Worcester buy back program

I junked 4 crappppy rusty boat anchors of rifles and walked out with gift cards, the only problem its to a over hyped market for people that drive hybrids and like to pay more for food. No deals there and you have to fight to get down isles.
I junked 4 crappppy rusty boat anchors of rifles and walked out with gift cards, the only problem its to a over hyped market for people that drive hybrids and like to pay more for food. No deals there and you have to fight to get down isles.

But the pie is really good from their bakery

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You suck and you're a F'ing traitor if you support or participate in government gun buy programs.

You are not at all part of the "gun culture" and you are furthuring the agenda of very same people who will eventually kill you to take your guns. If you support or participate in any government gun buy program, you are not my ally nor my fellow American, you are my enemy and I wish all the ill will this world can muster against you.
You suck and you're a F'ing traitor if you support or participate in government gun buy programs.

You are not at all part of the "gun culture" and you are furthuring the agenda of very same people who will eventually kill you to take your guns. If you support or participate in any government gun buy program, you are not my ally nor my fellow American, you are my enemy and I wish all the ill will this world can muster against you.
All the guy did was sell some rifles. Who cares who the buyer is? It's not like he had them confiscated.
You suck and you're a F'ing traitor if you support or participate in government gun buy programs.

You are not at all part of the "gun culture" and you are furthuring the agenda of very same people who will eventually kill you to take your guns. If you support or participate in any government gun buy program, you are not my ally nor my fellow American, you are my enemy and I wish all the ill will this world can muster against you.

[h=3]blow·hard/ˈblōˌhärd/[/h]Noun: A person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant way.

Not your fellow American? Oh goodness.
3 out of 4 gun were broke and un-fixable and the 4th was covered in heavy rust inside and out. why not get something for them, my alternative was to cut them up with my torch and scrap them. i think we know who will be the next person we see on tv, barricaded up in their trailer in 4 day old underwear and a tinfoil helmet clutching a rifle and huffing spray paint.
You completely miss the entire point.

When you participate in shit like that, you validate their agenda. They is the government that busts your balls every single day with new laws and regulations to Phuck you over every step of the way with regards to guns.

Cutting them up would have been a small price to pay and you would have denied them any benefit of their actions. You are myopic and selfish and you sold your liberty for a pittance.

The price you ended up paying by participating in such foolishness will come around in time to haunt you.
All the guy did was sell some rifles. Who cares who the buyer is? It's not like he had them confiscated.

Not really. By participating in this crap, he helped give it legitimacy. F them, the whole premise of a gun 'buyback' is an absolute fvcking joke. I'd rather cut up and scrap a rifle than spend that gift card.
3 out of 4 gun were broke and un-fixable and the 4th was covered in heavy rust inside and out. why not get something for them, my alternative was to cut them up with my torch and scrap them. i think we know who will be the next person we see on tv, barricaded up in their trailer in 4 day old underwear and a tinfoil helmet clutching a rifle and huffing spray paint.

Fat f'ing chance. You're as delusional as the rest of the sheep in Mass.

If and when that ever does happen, pay very close attention, because you helped cause it and YOU will be next on their list.
Stop the insanty,[slap] stop this thread......[banghead]

Why? Its just getting good! There's no insanity here, its all matter of fact. When you support your enemies, you encourage them to continue their course against you.

I refuse to do that and loathe people who do.
Nice to see they didn't get as many guns as last year F'em.

