Wife not onboard with AR build...

I told my wife that I found the one I was looking for, in stock, for a very reasonable price. She said go get it.

She was NOT serious. I got home, and she didn't want to see it, talk about it or hear me speak of it for weeks.

She said I best NEED it in the near future or she may shoot me with it.

It blew over after a month or so..


Marriage (relationships) are about compromise.

She will get it eventually. If she doesn't bring up shoes, clothes etc... and argue your heart out. if all else fails, find a new one. (girl)


Quote:"You already have guns. You don't need another one."

I promptly explained that its a rifle and that when the zombies attack she'll be glad I had it... Didn't seem to make a dent...

Her argument was the usual, the money you'd spend on that could go towards blah, blah, blah...

She just doesn't understand. I'm just hoping it won't take a mugging or a break in to make her understand. I think that once I get her to do some shooting of her own the bug will bite her (she may have shot a bb gun... once... a loooooooong time ago).

She thought my RC car purchase was stupid until I let her take the 'wheel' and she loved it.

And no, the AR project WILL NOT be derailed!
OMG Lugnut? She has the combination to the big safe? Say it ain't so [smile]

No she doesn't!! If she wanted... she could trace the CC and check book records better.... Good thing she's no a good detective! Seriously though... she certainly knows I have more than a few... as I regularly clean a few at a time. Sometimes the kids have to be silenced when they say " Hey dad- is that a new one??" [smile]
Quote:"You already have guns. You don't need another one."

I promptly explained that its a rifle and that when the zombies attack she'll be glad I had it... Didn't seem to make a dent...

Her argument was the usual, the money you'd spend on that could go towards blah, blah, blah...

She just doesn't understand. I'm just hoping it won't take a mugging or a break in to make her understand. I think that once I get her to do some shooting of her own the bug will bite her (she may have shot a bb gun... once... a loooooooong time ago).

She thought my RC car purchase was stupid until I let her take the 'wheel' and she loved it.

And no, the AR project WILL NOT be derailed!

There is only one correct course of action.

I buy what I want and she does the same. Just because I have more expensive habits than she does does not allow her bonus points.

Me.. Boat, offshore-nearshore-fly fishing, snowmobiling, wines, beer, Jack, guns, shooting, gun clubs and Maine.

Her.. Quilting, old sewing machines, new sewing machine, buying fabrics, quilt shops, entering/winning shows, wine, vodka and Maine.

See, we do a few things together. [smile]
You're basically doomed if you listen to advice from in here! [rofl] I'm not married so me and my gf's finances are completely separate. I make approximately twice what she does and I'm paying for most if not all of the living expenses due to her being in a financial mess. So I do what I want with my money. But I'm also saving up for a house in the future. If you have your necessary finances in order and some for a rainy day why not get something you want? Its not like you won't be able to sell it and make a profit the way things are going. Investing in guns is probably one of the best investments you can make. I mean, what AR has ever LOST value??? I keep hearing about the "good old days" when firearms were cheaper, and they aren't coming back.
Life is not always about need, it's also about want.

My wife is not into guns either and I use to get that same kind of attitude with her. I said love me love my guns, it’s that simple. She's an awesome lady and has come to realize that the cost of the guns can't compare to a nightly bar bills. She knows where I am and what I'm doing and whom I'm doing it with.

Our second Christmas together she bought me a Colt AR-15 match grade, of course it was the last gun she ever bought me.

Another thing to look at is your 401K has lost money but your gun safe contents have only gained money.
Try this-
Week one, "I found this gun I really want, but at $1500, way too expensive"(shows you know what is too much)

Week two, "Remember that gun I wanted, I found it cheaper somewhere else, Only $1300"(lets her know you still want it)

Week three, "You know that gun I wanted, I found a better one for way less money on sale!! Only $1100!!"(she'll know you can't pass up this deal or you'll have to pay more for one later)

By week three she will be completely broken down and almost be glad that you found a better deal on something better, after all, it's "On Sale".
Try this-
Week one, "I found this gun I really want, but at $1500, way too expensive"(shows you know what is too much)

Week two, "Remember that gun I wanted, I found it cheaper somewhere else, Only $1300"(lets her know you still want it)

Week three, "You know that gun I wanted, I found a better one for way less money on sale!! Only $1100!!"(she'll know you can't pass up this deal or you'll have to pay more for one later)

By week three she will be completely broken down and almost be glad that you found a better deal on something better, after all, it's "On Sale".

