Wow, this ex-cop has really gone crazy

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One thing I didn't notice before. There appears to be three shotgun shells on the ground next to the squad car. That would help explain the spread of shots. It doesn't explain why they shot a blue tundra when they were looking for a silver titan. Or why they shot two women instead of a big black man. Or why they even shot at all(unless the truck was backing up at them which I doubt it was).

Officers Ned and Jimbo.

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Take a closer look deep down inside your head. Killing people who have done you wrong in the past.... This guy is living everybody's wet dream.
This is why snipers are so important on the battlefield. It's not that they kill a lot of people (Some ecxeptions). It's the fear they spread. The psychological effect. No cop in LA can do his job without looking over his shoulder, right now. They use a lot of ressources just to protect their own and their families. At some point, some officers will just stop going to work because they give their famillie's security priority to their duty.
It was about time that someone humbles the cops a little. I don't condone the deaths of the civillians, but from a guerilla point of view, he does the right thing. Hit soft targets, and run. Discourage the ennemy, stay on the move, hit as hard as you can. Keep people that are not involved out of it, so you may get some help and support at some point. Distract the guys on your tracks, by dropping bullshit clues, and cost them as much money and ressources as possible. Textbook guerilla warfare.
Take a closer look deep down inside your head. Killing people who have done you wrong in the past.... This guy is living everybody's wet dream.
This is why snipers are so important on the battlefield. It's not that they kill a lot of people (Some ecxeptions). It's the fear they spread. The psychological effect. No cop in LA can do his job without looking over his shoulder, right now. They use a lot of ressources just to protect their own and their families. At some point, some officers will just stop going to work because they give their famillie's security priority to their duty.
It was about time that someone humbles the cops a little. I don't condone the deaths of the civillians, but from a guerilla point of view, he does the right thing. Hit soft targets, and run. Discourage the ennemy, stay on the move, hit as hard as you can. Keep people that are not involved out of it, so you may get some help and support at some point. Distract the guys on your tracks, by dropping bullshit clues, and cost them as much money and ressources as possible. Textbook guerilla warfare.

I think he was in the Army. Well, the Army has a guerrilla warfare manual [rofl]. Maybe he is following it.
...No cop in LA can do his job without looking over his shoulder, right now. They use a lot of ressources just to protect their own and their families. At some point, some officers will just stop going to work because they give their famillie's security priority to their duty....

He sure knows how to spread fear:

From CNN today: 'Also, all motorcycle officers were taken off the street and put in patrol cars Thursday for their own protection, Los Angeles Police said.'
I think he was in the Army. Well, the Army has a guerrilla warfare manual [rofl]. Maybe he is following it.
He was Navy. I think Navy intelligence (according to his manifesto, he had highest clearance).
Also, I forget to write that the biggest threat right now for LAPD is copycats. Anyone who has a beef with the cops might just go out and settle scores, and blame it on him. Fear is a MIGHTY weapon.
For all those cop bashers out there. "should through (sic) them in jail" and "I'm trained probably more that they were!". Quarterbacking this event from you (sic) keyboard must me (sic) tough. Oh wait you went through that "3 day shoot and survival school" so I guess they should have called you when the SHTF.
Easy now !!
So fill us in on why their actions are at all correct, or even defensible?

Two innocent bystanders were caught up Thursday in the search for Dorner. At 5:15 a.m., LAPD officers had a report of a pickup truck matching the description of Dorner's driving with its lights off in Torrance, near one of the primary protection targets.

Officers spotted the truck and fired on the vehicle hitting the people inside, who turned out to be female newspaper carriers. Both were transported to hospital. One has a minor gunshot wound and is being released. The second had two gunshot wounds and is in stable condition.
i dont think they are going to catch this guy anytime soon. think about it, he has probably been preparing since he got fired in 2008. im sure he has shelter, food, weapons, disguises, maybe a few vehicles and enough cash to stay off the grid for a while. he could be anywhere. in the end, the police arent going to find him, he is going to seek them, then there will be a shoot out where some cops will die but so will he.
i dont think they are going to catch this guy anytime soon. think about it, he has probably been preparing since he got fired in 2008. im sure he has shelter, food, weapons, disguises, maybe a few vehicles and enough cash to stay off the grid for a while. he could be anywhere. in the end, the police arent going to find him, he is going to seek them, then there will be a shoot out where some cops will die but so will he.

Oh, yeah, looks like he'll blend right in....
Let me get this straight. We're supposed to believe that a one-man war against the entire LAPD is cowardly, whereas those armed and armored SWAT teams that break in without warning and not infrequently shoot pets and unarmed people are courageous? Christopher Dorner may be foolish. He may be evil. He may be in the wrong. But the one thing he quite clearly is not is "cowardly". What on Earth is such a stupid and obviously false declaration supposed to do, dissuade anyone tempted to follow Dorner's example?

These are indeed Orwellian times. It's rather like reading Robin Hood and being expected to cheer for the Sheriff of Nottingham. Here is a hint for the police: if you're wearing black armor, killing innocent animals, lying about your actions, and on top of it all, you outnumber the other guy several thousand to one, you're the bad guy.

Vox Popoli: Of courage and cowardice
I guess the real question is:

Is this guy nuts, or did the establishment really push him to the point where he saw no other option?

With the reputation LA has, I can believe the latter.