As far as getting rid of junk guns stick them on gunbroker they will sell for somthing!
let me be more clear they were junk junk junk 2 of them i wouldn't ever let anyone fire them ever..1 that was missing parts that exceeded the value of the gun (75 dollars 10 yrs ago and i overpaid then by 70) and 1 that looked like i pulled it out of the titanic. in perfect condition nib they were $100 rifles. im sorry you feel like i armed a militia that is out to get you and your guns but trust me unless they push a 22 into the rifle and then whack the casing with a hammer and nail set or center punch i don't think my rifles will be used to disarm you.
let me be more clear they were junk junk junk 2 of them i wouldn't ever let anyone fire them ever..1 that was missing parts that exceeded the value of the gun (75 dollars 10 yrs ago and i overpaid then by 70) and 1 that looked like i pulled it out of the titanic. in perfect condition nib they were $100 rifles. im sorry you feel like i armed a militia that is out to get you and your guns but trust me unless they push a 22 into the rifle and then whack the casing with a hammer and nail set or center punch i don't think my rifles will be used to disarm you.

Your missing the point
let me be more clear they were junk junk junk 2 of them i wouldn't ever let anyone fire them ever..1 that was missing parts that exceeded the value of the gun (75 dollars 10 yrs ago and i overpaid then by 70) and 1 that looked like i pulled it out of the titanic. in perfect condition nib they were $100 rifles. im sorry you feel like i armed a militia that is out to get you and your guns but trust me unless they push a 22 into the rifle and then whack the casing with a hammer and nail set or center punch i don't think my rifles will be used to disarm you.

What we are saying is they will have these gun buy backs as long as they get guns. And it also implies that some of us are willing to give up are guns broken or not. If they stood out their all day and got 3 guns the program would disappear over time due to failure. THE GUN BUY BACKS ARE ANTI- GUN
You suck and you're a F'ing traitor if you support or participate in government gun buy programs.

You are not at all part of the "gun culture" and you are furthuring the agenda of very same people who will eventually kill you to take your guns. If you support or participate in any government gun buy program, you are not my ally nor my fellow American, you are my enemy and I wish all the ill will this world can muster against you.

Another armchair patriot speaks. I might agree with your sentiment, but not your rhetoric. Our job is to educate the noobs, not turn them against us.

Great job of turning me off, bucko...in the future think before you write...

I think that we should always remember what Samuel Johnson said: "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" and people who come across the most extreme frequently are the first to fold.

Lighten up Francis ! Educate, enlighten...I am ashamed for you, very ashamed...you give all of us green members a bad name when you go for the throat.

You are one angry dude...and full of yourself when you are behind a computer screen on this one...

In the context of my over six decades of living I have found that frequently, the bigger the talk, the smaller the man...jus' sayin'

Thanks for hijacking this thread.
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FTR- I agree with Finalygotabeltfed's assessment.

I think it might have a lot to do with the terminology of such programs, though. "Buy back" suggests that they're paying me for something I got from them in the first place. As in suggesting that I can carry firearms only through the "by your leave" of the elected officials that view themselves as my betters.

I mean if some dude, group, whatever, came up and offered "Gift cards for Old, Crappy Guns," without a political agenda, then who cares? I traded a pistol for a bunch of wood working tools when I first bought my house. Right thing to do at the time. No agenda involved. If advertised in the paper, I might consider that kind of thing again given that I've got a bunch of junk I never touch hanging around.

Supporting or taking part in a "buy back" program has moral and political implications that simply aren't compatible with a free man's mindset.

So even if he was a little blunt, Finalygotabeltfed is correct.

This is the salient point of the whole thing.

Furthering the myth that Americans only own their guns by the good will of the king's hand is precisely what we (as Patriots) should be railing against. Do a few rusty guns make up a tin of piss in the grand scheme of things? No - but neither does fifty bucks. Keeping every ounce of legitimacy away from anti-gun events like this is more important.

If Dunkin' Donuts became a substantial contributor to the Brady Campaign, how many of us would stop patronizing them? Quite a few, I'd wager. And we'd be right to do it. Would that shatter their sales numbers and crush the company? No - but we'd be sleeping easier and doing the Right Thing. Keeping the attendance numbers down at these events by not giving in to the temptation to score a few bucks for junk guns is in the same ballpark. Nobody's looking, but you've got to do the Right Thing anyway.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Timber again.
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