Who is your enemy?

It hasn't happened because Iran (or another malign actor) hasn't issued orders to act.

What might be about to kick off in the Middle East may well change that.

I don't know if anybody has noticed, but there are two US Carrier Battle Groups moving into position in the region (which is rediculous, because more American die by slipping in the shower than have EVER been killed by Hezbollah--which I am sure is cold comfort to the 299 Marines who died in the Beirut bombing exactly 40 years ago today).

If Hezbollah attacks Israel from the north, Israel has said (rightly) that they will hold Iran itself responsible.

When Israel is in a direct military confrontation with Iran, the United States wil ALSO be in direct military conflict with Iran--and when that happens we are living in a new world, and I'd say all bets are off.
My understanding is the carrier group is there so no other nation on earth can look like the real humanitarian, and bring in a relief ship to aid Gaza. I mean, imagine if China or Iran, or etc rolled in with a ship full of relief aid only to be told by (let’s face it the public relations nightmare that is) the state of Israel, to go away. Then the pro liberation side could spin endless yarns about that. Best to sit in aircraft carrier there to show the world that “America is gonna let its little friend in the Middle East have its murder party and don’t come around thinking differently”
Looking at NYC and Boston this past weekend there seems a strong element of anti isreal rheotoric directly condoning Hamas's Behaivor. Not only that. But anti American,Anti Law and order.

All this has done is reenforce the idea that I am behind enemy lines. Been thinking this for a long time.
Looking at NYC and Boston this past weekend there seems a strong element of anti isreal rheotoric directly condoning Hamas's Behaivor. Not only that. But anti American,Anti Law and order

I think it’s more anti American than anything. That America is an ally of Israel is probably the cause for the majority of those scumbags to come out in support of hamas. Most of them have no idea what any of this is about but know that the western world generally supports Israel. They’ve also been indoctrinated to believe that Muslims are precious racial minorities, ignorant of the fact that Islam is a religion and not a race. And so they can’t possibly be wrong and the must be the victims of white oppression some how.
My understanding is the carrier group is there so no other nation on earth can look like the real humanitarian, and bring in a relief ship to aid Gaza. I mean, imagine if China or Iran, or etc rolled in with a ship full of relief aid only to be told by (let’s face it the public relations nightmare that is) the state of Israel, to go away. Then the pro liberation side could spin endless yarns about that. Best to sit in aircraft carrier there to show the world that “America is gonna let its little friend in the Middle East have its murder party and don’t come around thinking differently”
Go smoke another bone.
I't doesn't take a roll of tin foil to recognize there are people around the world who want to hurt us.
The fact that thanks to the senile pedophile and Co. an entire division could have crossed the boarder by now .
I don't see where there has ever been a better opportunity to do the deed .
If they haven't taken advantage then they are some special kind of stupid
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Lmao no. Throughout the entire war on terror research showed that Americans were more likely to die from tripping over furniture in their own home than in a terrorist attack. Boomers pants shitting as usual.
"Research showed?"

Is 0.0009% statistically significant? That's the approximate percentage of Americans killed on 9/11. Pants shitting doesn't have to be about the numbers.


That said, I'm much more concerned about the Fentanyl problem. Over 1/4 million deaths have been attributed to Fentanyl since 2018, with the numbers escalating to ~74K last year. If 74K people were killed in one horrific event, we'd be dropping bombs yet somehow we are largely ignoring the origins of the problem. According to the DEA:

Currently, China remains the primary source of fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances trafficked through international mail and express consignment operations environment, as well as the main source for all fentanyl-related substances trafficked into the United States.

Drop bombs on a couple of those factories and I guarantee the supply will tighten up pronto.
Ah jeez. I've got too much on my plate to worry about this crap. Because 98% of it never amounts to anything. Damn. If I hand-wrung every time there was a hand-wringing thread on NES, I'd have worn out my hands.

Thinking that radical students are going to militarize and attack us because Israel got bombed is analogous to liberal democrats thinking that because you and I have guns that we are going to overthrow the government. Two sides of the same irrational coin.
Really? I thought we were starting the overthrow next Monday. I wish someone would have said something to me. I took the day off.
It doesn't take an army of well-trained commandos to completely cause chaos in any city in the US. A few individuals spread out here and there can bring this country to a halt.
Or a bullshit virus that is not so lethal. The few individuals that you cite could set off mass hysteria just as well.

6 million people have crossed the southern border illegally. Only a fraction of those have been interdicted and even marginally vetted. If even a small number of them have migrated with malevolent intent as part of a coordinated strategy by Iran, China, or any of thier proxies, the United States is completely unprepared for the pain that they could bring.

Hezbollah (to name one) is absolutely lethal. They are well-funded, well co-ordinated, experienced, and have had domestic networks in the United States since the 1980's.

Amazon product ASIN 0891418709View: https://www.amazon.com/Lightning-Out-Lebanon-Hezbollah-Terrorists/dp/0891418709

The media isn't doing panic-journalism on the topic (or even introducing the concept of the liability of illegal migration) because it does not serve their interests.
If only one tenth of one percent of those people came here to do violence, thats still 6000 people. 125 people per state not counting AK and HI.
Keep in mind that some of this is being artificially amplified in a number of different ways.
Keep an eye out for "protests" being held on separate days in the same region. Meaning Boston one day, NYC the next, Philly the day after that, etc. It gives the illusion of widespread support by a ton of people while in reality, its a smaller number protesting, hopping on a bus and protesting somewhere else the next day. A lot of the local BLM support back in 2020 was like that. Boston on one day, Salem on another day, etc. If they all picked the same day, each crowd would be a lot smaller and less impressive
My enemy is my weight. I’m stuck at 163, trying to get down below 160.
Kinda the same thing here...When I moved to MO, I was at 265. I'm now at 215ish and can't seem to get below that. With my back self destructing on me, I can't really exercise or even walk any kind of distance. It sucks. Holidays are just around the corner so I am going to have to sew my mouth shut so I don't (over) eat. That, or convince myself that all food tastes like crap so I won't have much of an appetite.
"Research showed?"

Is 0.0009% statistically significant? That's the approximate percentage of Americans killed on 9/11. Pants shitting doesn't have to be about the numbers.


That said, I'm much more concerned about the Fentanyl problem. Over 1/4 million deaths have been attributed to Fentanyl since 2018, with the numbers escalating to ~74K last year. If 74K people were killed in one horrific event, we'd be dropping bombs yet somehow we are largely ignoring the origins of the problem. According to the DEA:

Currently, China remains the primary source of fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances trafficked through international mail and express consignment operations environment, as well as the main source for all fentanyl-related substances trafficked into the United States.

Drop bombs on a couple of those factories and I guarantee the supply will tighten up pronto.
What's going on in that picture?
Lmao no. Throughout the entire war on terror research showed that Americans were more likely to die from tripping over furniture in their own home than in a terrorist attack. Boomers pants shitting as usual.
So 9/11 never happened then? Interesting.
My city has had 7 cops shot in the last 1.5 months, and as of last night, 22 police involved shootings this year. That’s just one city out here by the border. Crime is skyrocketing although it’s probably not being broadcast by the MSM.

Will that happen across the board with all the illegals coming in and being spread around? Time will tell, but safe to assume things will get increasingly worse over the next couple of years with street level violent crimes.
Why would you want to move to a place like that?

You may have better gun rights - but you are in more danger down there.

You would be better off moving back to Massachusetts.

You'll be more safe.

Besides, we miss you!
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