it's ugly. Yes its boring. But they just work and there's no bullshit, no drama, no faggotry involving incessant cleanliness (unlike some 1911s which jam if you look at them funny) so on. Drop in, modular..... Parts and support..... EVERYWHERE. The same cannot be said for a shitload of other guns in that Glock price class.
Caring about what a IWB carry gun looks like is the stupidest thing. I never understood that.

Reliability should be #1. Always.

Comfort #2 - because if it is not comfortable you won't carry it therefore #1 won't matter.
LOL corrosion and gun maintenance is f****** horrendous. having guns made out of polymer gets rid of a lot of that s*** although in some cases you could argue that it's really just a side effect of the designs.

There is literally nothing better than being able to have a carry gun which just gets carried for months and months that you basically almost never have to touch or even worry about. Also for people who actually shoot under all conditions it's a much better arrangement. Get sweat all over the gun? no big deal. I had a friend on here a while ago who basically has corrosive sweat. Basically if he would carry a gun like a typical 1911 or a BHP the thing would start rusting literally within hours if he got even the smallest amount of sweat on the thing.... another huge side effect of these guns is they typically f****** a lot less than their metal counterparts with some limited exceptions just because the matter of the machine is a lot simpler. The brilliance of something like a glock or CZ P10 etc is its relative inelegance buys a lot of upsides. A great way of describing it is like the way I heard it car reviewer describe a particular SUV. "This is like automotive medicine. It's like a great washing machine or something you're not necessarily going to have an emotional attachment to a vehicle like this but the fact that it is stupidly reliable is good in its own right. " same thing could be said for something like a Glock. Yes it's ugly. Yes its boring. But they just work and there's no bullshit, no drama, no faggotry involving incessant cleanliness (unlike some 1911s which jam if you look at them funny) so on. Drop in, modular..... Parts and support..... EVERYWHERE. The same cannot be said for a shitload of other guns in that Glock price class.

Diff'rent strokes, diff'rent folks. As a guy with noncorrosive sweat, I can't say I've ever had a problem with my metal guns. The OP wanted to know what trends we've noticed, and I thought the rise of plastic polymer was, well, a trend. Sorry if it rustled your jimmies...

FWIW, I owned a Glock for 12 years once. I never took to it. So it's not like I haven't given it a chance.
Lights, lasers, optics being clamped onto everything has been a significant trend. Defeats the purpose of the micro-compacts when they have more bulk and weight in accessories than the gun itself.

Wood is also going the way of the dodo or being made into a 'luxury' item for stocks & grips. Yes polymer is likely better in most aspects, but it lacks the civilized charm of a bygone age reeking of whale oil, cigars, and cognac.
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Wood is also going the way of the dodo or being made into a 'luxury' item for stocks & grips. Yes polymer is likely better in most aspects, but it lakes the civilized charm of a bygone age reeking of whale oil, cigars, and cognac.
Why I love safari rifles and CZ.

Add iron sights to that list. It is so hard to find a bolt action with iron sights today. CZ does a good job and they are beautiful.

One of my favorite rifles is a Siamese Mauser converted to 45/70, with a new wood stock. I know, some here will hate me, but f*ck it, there are millions of mil surp Mausers, a conversion done right with a beautiful stock is a very nice rifle.
Diff'rent strokes, diff'rent folks. As a guy with noncorrosive sweat, I can't say I've ever had a problem with my metal guns. The OP wanted to know what trends we've noticed, and I thought the rise of plastic polymer was, well, a trend. Sorry if it rustled your jimmies...

FWIW, I owned a Glock for 12 years once. I never took to it. So it's not like I haven't given it a chance.
No rustling ... 🤣it's just that it's kind of captain Obvious why plastic guns are a big deal because nobody wants to deal with the inherent b******* of metal guns. 🤣 And I say that as a person who owns a lot of both kinds.

The other happy fun ball is from a manufacturing standpoint it's easier and cheaper to make a bunch of mostly plastic guns. It's also easier to reach a higher level of quality control with a plastic gun, as well as to hide inflation costs in plastic guns.... Glocks haven't gone up hardly for crap in the past like 10 20 years meanwhile a decent 1911 will likely cost you a couple hundred bucks more than it used to cost you in 2004.

