Wellness check turns into hysteria, gun collection illegally siezed

He will no doubt be billed for the psych exam, just like the guy in NM who was subject to an involuntary prepless colonoscopy because the cops thought he was clenching his asscheeks.
From the article it looks like this guy has lead a full and complete life. He's contributed to society in a positive way. Even if he did want to end his life, and I'm not saying he does, as long as he's capable of rational thought, he should have the right to decide to end his life.

I'm not advocating letting young people with a life ahead of them be allowed to end their life because they got dumped. But if an elderly person, who has little to look forward to, other than a slow failing of the body and mind, stretched out by medical technology, would prefer to die with some dignity. We as a society owe that respect to them.

OK, a little off topic.
Sadly, red flag laws are going to be the death of a lot of innocent people. I am confident it will cause more crime than it will prevent. Civil forfeiture is state theft.

Keep in mind that defense of one's own liberty even using deadly force to do so is not a crime. The real criminal is the state and anyone they send to deny them of it.

Red flag laws will cause a lot of retribution in society that otherwise would NEVER exist.
Nugent is f'n chicken hawk but he speaks the truth at times.

I was 17 during Operation Desert Shield and ready to be drafted (I broke up with a girl over it). Am I a Chicken Hawk then? There are Patriots that didn't have the chance to serve, but are willing if need be. Disclaimer: Ted may have dodged the Draft in the late '60's, I don't know.
Nugent (and others) ARE gutless draft dogers,! did you actually enlist? "Ready to be drafted" means nothing, unless you actually were drafted and served your full term. I enlisted on the tail end of the Vietnam conflict and I haven't never claimed to be a Vietnam Vet because I did not go "In country". A whole lot of good men those days served in Europe facing a creditable threat of being steamrolled by Russian tanks. The better part of my enlistment was during the cold war. But all that was, was the everyday threat of immediate nuclear annihilation. So yeah, Ted was a gutless draft dodger. Puts him in the same book as Jane Fonda. I lived on rocks like Adak, Alaska and Diego Garcia when I served. You "broke up with a girlfriend". The "chance to serve" is a choice. Either you did or didnt.

I was 17 during Operation Desert Shield and ready to be drafted (I broke up with a girl over it). Am I a Chicken Hawk then? There are Patriots that didn't have the chance to serve, but are willing if need be. Disclaimer: Ted may have dodged the Draft in the late '60's, I don't know.
From the article it looks like this guy has lead a full and complete life. He's contributed to society in a positive way. Even if he did want to end his life, and I'm not saying he does, as long as he's capable of rational thought, he should have the right to decide to end his life.

I'm not advocating letting young people with a life ahead of them be allowed to end their life because they got dumped. But if an elderly person, who has little to look forward to, other than a slow failing of the body and mind, stretched out by medical technology, would prefer to die with some dignity. We as a society owe that respect to them.

OK, a little off topic.

Minipipes has instructions to take me to Denali National Park and help me find a grizzly bear to punch in the nose, when it comes time for the nursing home.

It'll be EPIC.
“I winced as the nice long guns were unceremoniously, dumped on top of each other in the back of a police van”

This is the part of the process I do not understand, carelessly damaging nice guns. Yes, he may eventually get them back, but the guns he took such good care of are going to be beat up thanks to some A-Hole cops.

Awhile back my buddy’s teenage kid got in trouble. As part of the shit storm my buddy was asked if he would VOLUNTARILY and temporally turn his guns into the local PD. He complied. It took him over a year and attorney’s fees to finally get them back. All he owned were hunting rifles that he took very good care off, all with beautiful wood stocks in mint condition. When he got them back EVERY rifle had been damaged, some literally looked like they fell off the back of a truck @ 70MPH. I felt so sorry for the guy, he was really upset.
Caussius Clay dodged it the same and was applauded for it, so take that as you will.
Jersey homeboy Bruce Springsteen and "Rambo" Stallone were also draft dodgers. Springsteen faked mental illness at his physical and was rejected as unfit. Stallone hid out in Switzerland, teaching phys ed in a boarding school for girls.
Nugent (and others) ARE gutless draft dogers,! did you actually enlist? "Ready to be drafted" means nothing, unless you actually were drafted and served your full term. I enlisted on the tail end of the Vietnam conflict and I haven't never claimed to be a Vietnam Vet because I did not go "In country". A whole lot of good men those days served in Europe facing a creditable threat of being steamrolled by Russian tanks. The better part of my enlistment was during the cold war. But all that was, was the everyday threat of immediate nuclear annihilation. So yeah, Ted was a gutless draft dodger. Puts him in the same book as Jane Fonda. I lived on rocks like Adak, Alaska and Diego Garcia when I served. You "broke up with a girlfriend". The "chance to serve" is a choice. Either you did or didnt.
I didn’t. Am I any less of a man?
Hopefully one of these red flag law thefts is so egregious and unlawfully executed that the case makes it to the courts to have a chance of some heavy jurisprudence that completely exposes these laws as the unconstitutional turds they are
I didn’t. Am I any less of a man?
Only if you are publicly claiming you were "read to serve" but didn't. (exception if due to medical reasons)

Now "ready to be drafted" just doesn't make sense. A draft by it's nature is involuntary and since we have all registered, technically we are all ready to be drafted. Kind of like saying you're ready to be in a car accident.
Jesus Christ, in a sane world there would be a knock at the door, the cops would chat with the man for a couple of minutes, thank him for the coffee and wish him well. That what a wellness check should be. Any deviation from that is tyranny.

Coffee shouldn't be necessary. That autographed The Deer Hunter movie poster on the wall won't help.

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Nugent (and others) ARE gutless draft dogers,! did you actually enlist? "Ready to be drafted" means nothing, unless you actually were drafted and served your full term. I enlisted on the tail end of the Vietnam conflict and I haven't never claimed to be a Vietnam Vet because I did not go "In country". A whole lot of good men those days served in Europe facing a creditable threat of being steamrolled by Russian tanks. The better part of my enlistment was during the cold war. But all that was, was the everyday threat of immediate nuclear annihilation. So yeah, Ted was a gutless draft dodger. Puts him in the same book as Jane Fonda. I lived on rocks like Adak, Alaska and Diego Garcia when I served. You "broke up with a girlfriend". The "chance to serve" is a choice. Either you did or didnt.

Twigg is right. I regret not serving. Thank you, to all who did (Twigg mst importantly).
Only if you are publicly claiming you were "read to serve" but didn't. (exception if due to medical reasons)

Now "ready to be drafted" just doesn't make sense. A draft by it's nature is involuntary and since we have all registered, technically we are all ready to be drafted. Kind of like saying you're ready to be in a car accident.
For the record, like I said I never served and I regret it to this day.
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