Truth Tour

The Liberal Socialist Major Media will howl long and hard on this. A lot of people thought I was an extremist conservative when I stated that the media was full of BS. Until I told them how I knew. The troops tell a FAR different story than the sob stories the media tells us.

I think the media is in a for a hard fall, unless they change their attitudes and ways of reporting. The public just doesn't believe them like they used to. Just look at the hit CBS took after getting caught reporting a forgery as being athentic last year. No great loss, I never trusted "See, BS" anyways.
Well, Vermont is known for having more than our fair share of Liberals. They don't trust the Big media much now. Seems that it's hard to believe Dan Blather, when your son/nephew/neighbor says something else. And, we've had a high percentage of our locals serve in South West Asia.
What I find amazing is that these guys haven't even left yet, and they're being labeled as "government propagandists" already!!

What ever happened to waiting until the news was made to "report" on it??

Hey Ross, just what did you expect from the major media?

These guys are going over to prove to the American Public that the Major Media is full of BS. The major networks are screwed, UNLESS, they can discredit these guys.

Guess what, See-BS, you're too late, you're already discredited. The others are right behind you. More and more people are leaning to the internet to get their facts. And lots of us research them before believing them.
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