Veterans Receive Letters From VA Prohibiting Ownership or Purchase of Firearms

I just get annoyed with this sort of thing. I have been seeing the VA for over 30 years. I also see a regular doc. The VA is not the best medical care available, but it isn't all bad either. Private medical care is not all it is cracked up to be. The VA has fixed things for me that the private sector could not figure out.

What I have noticed is that they really try hard not to violate patients privacy or rights. That is a tough thing for them to do considering they are part of the government. Other agencies in the .gov view them as the perfect place to pry into lives where they have no business. Doctors usually are very much into protecting patients privacy. They fight a constant battle with the bureaucrats.

Some half-assed internet rag prints half of a letter and a bunch of clowns start running with it as if it is the gospel. Give me a break.

Yup, this X10

Sent from my BlackBerry 9810 using Tapatalk I have to be the one to say it?


A couple people are killed by a loon. A couple. 26 to be exact is all it took to spark this shitshow. There are over 300 million people in this country. 88 million of them own guns. Count....that's a bit more than 26. I'm sure an 1/8th of these 88 million gun owners have some form of a "metal disorder" that would disqualify them under this draconian attempt to disarm us. Depressed, anxiety ridden, ocd, bipolar, etc etc you name it, a ton of them have it. MIRACULOUSLY, nobody is dying. Millions of gun owning Americans, medicated, leading normal lives, omg carrying guns!!, and NOBODY IS DYING!! Could it be? Sensationalism?! Yeah.

This is one more "reasonable" way to disarm millions of Americans overnight. Wake the f*** up.

And as for TayNinh_66, seriously dude, you're either on the wrong forum, or are too dense to see what's going on around you. I have to be the one to say it?


A couple people are killed by a loon. A couple. 26 to be exact is all it took to spark this shitshow. There are over 300 million people in this country. 88 million of them own guns. Count....that's a bit more than 26. I'm sure an 1/8th of these 88 million gun owners have some form of a "metal disorder" that would disqualify them under this draconian attempt to disarm us. Depressed, anxiety ridden, ocd, bipolar, etc etc you name it, a ton of them have it. MIRACULOUSLY, nobody is dying. Millions of gun owning Americans, medicated, leading normal lives, omg carrying guns!!, and NOBODY IS DYING!! Could it be? Sensationalism?! Yeah.

This is one more "reasonable" way to disarm millions of Americans overnight. Wake the f*** up.

And as for TayNinh_66, seriously dude, you're either on the wrong forum, or are too dense to see what's going on around you.

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