No matter what, the truth will be buried. The very fact that the police are opening fire like they are seems to indicate they don't want a defendant.
Take a closer look deep down inside your head. Killing people who have done you wrong in the past.... This guy is living everybody's wet dream.
This is why snipers are so important on the battlefield. It's not that they kill a lot of people (Some ecxeptions). It's the fear they spread. The psychological effect. No cop in LA can do his job without looking over his shoulder, right now. They use a lot of ressources just to protect their own and their families. At some point, some officers will just stop going to work because they give their famillie's security priority to their duty.
It was about time that someone humbles the cops a little. I don't condone the deaths of the civillians, but from a guerilla point of view, he does the right thing. Hit soft targets, and run. Discourage the ennemy, stay on the move, hit as hard as you can. Keep people that are not involved out of it, so you may get some help and support at some point. Distract the guys on your tracks, by dropping bullshit clues, and cost them as much money and ressources as possible. Textbook guerilla warfare.

As much as I disagree with most of the garbage that comes out of your pie hole, you are on the money on this one.
what's the over/under on innocent victims shot by cops chasing this guy??

More or less than the number of innocents shot in Empire State building NYPD shooting ??
That would be "throw", btw.

If I did what they did, shoot two unarmed women who were posing no threat to them or anyone else, yes, I would be in jail. I would have been arrested, cuffed and stuffed, fingerprinted, photographed, and held in jail until arraignment.

The officers involved should get the very same treatment. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

That isn't cop bashing. That is simple fairness.

But they won't. Thus re-inforcing Dorner's whole argument.
Very interesting thread. I think most posters have good points. Personally, I just want to see how long he lasts with the whole LAPD after him.
If it's true that he's got a .50 ......did they ground the helo's too?
Whether he has it with him or not, the fact it MAY be in his possession is enough to cause many wet britches. If he does annihilate someone or something with it, that will cause many to rethink their priorities of the day.
I'm not a CA taxpayer, obviously.

But all of this shit - the proposed gun bans, this manhunt, the abusive cops, Deval forbidding me from driving in three inches of snow, David Linsky feeding his hatred of some bully back in grade's being done on my (our) ****ing dime...


rant off
As much as I disagree with most of the garbage that comes out of your pie hole, you are on the money on this one.
I'm on the money more often then not.
You might be blind enough not to see it, but I usually don't comment on things I know nothing about, unlike you, my little friend.
If I was Dorner right now, I'd change my MO. I'd take out people that nobody likes. Like the Westboro clowns. That would get you a better image, and probably some sympathy and support from the population. Then, get back at taking out my primary targets.
Again, I do not condone the murder of INNOCENTS. But he does, and that's what matters. The cops will (have to) start some counterintelligence of some sort. Make him look bad, make him look crazy. From now on, I will stop believing anything in the media/press that is supposed to make him look like a nutjob, because I really believe he isn't one. And for all the "let's start a revolution" guys out there, take a close look at how things are going to unravel from here, becasue that is exactly what you'd get if you'd start your little freedom fight. Just shut up, listen and learn. This knowledge may come in handy one day. Think about it.
So tell me why "only the police and military should have guns" again?

To defend the thin blue line, of course they should have to leave their guns at work so blue line traitors can be dealt with without these embarrassing shenanigans.[rolleyes]
I am sorry for the innocents this guy killed. That makes him the bad guy , however this turns out - which will be a dead bad guy unless he turns himself in to county or State Police.

From a spectators viewpoint. It makes me wonder about gun control , pissed off citizens and , the second round of Obama's gun buying spree , and the D.C. Sniper.

I sure hope there aren't any organized groups of people like this guy. I think a dozen angry men would really wreck the big city police' day. Or a dozen groups of a dozen. Or a few thousand lone wolf style copycats.
From a spectators viewpoint. It makes me wonder about gun control , pissed off citizens and , the second round of Obama's gun buying spree , and the D.C. Sniper.

Could you clarify that statement? I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
I sure hope there aren't any organized groups of people like this guy. I think a dozen angry men would really wreck the big city police' day. Or a dozen groups of a dozen. Or a few thousand lone wolf style copycats.
This might even serve our 2 A cause to a certain degree. IF the big PDs actually have this "we VS them" mindset, then this lonely shooter will make them think twice if they really want to waiste a thought on house to house confiscations. After all, what he does can be done with a .243 bolt action as well. It's the lonely guy with some determination that will be the biggest problem. Remember, in this case, the cops already know who they are dealing with. In the case of a revolution type scenario, they'd have to first identify the shooter, before they can even think about going after him. Now, take this and multiply it by 20. What do you have? CHAOS. And that's the lesson for the police right there.
Are you kidding? Of course he is dead. He accepted that a long time ago, and that is what makes him dangerous and awesome. Read the story from yesterday apparently he was stopped by the pd and drove off and escaped. The only way I see that as possible is if the cops didn't call in backup/air assets to avoid bringing in the media. Pretty obvious there is a shoot on site order for this guy, not that that is unAmerican or anything.*sigh*
I am sorry for the innocents this guy killed. That makes him the bad guy , however this turns out - which will be a dead bad guy unless he turns himself in to county or State Police.

From a spectators viewpoint. It makes me wonder about gun control , pissed off citizens and , the second round of Obama's gun buying spree , and the D.C. Sniper.

I sure hope there aren't any organized groups of people like this guy. I think a dozen angry men would really wreck the big city police' day. Or a dozen groups of a dozen. Or a few thousand lone wolf style copycats.
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