another "wonderful" opinion piece


What doe s the NRA do with all of it's money? Hire lobbyists that support their membership AND the gun manufacturers!!

Hand guns have only one kill humans! Baseball bats are for baseball.

Anniegrl: Washington DC DID have strong gun laws, until the supreme court took away the city's right to regulate guns.

another idiot who likes to post.
In other words, the gun lobby has decided it is appropriate for juveniles to go armed to the teeth in public places despite overwhelming statistics that show that 18- to 20-year-olds are responsible for a disproportionate amount of the gun violence.
How can someone right this and not see what they are saying? if there is currently laws restricting 18-20yo from firearm ownership how can they be responsible for a disproportionate amount of the gun crime
Well said.

Thank you. Although sometimes it feels like I'm talking to a wall...

In Jerusalem, a female CNN journalist heard about a very old Jewish man who had been going to the Wailing Wall to pray, twice a day, everyday, for a very long time. So she went to the Wailing Wall to check it out, and..........there he was. She watched him pray and after about 45 minutes, when he turned to leave, she approached him for an interview.

"I'm Rebecca Smith from CNN. Sir, how long have you been coming to the Wall and praying?"

"For about 60 years".

"60 years! That's amazing! What do you pray for?"

"I pray for peace between the Christians, Jews and the Muslims. I pray for all the hatred to stop and I pray for all our children to grow up in safety and friendship."

"Sir, how do you feel after doing this for 60 years?"

"Like I'm talking to a f***ing wall."
I love threads like that one. Someone will post about how at 18 you can join the military and die in some god forsaken country for mom and apple pie, so why oh why can't those young men and women carry a fire arm for self defense. And those piece of crap liberals won't even comment on it. They won't look at it. And you know why, it's because deep in their hearts they are just a bunch of F'ing cowards who know they are full of crap.
Some surprisingly good comments there. I like this one:

Good grief, what a collection of misleading statements and outright lies. I don't even know where to start.

How about with the two fine youths who committed the assault in the first place. Apparently Dan is upset because they used guns in their attack. Dan, would it have been somehow more acceptable to you if those two teenagers were beaten to death, or stabbed? You WERE aware that murder and assault were illegal, no matter WHAT the weapon used is, right?

How about 'the NRA, which represents gun manufacturers and sellers'? Dan, this one is an outright lie - the National Rifle Association represents the four million gun OWNERS who've joined it. Not manufacturers, not gun stores. They represent people like ME. (disclosure: yes, I'm a gun owner. I carry a gun every day and have for many years. No, I'm not a cop or a security guard, just a law-abiding citizen.)

About the only thing that's got any ring of truth in your screed, Dan, is your last paragraph - when communities have had enough, they'll be pressuring the courts to keep these young hooligans where they belong - behind bars.

And I have to wonder about the parents of those young thugs - where the heck were they when their kids were learning that assault and murder were acceptable? I think that the parents are MUCH more to blame than the guns. Tell me, Dan... do you call for knife control when you read about a stabbing? How about a law against those dangerous assault baseball bats made out of aluminum. No law abiding baseball player NEEDS an aluminum bat, anyway!

See how ridiculous it is to blame the weapon? No gun made can pull it's trigger by itself - for that it needs a human.

I won't even start on poor Dan about how he obviously wants to have 80 year old grandmothers take on street thugs in a fair fist fight... which is the obvious end to gun control: making sure that the strong can prey on the weak, old and infirm by denying them the use of the only weapon that can even up the odds. I'm sure that Geneva Sozanski is happy that she didn't have a gun when she was assaulted a few weeks ago! Why, her attacker might have gotten hurt or something if she'd been armed!

Blame the thugs, Dan... not the inanimate objects that they use in their murderous attacks.
Some surprisingly good comments there. I like this one:

Thank you. That's me.
I'll have to finish reading that later. I made it to:

"In other words, the gun lobby has decided it is appropriate for juveniles to go armed to the teeth in public places despite overwhelming statistics that show that 18- to 20-year-olds are responsible for a disproportionate amount of the gun violence."

I couldn't get past it. Ignorance and sheer stupidity are everywhere. When did 18-20 year olds become "juveniles"? once you turn 18, you can vote, be drafted, join the armed forces without your parents approval, enter into binding contracts, etc etc. Last I checked, that was the age of majority in most if not all aspects (except for gun laws, which we all agree are screwed up to begin with, and in desperate need of correction on numerous fronts)

And the "gun lobby" (A.K.A. anyone that believes in the seconds amendment, and bill of rights as it is written and not how some scared sheep interprets it) thinks its "appropriate"? If the country does not think its appropriate for 18-20 year olds to be "armed to the teeth" (sounds like the "juveniles" needs some knives, grenades, Colbra gunships...ah hell dress 'em up and make 'em look like Rambo...) then let them recall the army, kick out anyone that is in that age range, and see where we stand...

I’ve reached my B.S. Quota for the week, and its only Tuesday. [banghead][angry]
There should be a retraction of this propaganda. While barely coherent because it is based on false statements, it shows how many idiots are out there.
How are 18-20 year olds Juveniles?

The liberal media has been classifying them as "kids" for ages, every time they write a story about how many "kids" die each year due to gun violence. This pumps their numbers way up to make it look like a much bigger problem among "kids" than it really is.
If the cutoff age was 17, the numbers would plummet, and they can't have that.
Good job, Ross!

I also liked this comment:

2 hours ago

Shameonyou, people who use guns to commit crimes rarely posses them legally.
The fact of the matter is that communities with the most strict gun laws have the highest crime rates. Period 'End of story'. Gun control is about as effective as the War on Drugs.

Wake up. The people who use guns to commit rapes, robberies and murder did not go to the local police department and apply for a permit, undergo a background check and a safety course. Strict gun laws just prevent their victims from defending themselves.

For me, what it boils down to is, are you willing to allow the government to take sole responsibility for protecting you and your family? If so, excercise your right not to own a firearm. Good luck. But don't impose that risk on me.

Did you see any of the news reports about the 42 year old woman in N.H. that was hacked to death in her own bed, while her 11 year old daughter watched, then was brutally attacked? Or the family in Conn. that was murdered in their home after being raped and held hostage? These things happen everyday in the U.S.

If you don't like guns fine, don't buy one. But like the song says, 'Out here our houses are protected by the good Lord and a gun, and you might meet em both if you show up here unwelcome son'

I was an Infantry Marine right out of high school. My Dad was a Marine in WW2 and members of my family first donned uniforms before the country had won Independence. My Dad tuaght me to shoot when I was seven, and I would appreciate it if people who think they know whats best for me, did not try to take away a right that my family has fought to defend for more than 200 years.

There is a reason that the Founding Fathers made the Right to Bear Arms second only to the Right to Free Speech, and while I will not try to step on your first ammendment rights, I don't want you to step on my second ammendment rights.

And just incase you were unaware, the gun laws in Mexico are as strict as Australia's.I will buy you a ticket to either one.
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