Are you a GOAL member? Poll + free giveaway!

Are you a GOAL Member

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Update: Carl at FS said he and his staff would distribute GOAL apps to customers and MrsMagnum said she'd send me a bunch. I'll be bringing them down to FS as soon as I have them.
Unless you're cellphone is also blocked from work [wink] try calling and signing up . . . 508-393-5333. They can take care of it over the phone.

Thanks LenS.

I wanted my chances to be better, so I just called up and signed my fiance and myself up. Next is to get the check mailed out to go green here. [smile]
(damn my procrastination skills)

So needless to say, the numbers are now skewed and I can be taken out of the running.
I'm especially impressed and gratified by the folks who support GOAL and don't even live in the PRM. All the more reason for every gun owner in MA to support GOAL.

I can only imagine the uphill battle that GOAL faces in trying to deal with some of the attitudes so prevalent on Bacon Hill (spelling intentional). For the price of a couple of boxes of ammo a gun owner can at least have some influence with the Legislature.

I consider GOAL a wise investment in my rights and the rights of all lawful gun owners in this hellhole of a state. They deserve our help and support.
Not a GOAL member yet

Hi, Just voted. I've just recently gotten interested in firearms and found this site. I've perused the GOAL web site. While I'm not a member yet, I do plan on becoming one in the future. Please enter me in the drawing as well. Thanks!
No, not yet. I did contact them earlier this week with some questions, however, and the response I received was this:

"We don't share your address with anyone. And the only mail you will receive from us is our monthly newsletter, and occasional mailings such as election info and upcoming fundraisers. Honestly speaking, with the exception of the election info, we probably only send out 2 or 3 mailings out per year. You can also opt to be a "no pub" which means you would receive no mailings, including the monthly paper.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!


Very helpful.
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