WTKK making me mad

May 1, 2005
Marblehead , PRM.
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I just drove down to the store. The car radio set to TKK , has this Jimmy guy whose been filling in all over the place is taking callers and discussing NH gun laws and Bostons murder.

What I learned in 3 minutes :

A: You white crack heads in NH are selling your guns in Southie,Dorchester & Roxbury to helpless black kids who need them because they live in shite neighborhoods full of guns. Then getting paid off by your insurance companies for more crack.

B: Illegal guns are the fault of the people who sell them to would be murderers who are really the victims.

C. If there were no "availability" things would be better.

D: This guys callers all sound shitfaced.
I've been listening myself.

This guy (the host) is a prime example of myopic frustration, ignorance and misinformation.

He doesn't have a clue about what he's talking (ranting) about and is nothing but a rambling shit stirrer. He's also a racist, as much as he tries not to portray himself as one.

What I have learned from over four decades of listening to people who talk about guns is......the moment they start stuttering and stammering over their words, that is the tip off that they don't know the first thing about what they are talking about. Who ever that host was is a prime example.

He cannot stay on point because he doesn't have a valid point.

He doesn't accept any of the answers from callers because he has an agenda (which he is pushing hard) and his agenda is unobtainable and invalid when it comes to being the solution to his perceived problem in his "hood".

If all the guns in that area magically disappeared, they'd find another way to inflict harm and injury on their victims.....just like in the UK where they're trying to outlaw pointy knives.[rolleyes]
I've been listening myself.

This guy (the host) is a prime example of myopic frustration, ignorance and misinformation.

He doesn't have a clue about what he's talking (ranting) about and is nothing but a rambling shit stirrer. He's also a racist, as much as he tries not to portray himself as one.
I didn't realize The O'Reilly Factor was on radio now? [laugh]
Last night he had Duvall Patrick on for an hour of worship and together-we-can chanting. I did not listen for more than a few minutes .... I can't take it.

My email is acting up w/ outbound but i tried to tell the marketinmg director that their advertisers are not getting the message to me because I can't listen to the guy.

He promises another full show on gun control. In a way it's Severins fault , Mr Special's vacation has brought this POS to the airwaves.
He promises another full show on gun control. In a way it's Severins fault , Mr Special's vacation has brought this POS to the airwaves.
Up until this post I was unaware that you were talking about the replacement for Jay Severin. His first name is Mike and he is usually on after Jay's show. When I listened to him I thought he was just trying to get a reaction from his listeners. How can anyone claim to be a "conservative" and come up with some of the stuff he does is beyond me. I tried calling him once and the screeners must of known I was going to put him in his place because they hung up on me.[rofl]
It's not Michael Graham, he is filling in at 3PM for Jay. The guy at Graham's usual time is Jimmy Myers, the former weekend sports reporter on Ch 4 in Boston several years ago. He was a brain dead sports reoprter then, and he seems to have branched out and become a brain dead talk show fill in.
Last night he had Duvall Patrick on for an hour of worship and together-we-can chanting. I did not listen for more than a few minutes .... I can't take it.

Yeah, I threw up into my mouth. Jimmy Myers is a typical liberal. His gun control "arguments" were idiotic: "We need more laws because criminals keep breaking the ones we have now."
It's not Michael Graham, he is filling in at 3PM for Jay. The guy at Graham's usual time is Jimmy Myers, the former weekend sports reporter on Ch 4 in Boston several years ago. He was a brain dead sports reoprter then, and he seems to have branched out and become a brain dead talk show fill in.
Thanks for the correction. Haven't heard Jimmy Myers. I shut the radio off after about a half an hour of Michael.
Graham may be irritating to some , but he is having fun and clearly a conservative. I find him less annoying than Jay Severin. I learned a hell of a lot about the reality of politics listening to Severin - but lately he is boring or tedious - to me at least.

Jimmy Myers , however , is a black racist who doesn't have the radio skills to be a pro. He stutters , has no coherency , doesn't finish his sentances ... Oh , yeah : He's also a gun-banning-Blame-Whitey-Democrat-Gov.Patrick asskisser.

Makes me wish Severin would finish his damn vacation and get back to work.
Graham may be irritating to some , but he is having fun and clearly a conservative. I find him less annoying than Jay Severin. I learned a hell of a lot about the reality of politics listening to Severin - but lately he is boring or tedious - to me at least.

Jimmy Myers , however , is a black racist who doesn't have the radio skills to be a pro. He stutters , has no coherency , doesn't finish his sentances ... Oh , yeah : He's also a gun-banning-Blame-Whitey-Democrat-Gov.Patrick asskisser.

Makes me wish Severin would finish his damn vacation and get back to work.

I agree with almost all of what you said, except when Jay is on vacation Graham fills his spot, which I enjoy. But I came home late from work tonight and Myers was on instead of Graham. What nut bag... but he won't be around for long. New schedule next week and it doesn't includ him. Graham will be on in the mornings now [thinking].
Yeah I heard about the new schedule today. I was a little vague about Graham. I think he is the best they have right now. He lacks Severin's arrogance , has an equal or better resume , is less of an elitist and can make me laugh.

I think it would be a better day to hang out with Graham than Jay. Somehow I think Severin would correct my English and want to spent 75 bucks on lunch.

But ... Mornings ? mistake. Perhaps he'll wake up a few of Barnacle's old school " I'm a Democrat because my grandfather was ", type of people.
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