It's called the Contrast Principle , coupled with the old rejection and retreat bit.

Used to work on my wife like a charm, but she's now immune to it after I fessed up to having used it...I'm a psychologist, so it's kind of unfair :)

When we had our house built about 4 years ago, I wanted a plasma for the family room. She was dead against it as she thought it would be too big and ugly. I wanted the 42"...but built a cardboard mock up of the 50" model...so on our next visit to the as yet to be completed house, I propped the cardboard up on a pile of insulation to give her a sense of the size of the thing in the room.

"Oh," she said "it's sort of big! Isn't there a smaller model you'd be happy with?" Looking crestfallen, I did say that there was a 42" that was quite a bit smaller... "Great! Would you be okay with that?" she asked... [grin]

So I got the one I wanted after all...
Try this-
Week one, "I found this gun I really want, but at $1500, way too expensive"(shows you know what is too much)

Week two, "Remember that gun I wanted, I found it cheaper somewhere else, Only $1300"(lets her know you still want it)

Week three, "You know that gun I wanted, I found a better one for way less money on sale!! Only $1100!!"(she'll know you can't pass up this deal or you'll have to pay more for one later)

By week three she will be completely broken down and almost be glad that you found a better deal on something better, after all, it's "On Sale".

That's how I got my AR [rofl][laugh2]
I think that this question is contingent on your finances. I'm a bit of a nit when it comes to financial planning, budgeting, etc. As others have pointed out, if you aren't struggling, your bills are paid, you save for essentials like retirement or kids education, and you have the disposable income you should be able to buy it.

If, on the other hand, one of you are unemployed, your savings are light, you are just barely getting by, or some combo of these things then clearly you should not get the AR.
I go to different training events. "Of course I need an AR, I cant take this tactical rifle course without one." Or even better, become an NRA certified instructor. "I need to have an AR, I need to show the students how to use one of the most popular rifles in America as they will probably go out and own one."

Just justified the next 9 purchases using that one [smile]
now, from a chick's point of view...has she ever gone shooting? If she has the competitive spirit, you may not get the gun back! Would she like to try it so she may see for herself what the attraction is? I have to agree with what many say, start with a 22. Looks like you are not that close to me, but I would still be happy to bring her if she has never tried. I now have 2 EBR's. Since she liked your RC, maybe she would like a 'date' with you at the range. Just my 2 cents...[smile]

As far as I know she has NO range time to speak of. Her neice is going to be enrolling in a firearms training class to apply for her LTC. We are trying to get my wife to sign up as well. I think she'd enjoy shooting, but then again, just when I think I have her figured out...
I've been married (sometimes happily) for over 20 yrs and I've had guns for about 30 yrs. The best advice I can give you is to LIE. DO NOT tell her you are working on a new gun. Tell her it's one you've had for years and you're just spiffing it up! My wife has no idea how many guns I have and in all candor, she really doesn't care.


You beat me to it. When I first started getting involved in guns it was a new thing for me, so in the man/woman game she had the upper hand because she could always that old tired argument: "why do you need that". At first she got away with it a little - and I lied by taking her to the gun shop when I purchased a Walther P22, then I later came home with a Ruger 10/22. She didn't know I already had a Glock - and and M1A showed up in the safe a short time after the 10/22. The 10/22 and the M1A look enough the same to her that she didn't even know I had both rifles for a long time when I took them right out in front of her. So I tested the waters by bringing home a Swiss K31 which I told her about. I got away with that one by pulling the buttplate off of it and showing her the tag from the guy who originally owned it. And I told her that the rifle was in all likelihood carried by some Swiss soldier during WW2 and it would go up in value. I didn't tell her about the other two K31's I bought. I told her about one of the M1 carbines - using the same basic excuse as the K31 (history - increase in value - investment blah blah) - but I didn't tell her about the other 4. Same story with the Garands.

She said for a long time she didn't want any of the AR type rifles in the house. She didn't know I bought a Robinson XCR and a number of AR lowers. The other morning I was working on the XCR while sitting at a chair in the kitchen - and she walked right by and didn't even blink. Just made a comment about taking the new rifle out to the range or something like that.

