Zombie load out- what would you take?

You guys are all idiots. I'm bringing the only thing needed.



[smile] i want
I've played left 4 dead enough to know there will be plenty of things lying around to kill the zombie horde with that I won't need to load out anything

Well said sir, im sure those 300+ hours with that game will come in handy one day. Keep your eyes open for tanks and smokers though

all that time in front of the tv makes you like nice tasty mushy veal patties to the zombies.

You guys obviously haven't met The Bog. He led a survival hike this past December in Yellowknife (Way northern Canada). He'd start off the day with a 20 mile run before breakfast. I tried to go with him one morning and lost him after five miles. I turned around and by the time I got back to the camp I found him eating enough breakfast for 10 guys. Oh, he was wearing his full pack during the run. He makes Rambo look like a cub scout.

Arn, I just KNEW you would win the competition...


You guys are all idiots. I'm bringing the only thing needed.



Sorry pal. Bob wins. And now I have to waste the afternoon investigating the picture's source web site and the website referenced in the caption.
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In one of the more recent similar threads we had, someone mentioned that their SHTF loadout was a handgun, one cartridge, a pen and a pad.

I think, for zombie hordes, that'll be my choice as well.
I use the word Zombie as shorthand for some as yet unknown threat. Might be economic collapse, pandemic, race wars sparked by Trayvon Sharpton or actual, real zombies.

If I have to be mobile on foot: food, water, a .22 rifle and a few thousand rounds of ammunition. On the theory that I can only carry so much and killing squirrels with a .22 might be more important than hunting beans. Human beans.

If I have to be mobile in a vehicle: more food, more water, a .22 rifle, a Mosin, a .308 rifle and a glovebox full of pistols and revolvers, plus as much ammunition as the vehicle will carry. On the same theory as before, but the Mosin and or HK will make a better bean hunting rifle.

Oh, and a bottle of Jack [laugh] On the theory that sometimes you just have to say eff it, and get drunk.
Here in MA are they pre-ban or post-ban zombies,and are they on the AG list.
Wow. That zombie is sportin wood. I didn't think they could do that.

In the thread elsewhere on NES, discussing the recent change to Egyptian law allowing husbands to have sex with their deceased wives, one NES'er claimed that male corpses, er, members, become stiff enough for... well, stiff enough and let's leave it at that.

I'm sure that's all this is in the picture.
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