When I started shooting I was basically a f**** who refused to touch a glock. Then about 4 or 5 years in I picked up a g19 and I was like okay I get it now. This is not some hi finesse gun but it ameliorates a lot of the "daily stupidity" inherent to what everyone else is selling. The same principles could probably apply to other plastic guns as well. Of course it depends on use patterns if somebody is a boring gun owner, metal guns work just fine but if you're actually dealing with the things constantly or shooting constantly or anything like that suddenly plastic guns become very appealing. I used to be one of those retards that would clean everything every time I shot a gun but after a point I realized how stupid that is. Plastic guns dovetail neatly into being able to perform only occasional maintenance.
Add iron sights to that list. It is so hard to find a bolt action with iron sights today. CZ does a good job and they are beautiful.
Ruger PCC without back up iron sights just pisses me off. Serious skinflinting by Ruger.

It annoys me that military style ladder sights have all but eliminated from most commercial rifles. Some of us like the challenge and a back up if glass has a mishap.
No rustling ... 🤣it's just that it's kind of captain Obvious why plastic guns are a big deal because nobody wants to deal with the inherent b******* of metal guns. 🤣 And I say that as a person who owns a lot of both kinds.

The other happy fun ball is from a manufacturing standpoint it's easier and cheaper to make a bunch of mostly plastic guns. It's also easier to reach a higher level of quality control with a plastic gun, as well as to hide inflation costs in plastic guns.... Glocks haven't gone up hardly for crap in the past like 10 20 years meanwhile a decent 1911 will likely cost you a couple hundred bucks more than it used to cost you in 2004.

When I started shooting I was basically a f**** who refused to touch a glock. Then about 4 or 5 years in I picked up a g19 and I was like okay I get it now. This is not some hi finesse gun but it ameliorates a lot of the "daily stupidity" inherent to what everyone else is selling. The same principles could probably apply to other plastic guns as well. Of course it depends on use patterns if somebody is a boring gun owner, metal guns work just fine but if you're actually dealing with the things constantly or shooting constantly or anything like that suddenly plastic guns become very appealing. I used to be one of those retards that would clean everything every time I shot a gun but after a point I realized how stupid that is. Plastic guns dovetail neatly into being able to perform only occasional maintenance.
Metal guns don't need to be cleaned every time.
The metal in your plastic guns chambers doesn't rust from not cleaning.

But I agree with everything you said, specially the production cost part.
Why I love safari rifles and CZ.

Add iron sights to that list. It is so hard to find a bolt action with iron sights today. CZ does a good job and they are beautiful.

One of my favorite rifles is a Siamese Mauser converted to 45/70, with a new wood stock. I know, some here will hate me, but f*ck it, there are millions of mil surp Mausers, a conversion done right with a beautiful stock is a very nice rifle.
I never understood why people would get so bent about converting milsurps it's not their f****** rifle anymore it belongs to the guy who converted it..... 🤣 especially not when it's a mostly forgettable rifle like a Mosin or some other dime a dozen Mauser bolt gun that probably would have been put through a band saw and thrown in a dumpster if not for gun collectors.

Like those people that got upset about Ray shooting the chopped mosin.... like they are the gun owner version of this lady...


But seriously if sporterized milsurps bothers them that much they should buy all the f****** milsurps nd put them in a museum somewhere or whatever so that nobody else can touch them otherwise they just need to shut the f****** and get a grip.

If I won the lottery I'll call you up and we'll start a channel on YouTube or whatever that's like whistling diesel except we basically f****** guns somehow to make idiots cry. I would also definitely have like a bonfire where we burn HK cardboard boxes as many of them as I can afford will be thrown into a bonfire and will force HK fanbois to watch it somehow. Also like all those old AKs that are still in styrofoam boxes or whatever I'm going to buy all those f****** guns and burn those boxes too and then we're going to shoot the piss out of those guns until like smoke comes out of the handguards. 🤣

Maybe even burn out a barrel on a flobert parlor rifle.... somehow.
Metal guns don't need to be cleaned every time.
The metal in your plastic guns chambers doesn't rust from not cleaning.