There are other things at work here too - I feed her stories about local crime rates going up. The whole Obama civilian police corps thing REALLY freaked her out when it was seriously getting talked about a few months back. And I have taken her and some of her friends out shooting a few times.

Selective lies do certainly seem to work.

As one of the above posts said : if you are having financial issues it is a different story. I have used that one as an excuse though (see the K31 references above) - I just remind her that if I really had to I could sell almost all the guns I have for at least what I bought them for if not a little more. I always throw in that putting it in the bank will gain me almost nothing and the stock market would have lost money.

As long as you are not too over the top with it she will probably come around. My GF has seen inside my safe (that's a freaking arsenal!) - and knew I bought a bigger safe. I have finally reached the point where when I add new guns they just blend in with all the others. So I am safe for a while.
Haha I can't believe all the guys on here that have to actively lie and "plant seeds" to appease and/or convince their SO. Some of you need a pair! [laugh]
Try this-
Week one, "I found this gun I really want, but at $1500, way too expensive"(shows you know what is too much)

Week two, "Remember that gun I wanted, I found it cheaper somewhere else, Only $1300"(lets her know you still want it)

Week three, "You know that gun I wanted, I found a better one for way less money on sale!! Only $1100!!"(she'll know you can't pass up this deal or you'll have to pay more for one later)

By week three she will be completely broken down and almost be glad that you found a better deal on something better, after all, it's "On Sale".

lemonlime, I believe you have a firm grasp of the female mind! [smile] Almost every toy I've ever bought was a "good deal....more then I wanted to spend." Just vocalize the first part and think the second part.
Center442, with my wife it wouldn't matter if I came back and said I could buy one for $50.00... She listens to this finacial guru named Dave Ramsey. His moto is save, save, save... so any money spent except for the necessities is, in her mind, a waste of money and could be put to better use.
She's not the type that goes out and blows money on handbags, clothes, shoes, etc., etc. (I'm lucky in that sense).

I told her I need it for when the zombies come and got the 'uh-huh' stare.

Well, this weekend the 'O-bots' will be going door to door asking people to sign a pledge to back Obama's financial plan. WHY WON'T SHE LISTEN TO ME?!?!?! O-bots!!! Zombies!!! Deadites!!!
Well, this weekend the 'O-bots' will be going door to door asking people to sign a pledge to back Obama's financial plan. WHY WON'T SHE LISTEN TO ME?!?!?! O-bots!!! Zombies!!! Deadites!!!
Well, on the bright side, when the Zombies do come, you can have the smug satisfaction of being right as you push her out the front door as bait while you run out the back.[rofl2]

I pity the fool pollster that comes to my door looking for an endorsement for this disaster... I relish a chance to crush the belief system of such naive souls like the environmentalists who show up at my door with sound-bite facts to scare me into donating...

I really enjoy wrecking their world with questions and facts... [laugh]

As for save, save, save... Certainly this is a time when that is a good thing, but you do have to step back now and then and ask what you are saving for? Are you living your life or preparing to live your life?

Sometimes you ask those questions and "house", "baby", "car", "college" etc... come up as the answer. In that case, fine, save the pennies, but try to make sure you don't wake up at 55 and realize that you have been preparing for your life your entire life and now it has come and gone...
Center442, with my wife it wouldn't matter if I came back and said I could buy one for $50.00... She listens to this finacial guru named Dave Ramsey. His moto is save, save, save... so any money spent except for the necessities is, in her mind, a waste of money and could be put to better use.
She's not the type that goes out and blows money on handbags, clothes, shoes, etc., etc. (I'm lucky in that sense).

I told her I need it for when the zombies come and got the 'uh-huh' stare.

Well, this weekend the 'O-bots' will be going door to door asking people to sign a pledge to back Obama's financial plan. WHY WON'T SHE LISTEN TO ME?!?!?! O-bots!!! Zombies!!! Deadites!!!

how about the increase in resale value?
"honey, if I dont like it, I could easily get more than I put into it"[wink]
my wife used to bitch about what I purchased. But now that I have gotten her into shooting she is asking me what I want to buy next. It really sucks having a wife like mine.

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