Can you legally walk down a street in MA with an unloaded rifle?

OK so no Sunday's (except range or private property) but is it OK to target shoot in the woods far enough away from any dwellings on Monday-Saturday? Anyone know what mass law says about target shooting?

As far as the state is concerned private property, no closer than 500 feet to an occupied dwelling in use unless written permission on the shooters person, not closer than 150 feet to a "highway" which can be interpreted as any cleared path used for travel by foot, horse, horseless carriage. Not over or upon said "highway"
Caution: there may be and several towns have "no discharge" by laws.
Keven: Whenever you are in the woods with a gun, there is a likelihood that you will be presumed to be hunting. Outside of hunting seasons, you may get unwanted attention from your shooting. During hunting season, you will piss of hunters!

As for by-laws check your town's website, or ask the Town Clerk.
Just buy a cheap case....If your hunting coyote pull out your permit along with a copy of the regs for hunting coyote. When it comes to police they might think hunting is only Nov to Dec .
Don't be afraid to do what's legal. If you do end up dealing with the police. Don't talk or move. ID yourself and have your permits/licenses at easy access. Like hanging around your neck.
Once they see your not breaking any laws ask if your being detained and are you free to go.
If they say yes carry on if they say no ......Don't speak another word until your lawyer is present. $15 online completely. wife took it and they shipped the certificate within a week or so. definitely beats waiting for an opening at a Mass class or going sixteen thousand week nights for 13 minutes a class.

Well all last week I been taking these online quizzes like 1 for all 10 chapters, then had to do an overview quiz, then once you pass all these you take the final exam, so today I pass it all and pay the $15, print out the my "Temp student card" and head off to Walmart to get my 2015 hunting license and guess what? They never asked to see any certificate and they give me my hunting permit.....LOL and all this fuss for Nill! But It was a good online class and I did learn a lot, so I am glad I did take it and I can at least prove I did take a class so all is good!

Now I can go and target shoot to make sure my gun is sighted in and hunt some rabbits or coyotes for the next few months.

Happy New Years!
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