Time to start watching muslims very closely in this country. I know I will be.

I think it's Time to start a new VFW group.

Veterans Family Watch, it's mission to train, equip and watch over the families of active duty personnel while they are serving.

Anyone here who is a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars might bring this up to their local commanders.

I'm going to as soon as I get to my next location.
If they are uninterested, I may pursue it as a separate entity.

I'm sure the VFW would object to the initials, so it may be SFW, for Soldier's Family Watch.
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"ISIS is calling for radicalized "lone wolves" in the United States to go to the homes of U.S. soldiers and "slaughter" military personnel."

I know this seems far fetched that it could have any significant impact on our military. But lets just say for a second it did. Who would our citizens and government turn to for help then?
They would turn to armed citizens like us. Why us you ask? Well, the local municipalities would still need their police forces to prevent civil unrest so we would be the only option to back up a potentially depleted US military. Yet the government wants to take our guns.

This is the exact reason I am keeping mine. I would say a majority of us own and are very familiar with the American AR platform and the enemies AK platform. So little to no training required there...yet they think we are the threat to our nation and communities.

I would put money on the armed civilian population getting a call if any of this happens in a large degree...

The movies Executive Decision(only more successful than in the movie) and Outbreak already came we wait for Red Dawn.
This reminds me of 9/11.

My father was in Britain when the planes struck. He had to watch the news in a pub in the country side. He got to talking to some locals.

As he was leaving, one of the Brits said to him "Watch out, terrorists are looking for Americans." My father's reply was priceless. He said "That's ok, Americans are looking for terrorists."
When there is a credible collective threat, there needs to be collective preemptive strikes. If the whole thing goes tribal here, the good people don't need to track them by LinkedIn or Facebook: mosques=target-rich environments.
Where? In MA? You meant to say you bet we'll see lots more people "asking" their Chief of Police if they can, y'know, "pretty please??" carry a gun.....(a gun that Martha approves of, that is.... ) [angry]


How do you identify them? I'm guessing they aren't all going to look like the guy in the picture of the article.

No, but it is a good starting point.

In the states where people are allowed to defend themselves anyway. I would be willing to bet when it hits the fan it's in NY, NJ, or CA.

I'd say MA will have them beat. Heck, it is where the 9/11 stuff came from, where the Marathon thing came from, just look around!

I bet we won't.

Agree here. Why would we see a lot more people carrying now? No one inside the US has been killed by ISIS. They're not only statistically insignificant they're statistic is currently zero.

I bet you're wrong. ;-)

Win, not yet. I said if they do, ...
So somebody tell me why our Pussy-n-Chief has not sent a team to England to put a bullet into this mother ****er's head?

Want to do the ISIS bucket challenge with me? I think it's like how many of them can we fit in a bucket... or something like that.
Want to do the ISIS bucket challenge with me? I think it's like how many of them can we fit in a bucket... or something like that.

Sounds good. I will bring the bucket.

Whats sick about this is that terrorism doesn't have to involve killings.... A family of an enlisted troop laying at night listening for noises for 5 days in a row after reading this news is terrorism..
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