Another victory for gun control

The problem is clearly with shoes. It's demonstrably harder to kick someone to death with bare feet. Expect some legislation on this soon.
if they just made certain that all British citizens had a bucket of KFC and a brick on them at all times they would easily be able to dissuade any provocation or attack.

My sister is over there right now with her fiance. I hope she remembered to pack some biscuits and coleslaw...
The gun law issue tanscends statistics on both sides. If homocides went down after the ban, I doubt we'd be on the list saying "guess they were right". People on this list would be explaining why the ban was not the cause of the decrease, just as the interdictionists are now able to offer the opinion as to why the ban is not the cause.

For those not in the middle, the gun control issue is more about the philosophy of what the relationship should be between the government and the people than a reasoned analysis of the public safety implications of policy.
Rob Boudrie said:
The gun law issue tanscends statistics on both sides. If homocides went down after the ban,

That would be an interesting debate IF homicides ever went down after a ban. Which they haven't. I think Australia has had a similar rise in assaults after their ban.

Yeah they're doing so much better than us trigger-happy barbarians.

Brings to mind the saying I've heard. "A Conservative is a liberal who's been mugged."

The sheltered elected officals talk all about how progressive and civilized, and how America looks like any major scene from "Escape from New York".

While the people under them when accosted by a denizen of the underworld they are required by law to die politely. [rolleyes]

Of coruse they wouldn't defend themselves anyway, since they've all be drinking poison kool-aide for the last 50+ years and they imagine guns simply to be evil beasts that eat babies, and "just go off".

Oh well, maybe we can buy thier land fer cheap when it collapses. I'm sick of paying import taxes when buying scotch!


-Weer'd Beard
As Orrin Hatch wrote in a report about gun control and the history of the second amendment from the SUBCOMMITTEE ON THE CONSTITUTION to the COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY in 1982.

“If gun laws in fact worked, the sponsors of this type of legislation should have no difficulty drawing upon long lists of examples of criminal acts reduced by such legislation. That they cannot do so after a century and a half of trying -- That they must sweep under the rug the southern attempts at gun control in the 1870-1910 period, the northeastern attempts in the 1920-1939 period, the attempts at both Federal and State levels in 1965-1976 -- establishes the repeated, complete and inevitable failure of gun laws to control serious crime. “

Surely, if any such measures actually worked ANYWHERE in the world in the 400+ years that firearms have existed, the Anti-gun crowd would let us know.

It hasn't, and they can't. At no time in history has the act of writing words on paper EVER controled crime. It is only by the actions taken against criminals that has done any good. Words may help explain intent and provide instruction, but unless there is action by men of good character, the words are meaningless.

Imagine of the Declaration of Independance was sent and then all the colonists simply stepped aside and allowed the British to confiscate their arms.

Imagine if you passed a law forbiding murder and then never bothered to arrest the murderers.

This is the problem with crime today. We have all the laws we need - I argue that we have far too many. The part that is missing is the part where you take the law breaker and remove them from society.

Do you really think that the murders in Boston are being committed by people who up to that point had no legal issues, or history of violence? And yet, the Mayor allows these animals to roam his streets. If they released known man eating tigers or hungry Pythons into the streets don't you think there would be an uproar from the public? And yet, violent criminals are being released from prison in large numbers.

Meanwhile the anti-gun crowd pushes the idea that if we just write some more words on some more paper, everything will be rosey. The sad part is that so many idiots buy it.
Pilgrim said:
Or imagine if you passed a law forbiding illegal immigration and then never bothered to arrest the illegals. [rolleyes] [rolleyes]

I wonder why anybody obeys any laws at all any more. This goes for everything from speed limits to stop signs to whatever. The police will pull over whoever they want and find a reason later anyhow.[rolleyes] [rolleyes] [rolleyes]
Coyote33 said:
I wonder why anybody obeys any laws at all any more. This goes for everything from speed limits to stop signs to whatever. The police will pull over whoever they want and find a reason later anyhow.[rolleyes] [rolleyes] [rolleyes]

Soap box time...

Ya know, not to pick specifically on you Coyote, but I'm getting a bit sick and tired of the cop bashing. Not all cops are a-holes. I know quite a few, as well as a couple on this forum, and I'm sure they've had it up to their adam's apple everytime they read something like this.

Getting off box now.

Lynne said:
Soap box time...

Ya know, not to pick specifically on you Coyote, but I'm getting a bit sick and tired of the cop bashing. Not all cops are a-holes. I know quite a few, as well as a couple on this forum, and I'm sure they've had it up to their adam's apple everytime they read something like this.

Getting off box now.


I agree, and that wasn't bashing cops. There are some good ones here, and I know quite a few outside of here. If you only knew.

Anyhow, the cops are doing their job, the point is that people aren't obeying laws and the courts aren't punishing them. I guess I didn't say that clearly enough above. Thanks for letting me clear that up. (Repeat: It isn't the police's fault.)
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