What does SHTF mean to you?


May 7, 2009
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What does SHTF mean to you? everyone may have different thinking there for different prepping.

1.A few weeks of inconveniences and then back to normal?
2.6 mo or so with food and power shortage with limited recourses and population panic?
3.Total civil unrest martial law with a weapons confiscation plan in place, rogue tribes banning together to fight?
brown stuph dripping off the ceiling ... ?

it's pretty typical situation and happens all over the world: shortage of various goods, currency becoming worthless, riots here and there. I think that's the most probable scenario. Anything beyond that, like zombie apocalypse (which we all know is coming), nuclear war, plague ... you are pretty much f-ed no matter what, no matter how many years supply you got, it will suck, you will most likely die ... unless you are in one of those post-apocalyptic movies and think that dieing only happens to someone else.
Anything that interupts your normal way of life in such a way that it is unlikely to return to that normal.

The classic survivalists wet dreams : plague, nukes, EMP, civil war etc. Possible but not very probable.

The more realistic: poor economy, rising unemployment, the continuing decline of America. I think almost certain.

Personal: Job loss, severe medical issue, bad accident, fire destroys home etc. Always possible.
ethnic cleansing is one of those scenarios where you really do need a gun against the "cleansers" but that's not likely to happen in US with diverse population unless you live in very homogeneous community and stick out like a sore thumb.

As far as "unlikely scenarios" go, no one had any idea that Soviet Union was going to collapse, things were going just great, then bam, it went downhill very fast.
SHTF is when all formal government shuts down. everybody fends for themselves. Basically watch red dawn. It may not be from a foreign attack were well on our way to another civil war so it could be an internal S**T storm too. Chances are a natural disaster isn't going to do anything.
Is when you know who is reelected....
Because all the above post will likely become reality.
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I will go with total civil un rest, if marshal law was imposed it would be very un likely that the government would be able to get every ones guns from them. You would see that more in the urban area's where there is a large military presence. Most local police wouldn't be willing or even around to do that.
No one mentioned zombies yet? I'm shocked...

Edit: Never mind, missed the reference in the 3rd post.
If I thought it were SHTFEOTWAWKIsnipesnipe, I would log in here and start a thread asking what the rest of you would do, and then ask if I would get in trouble for taking your advice.
Like the D&D's on River St the other day, I thought my wife was going to cry..lol Whats the matter with just a coffee...[laugh]

They should clean it at night, so help me next time all the customers after me will be drinking blood flavored coolattas after I stuff the cashier into the machine.
If he does get in again, then anything can happen. I think it may begin with something small, then snowball, until all hell breaks loose!!!
Dunks ran out of coffee.

Sent from the Hyundai of the droids, the Samsung Replenish, using Tapatalk.
All D&D jokes aside..SHTF can mean so many different things to different people, For me it would have to be Econmic/Society collapse which i think could be a real possiblity with in the near future, next would be some sort of dirty bomb or EMP attack. If it is some sort of natural disaster Flood,Hurricane or Quake it would be horrible but unless it was to impact alot of regions in the country at once and services would be spread thin then it could have some implications. Hopefully none will happen, but isn't these senerios why we prep? I try to always cover my bases, look ahead and be prepared because it is better to have than have not.
In my mind, S already has HTF

We have reached a point of total system dependence, but our ability to maintain the integrity of those systems has decreased to a critical point where things are only getting worse. Working towards independence from these systems, or at the very least less dependence, is more prudent than ever. This being the case, I feel that saying S already has HTF has merit.

Examples of systemic issues:

-Financial system. (At 27 years old, I know for a fact I will be dragged through a major event because of past and current policies)
-Agricultural system. (Too much government involvement impacting many facets)
-Transportation networks. (Antiquated and derelict)
-Power grid. (Antiquated and derelict)
-Health care system (capacity, not political, may tie in with the next line)
-Educational system (college graduates working at Dunkin Donuts and can't even figure out how to make change, could also be considered just societal/cultural/chemical)
-Energy (I believe in peak oil, but regardless of that power general power generation)
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