Tourist shares shocking photo of an armed man minding his own business at Yellowstone

While I certainly wouldn't trivialize or downplay the US's contributions to WW2 (my grandfather served), the single greatest contributor to the defeat of the Germans was the Soviet Union, by a pretty wide margin.

The US total WW2 losses were about 400,000, across all theaters. The Soviet Union had more killed than that at Stalingrad alone.
While I wouldn't equate losses alone to contribution, in sum, the Soviets on the Eastern Front are often grossly under-discussed and undervalued.

I don't want to downplay loss of life. But I think of manufacturing capacity as one of the most critical factors in World War II, and in this area the US stood alone at the top. I believe it was Eisenhower who said that the war was really won by trucks. In other words, supplies and supply line were the most critical factor.

By the end of the war, US manufacturing output was astonishing.
Their losses were largely the result of leadership and tactics which did not care the slightest about force protection, preservation, and supply.
Nevertheless, the "to be sent to the Russian front" meme was understood significantly enough as a Kraut hazard to be adopted by the writers of Hogan's Heroes... and that was 50+ years ago, long before our current SJW revisionism age commenced.
While I certainly wouldn't trivialize or downplay the US's contributions to WW2 (my grandfather served), the single greatest contributor to the defeat of the Germans was the Soviet Union, by a pretty wide margin.

The US total WW2 losses were about 400,000, across all theaters. The Soviet Union had more killed than that at Stalingrad alone.
While I wouldn't equate losses alone to contribution, in sum, the Soviets on the Eastern Front are often grossly under-discussed and undervalued.

Russia supplied the men, the US supplied the materiel. Shortly after Operation Barbarossa was launched in June of 1941 Russia began receiving supplies from the US through the Lend-Lease Act. From that point on the US sent Russia 44,000 jeeps, 376,000 trucks, 8,000 tractors, 15 million pairs of army boots, 107,000 tons of cotton, 2.7 million tons of gasoline, diesel fuel, and lubricants, 4.5 million tons of food, and 13,000 tanks. And before anyone says our tanks were not as good as the Russian T-34, you're right, but the T-34 was not as good as the Panzers. They did have some good features but were highly unreliable. The only reason they defeated the Panzers, particularly at the Battle of Kursk, was the 2 to 1 advantage in numbers.

Here's a quote from General Zhukov:

"Now they say that the allies never helped us, but it can't be denied that the Americans gave us so many goods without which we wouldn't have been able to form our reserves and continue the war," Soviet General Georgy Zhukov said after the end of WWII.

"We didn’t have explosives, gunpowder. We didn’t have anything to charge our rifle cartridges with. The Americans really saved us with their gunpowder and explosives. And how much sheet steel they gave us! How could we have produced our tanks without American steel? But now they make it seem as if we had an abundance of all that. Without American trucks we wouldn’t have had anything to pull our artillery with."

Also, let's not forget that between his pre-war military purge, his mass executions, forced labor, the famine he caused, and his orders to shoot any soldier who retreated, Stalin killed millions more of his own people than Hitler did.
Also, let's not forget that between his pre-war military purge, his mass executions, forced labor, the famine he caused, and his orders to shoot any soldier who retreated, Stalin killed millions more of his own people than Hitler did.

Mao likewise. Not that you're gonna hear that from his enablers in the press here (especially a certain Gray Red Lady).
Ah the Brits. Tea drinking, soccer watching, crumpet dunkers who like to boil their meat and who kneel to a queen. Yeah, I need their opinions on self defense.
Back in the day, all of that was cause for teasing by us, and nothing more. More concerning was shit like electing

as the (bleedin') Mayor of London.

Then again (sigh) Ireland has a Gindian as Taoiseach.
While I certainly wouldn't trivialize or downplay the US's contributions to WW2 (my grandfather served), the single greatest contributor to the defeat of the Germans was the Soviet Union, by a pretty wide margin.

The US total WW2 losses were about 400,000, across all theaters. The Soviet Union had more killed than that at Stalingrad alone.
While I wouldn't equate losses alone to contribution, in sum, the Soviets on the Eastern Front are often grossly under-discussed and undervalued.
If the US had stayed out of WW1 and its aftermath, there wouldn't have been a WW2.

But we didn't, and there was, and the Soviets didn't GAF about losses. Under communism, everyone is expendable. When the US got involved in WW2 (after setting it in motion via Versailles), we sentenced hundreds of millions to death via communism. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and various dictators throughout the world... if we had just stayed out of WW1, the world would be a much different place today.

If I've been too obscure, let me clarify: Woodrow Wilson was a sonuvabitch. He was a racist who re-segregated the federal government to the point of making black employees work behind screens so they wouldn't be in contact with white workers. He won re-election promising to "keep us out of the war", when he intended from the beginning to plunge us directly into it.
His twatter account appears to no longer exist.

No it still exists, I think he has just locked it. It’s understandable, his original tweet was from July 13 but someone retweeted it on Sunday and he was getting clobbered.

I had replied to him early AM this past Monday (before this NES thread appeared) and while his account is till there its entire content is no longer available.

Sorry, wasn’t it twice we beat English ass as in Revolution and the War of 1812? We certainly saved it twice last century. If it wasn’t for America and it’s guns, the Germans would be goose stepping around Seville Row.

For all intents and purposes the War of 1812 was a brutal tie - but sure.
Yes except I was visiting Niargara Falls Canada and they have a celebration weekend up there where they claim victory. I tried to object ,but, hell its Canada, might as well be , England. F them
I don’t think it was really the OP’s intent to go down this rabbit hole. That being said, I’d have to agree (generally speaking) with the Soviet's role in the outcome of WWII being under-appreciated by most westerners.

It is understandable why. Of course that was going to be downplayed. Stalin, and his regime, were straight up evil. If you can do the mental gymnastics required to put him out of your head for a minute though, you will clearly see that the people on the eastern front bore the brunt of the suffering. It’s not even close. Regardless of who they served, the world owes those people a debt that could never be truly repaid.
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