But I agree with everything you said, specially the production cost part.
I generally agree but it depends on the gun basically the 1911 is the number one liable to screw you on neglect. When I shot pins a lot if I didn't clean the 1911s at least every couple matches it would bite me in the ass at some point. Also it's mentally difficult to take a pretty looking metal gun and consider just "running it while crusty" versus taking a Glock out and just shooting it and not caring....
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I never understood why people would get so bent about converting milsurps it's not their f****** rifle anymore it belongs to the guy who converted it..... 🤣 especially not when it's a mostly forgettable rifle like a Mosin or some other dime a dozen Mauser bolt gun that probably would have been put through a band saw and thrown in a dumpster if not for gun collectors.

Like those people that got upset about Ray shooting the chopped mosin.... like they are the gun owner version of this lady...


But seriously if sporterized milsurps bothers them that much they should buy all the f****** milsurps nd put them in a museum somewhere or whatever so that nobody else can touch them otherwise they just need to shut the f****** and get a grip.

If I won the lottery I'll call you up and we'll start a channel on YouTube or whatever that's like whistling diesel except we basically f****** guns somehow to make idiots cry. I would also definitely have like a bonfire where we burn HK cardboard boxes as many of them as I can afford will be thrown into a bonfire and will force HK fanbois to watch it somehow. Also like all those old AKs that are still in styrofoam boxes or whatever I'm going to buy all those f****** guns and burn those boxes too and then we're going to shoot the piss out of those guns until like smoke comes out of the handguards. 🤣

Maybe even burn out a barrel on a flobert parlor rifle.... somehow.

If I don't win the lottery, I hope you win it.

I want to reload a bunch of 556 and 762 ammo with blackpowder and see how long until the gun stops cycling.
Also it's mentally difficult to take a pretty looking metal gun and consider just "running it while crusty" versus taking a Glock out and just shooting it and not caring....

You're projecting.

I mostly carry a beat-up IDF BHP these days. I couldn't give a shit less if that thing gets dirty, scratched, or otherwise dinged. I'm the same way with the 1911 I occasionally carry.

There's a place for guns you don't want getting crusty, and it's not in the holster. At least not every day. I assume everyone who carries has thought about that and made their own choice.
You're projecting.

I mostly carry a beat-up IDF BHP these days. I couldn't give a shit less if that thing gets dirty, scratched, or otherwise dinged. I'm the same way with the 1911 I occasionally carry.

There's a place for guns you don't want getting crusty, and it's not in the holster. At least not every day. I assume everyone who carries has thought about that and made their own choice.
Im not projecting anything. Let me put it this way I would have no qualms about putting 10,000 rounds through my DW specialist 1911... but I can tell you right now it would be getting cleaned probably three or four times as much as the Glock would in the same role. No matter how good they are I don't trust them when they're that crusty. Although I used to run my sig p series gund pretty crusty though back when I was in my non glock retard phase.

ETA: then again that's sort of a fun exception considering that a lot of the old school P series guns would make most other "metal" handguns look f****** embarrassing in comparison in terms of reliability. Those German folded slide P220s will make most 1911s look like pieces of f****** dog s*** in terms of reliability. I could feed those things garbage and they just didn't care the only gun that's even a near-peer of the P220 is the Glock 21....
WTF were you searching for when you stumbled upon that ???

Actually, don't tell me, I don't want to know.........
It was a huge meme video yrs ago. I just remembered idiots crying about milsurp abuse and it reminded me of the hug every cat lady..... 🤣
Who knew that all you had to do was replace "plastic" with "polymer" to make people feel great about it?
Montblanc calls the plastic in their pens "precious resin", or at least that's how it is translated. I've always suspected that in the original German marketing it had a slightly less ridiculous connotation, but still: we usually call that sort of thing "plastic".
Im not projecting anything. Let me put it this way I would have no qualms about putting 10,000 rounds through my DW specialist 1911... but I can tell you right now it would be getting cleaned probably three or four times as much as the Glock would in the same role. No matter how good they are I don't trust them when they're that crusty. Although I used to run my sig p series gund pretty crusty though back when I was in my non glock retard phase.

