Friday, I went to Callaghan's to pick up Pyrodex, a powder measure, caps, balls & wads for my new .44; wound up spending about $75 on everything.
Then I headed for VT. Got caught in a horrendous traffic jam on 495, so I bailed out on Rt 2 and went out to 91 and up 91 to 89.
Got to Ripton at about 6:30 and got to meet Nickel's wife, daughter, granddaughter, son-in-law, and several other biker-types. Nickel had been called up and might have had to go to NOLa but would be there later if possible. Got my canvas condo set up (the only tent I have is a 10x16 cabin tent left over from when I did more SCA events!) and joined folks around the campfire for dinner and conversation. the fire was tough to get started; it'd rained that week, so what could be gathered was damp and the delivery of a half cord, split, that was expected was delayed until Saturday.
Saturday I went out to get a capper for my .44, something I didn't get. Drooled for a while at all the nice guns in the gun shop (I really hate Tom Finneran and Tom Reilly, have I ever mentioned that?). Got back to find a hearty, if somewhat smokey, fire going - the new wood was a little green, but it caught easily, so not a problem. Hung around camp BSing with folks. Since we were all bikers and liked to shoot, conversation hinged heavily on bikes and guns. Heaven. We were worried that Nickel would be deployed to NOLa, but it turned out that Washington didn't want to pay to send a mechanic - they though they had enough on the way - so he came back Saturday night and got to stay. Saturday night dinner was Alicia's Chicken Paprikash - delicious.
Sunday, I got up early and headed for Shelburne to pick up my niece, Liz. Mommy did not get told exactly what Uncle Ross and Liz were going to do, and mommy would be happier if she didn't know. [twisted] Until Liz turns 18, that is. I took the opportunity to use my sister's shower, since the camp site is primitive - no running water at all. So we got back at about 9:45 or so, and at around 10:30 we headed down the road to the gravel pit.
We set out a large tarp to let the brass land on (so cleanup would be easier) and put up a few portable tables to place the handguns on. the rifles went on the tarp, along with the magazines. We then spent some time loading magazines. I was appointed one of the RSO's since several of the folks there didn't know much about shooting. We set up plastic jugs and clay pigeons at several distances... and then...
It was shootin' time!!
We had up to 7 or 8 people crowding the firing line at any given time, shooting everything from .22s (a G-22 rifle, a Browning .22 pistol of some sort, my Ruger Mark 1, and a Davis .22WMR Derringer) up to .357 magnums & .45's and then the rifles... 2 AR-15's, a WASR-10 (I think - it was an AK clone, that's all I know... that, and it was fun to shoot
), an SKS and a bolt-action .22.
WOO-HOO! What a Shutzenfest we had! We made them jugs dance, let me tell you. When we ended for the day, several hours later, and picked up brass, it took about 20-30 minutes at least to police the brass and get the jugs off the range. You should have seen all the holes in the plastic.
And in all the fun, Nickle and I forgot to shoot our Postal Targets until we were pretty wiped out... and we didn't really have any target holders, anyway. So we decided we'd do it separately at home.
That night, dinner was Nickel's pulled pork. Liz and I stayed until around 10:30 or so and then I took her home. I was so tired that I took her up on her offer of the couch in the living room. Went back on Monday and packed up and headed home around 1 PM and got home, tired and still smelling of wood smoke from the fire at around 5:00 PM.
All in all, an awesome weekend. Got to meet a bunch of new friends, got to shoot a bunch of neat hardware (I WANT a Walther G-22... next year), got to see my niece, got to shoot with her... Just a great weekend.
And about an hour after I got home, what did I see but our personal flock of turkeys walking into the backyard!
Photos of the shoot (and the turkeys) are at