Why You Shouldn't Call 911 to Scare Your Boyfriend

False report should be mandatory year in prison. (Minimum, if someone gets hurt because of it, escalating from there) I hate these people. They need to get f***ed. With a hot poker. No lube.
Sentence should be whatever it is for the crime theyre falsely accusing someone of. Simple assault? X years. Rape? Y years
Police should be allowed to carry tranquilizers. Shut that pig up.
This situation I think is similar to how the George Floyd stuff started? I thought that they had him in the back of the car and he was acting like her demanding to go to the hospital and flipping out and instead of just driving off they pulled him out of the car.
This situation I think is similar to how the George Floyd stuff started? I thought that they had him in the back of the car and he was acting like her demanding to go to the hospital and flipping out and instead of just driving off they pulled him out of the car.
Once you were in my truck, that was it. I'd have EMS meet us at the station, or along the way, but I never pulled someone out of my truck once they were in. Worked well for me since EMS was so far away it was the right thing to do no matter the situation, but it's amazing how many 'I can't breathe' people suddenly started small talk. This was before the official 'I can't breathe' crap started but they tried other things, we called them carcel cardiac (jail heartattack).
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