ETA: then again that's sort of a fun exception considering that a lot of the old school P series guns would make most other "metal" handguns look f****** embarrassing in comparison in terms of reliability. Those German folded slide P220s will make most 1911s look like pieces of f****** dog s*** in terms of reliability. I could feed those things garbage and they just didn't care the only gun that's even a near-peer of the P220 is the Glock 21....


I'm just puzzled why you're trying to die on some sort of hill here.

From the start, I said polymer was great for lots of people, just not for me. It's not some big crusade I'm on. I'm not advocating anything. I'm just noticing that the move to polymer is, y'know, a trend...

Honestly, I thought it was about the least debatable thing I've posted here in months. But I guess not.
Lights, lasers, optics being clamped onto everything has been a significant trend. Defeats the purpose of the micro-compacts when they have more bulk and weight in accessories than the gun itself.
The laser on my PM9 fits into the same pocket holster I was using before I got the laser. It adds hardly any bulk and doesn’t print anymore than without it. Now that I’m over 60, focusing on the front sight is hard, so I’ll take all the help I can get. Lasers aren’t perfect. — they can wash out in bright sunlight. But I’ll take all the help I can get.
It's called 'authentic patina'.
Back when I carried 1911s, they all got finish wear from my Kydex holsters. I never have understood why people get their knickers in a twist over holster wear, but whatever. To me, a worn gun is a gun that has been used.
Exactly and trying to explain it is f*cking stupid.

If a cop is examining your guns on the side of the road, you STFU and let a lawyer do the talking, you are not changing any minds or winning any arguments on the side of the road so let them take you away and get extremely frustrated when you dont incriminate yourself.

I know not talking is a weird concept for NES, you are all super smart and can talk your way out of anything, but you should try it.
Fukk all that, if Officer Goodboy has your preban mags on his hood giving them a lookover just pull out the Benjamin twins and they'll do all the talking for you.

I'm just puzzled why you're trying to die on some sort of hill here.

From the start, I said polymer was great for lots of people, just not for me. It's not some big crusade I'm on. I'm not advocating anything. I'm just noticing that the move to polymer is, y'know, a trend...

Honestly, I thought it was about the least debatable thing I've posted here in months. But I guess not.
No dying, just surprised that you were "surprised " at the trend. 🤣 could I live without plastic guns sure no problem but it's not too much of a shocker how the middle of the market ended up there.
I never understood why people would get so bent about converting milsurps it's not their f****** rifle anymore it belongs to the guy who converted it..... 🤣 especially not when it's a mostly forgettable rifle like a Mosin or some other dime a dozen Mauser bolt gun that probably would have been put through a band saw and thrown in a dumpster if not for gun collectors.

Like those people that got upset about Ray shooting the chopped mosin.... like they are the gun owner version of this lady...


But seriously if sporterized milsurps bothers them that much they should buy all the f****** milsurps nd put them in a museum somewhere or whatever so that nobody else can touch them otherwise they just need to shut the f****** and get a grip.

If I won the lottery I'll call you up and we'll start a channel on YouTube or whatever that's like whistling diesel except we basically f****** guns somehow to make idiots cry. I would also definitely have like a bonfire where we burn HK cardboard boxes as many of them as I can afford will be thrown into a bonfire and will force HK fanbois to watch it somehow. Also like all those old AKs that are still in styrofoam boxes or whatever I'm going to buy all those f****** guns and burn those boxes too and then we're going to shoot the piss out of those guns until like smoke comes out of the handguards. 🤣

Maybe even burn out a barrel on a flobert parlor rifle.... somehow.

I dont care one way or the other what people do with their milsurps, but if I want a sporter bolt action that has modern features, I'd just buy a Ruger American or Savage Axis.

And I'm tired of all the talk about steel quality and POI shift as the barrel heats up. If that were a problem with modern budget bolt rifles it would be well known and I don't believe the steel of 100 year old Russian pipe rifles is better than what's used today.
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