Tourist shares shocking photo of an armed man minding his own business at Yellowstone

Kevin Hughes deleted the tweet, I wanted to see the picture.... comments in Zappa's link are great
I think sharp pointy things are banned in England.

Look what that led to. Criminals have not turned in their pointy things.

In England it is against the law to defend oneself.

The Muslim criminals on the other hand are killing everyone and they won't turn in their pointy objects.

The Englishman need to go back to where he came from and fix his own country.

After he does that he can come back here and tell us how it's done.

In the mean time we in the US have the 2nd Amendment to keep the criminals at bay.
I dont listen to what anyone in or from the UK says. We already pushed their shit in once and most others are doing it again. Theyre a sad, defeated people.

Sorry, wasn’t it twice we beat English ass as in Revolution and the War of 1812? We certainly saved it twice last century. If it wasn’t for America and it’s guns, the Germans would be goose stepping around Seville Row.
Comments have some good ones for sure

“ You deplorables also missed the aiming device in front of the scary gun. There's probably a bump stock somewhere in there.“

“Notice how this sodding prat instantly resorts to insulting a stranger just because his mincy, faggoty bollocks slithered back up his ringpiece at the sight of a firearm.”
I will put another spin on this. When you grow up around guns then it becomes the norm, when you don’t and the only guns you’ve seen are in the moves, when you see one in the wild it’s can be a shock. Remember they only get filtered news, no one ever says on the news nothing happened today, they only get more killings in USA.

Most of the people who visit me from the UK, family, friends or even colleagues from the UK office, what they remember the most is the range time. Most if not all go home wishing they could have guns, no matter how afraid they may start out.

Granted if you’re visiting another country then appreciate their culture and it’s on us to try and educate not to be belittling.
Education will get you a lot more supporters, failing that introduce him to grizzly bears would be the next step.

Sorry, wasn’t it twice we beat English ass as in Revolution and the War of 1812? We certainly saved it twice last century. If it wasn’t for America and it’s guns, the Germans would be goose stepping around Seville Row.

For all intents and purposes the War of 1812 was a brutal tie - but sure.
For all intents and purposes the War of 1812 was a brutal tie - but sure.


They’d have shellacked us if they hadn’t spent fifteen years being bled white against Napoleon, too. We were their sideshow.

But still. ‘Murica and all that. Pass the Budweiser.
Sorry, wasn’t it twice we beat English ass as in Revolution and the War of 1812? We certainly saved it twice last century. If it wasn’t for America and it’s guns, the Germans would be goose stepping around Seville Row.

They’d have shellacked us if they hadn’t spent fifteen years being bled white against Napoleon, too. We were their sideshow.

But still. ‘Murica and all that. Pass the Budweiser.
While I certainly wouldn't trivialize or downplay the US's contributions to WW2 (my grandfather served), the single greatest contributor to the defeat of the Germans was the Soviet Union, by a pretty wide margin.

The US total WW2 losses were about 400,000, across all theaters. The Soviet Union had more killed than that at Stalingrad alone.
While I wouldn't equate losses alone to contribution, in sum, the Soviets on the Eastern Front are often grossly under-discussed and undervalued.
he called him a "Bellend", I had to look that one up.

dude would had shit himself if he knew how many around him had knives.

Stay home where it's safer next time, buddy. I'm sure the estrogen level in Europe dropped significantly when you left.
While I certainly wouldn't trivialize or downplay the US's contributions to WW2 (my grandfather served), the single greatest contributor to the defeat of the Germans was the Soviet Union, by a pretty wide margin.

The US total WW2 losses were about 400,000, across all theaters. The Soviet Union had more killed than that at Stalingrad alone.
While I wouldn't equate losses alone to contribution, in sum, the Soviets on the Eastern Front are often grossly under-discussed and undervalued.

Who's putin you up to write that statement?

I'd get neg repped for that joke, couldn't resist.
While I certainly wouldn't trivialize or downplay the US's contributions to WW2 (my grandfather served), the single greatest contributor to the defeat of the Germans was the Soviet Union, by a pretty wide margin.

The US total WW2 losses were about 400,000, across all theaters. The Soviet Union had more killed than that at Stalingrad alone.
While I wouldn't equate losses alone to contribution, in sum, the Soviets on the Eastern Front are often grossly under-discussed and undervalued.

Their losses were largely the result of leadership and tactics which did not care the slightest about force protection, preservation, and supply.
Their losses were largely the result of leadership and tactics which did not care the slightest about force protection, preservation, and supply.
Not disputing that. The Eastern Front was basically bad guy vs. bad guy.
Still doesn't change the fact that the Soviets killed 5.1-5.5 million Germans versus the estimated 306,000-698,000 Germans that died on the western front. 80% of German casualties occurred in the east...

To claim "the US is the reason Britain doesn't speak German" is simplistic at best, and deception at worst.
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