They're going Hogg Wild in Cambridge

As opposed to MA which still has a glimmer of hope somewhere? This idiot will probably get elected to public office once he establishes residency.

Why wait? Open borders and no checking on voter status are parts of the leftist agenda. He should be GTG now.
Ask HOGG if he wants to try the backpack jump at 30,000
A recent study concludes backpacks are as effective as parachutes, and calls the assumption that parachutes work into question since there has never been a double blind study with a mix of real and placebo parachutes.

Researchers Show Parachutes Don't Work, But There's A Catch

NEver would have gotten in on his merit alone. He was an average student at best as I understand it. In fact he had skipped school the day of the shooting and wasn't even there!
Being a figure on the national stage is a form of merit, and very highly valued by society. Just look at those people who are famous for being famous.
So Harvard forces a student to move for having a legal firearm and now they are having this baby-faced know-nothing to speak. Guess which college I’m not allowing my kids to go to....:)
So Harvard forces a student to move for having a legal firearm and now they are having this baby-faced know-nothing to speak. Guess which college I’m not allowing my kids to go to....:)
Those places (Harvard, Yale, ...) are for the upper-crust - monetarily (hedgies' kids) or politically (Bushes, Clintons, ...) - with the expected smattering of "intersectionality" fashionable now. There they are entertained and indulged for four(ish) years - the presence of those fashionable intersectional unicorns being part of that indulging - while everyone pretends they're learning something, but, in fact, what they're doing is making contacts.
Those places (Harvard, Yale, ...) are for the upper-crust - monetarily (hedgies' kids) or politically (Bushes, Clintons, ...) - with the expected smattering of "intersectionality" fashionable now. There they are entertained and indulged for four(ish) years - the presence of those fashionable intersectional unicorns being part of that indulging - while everyone pretends they're learning something, but, in fact, what they're doing is making contacts.
Bingo, there is a school just southeast of Harvard where you could actually learn something.
NEver would have gotten in on his merit alone. He was an average student at best as I understand it. In fact he had skipped school the day of the shooting and wasn't even there!

Harvard isnt all about merit anymore- much of their admissions is about notoriety. Harvard wants students that want to change the world and have the drive and a plan to do it. This kid I'm sure got into the college, will get the full support of Harvard, and they're going to hope that when he does change the world "Harvard Graduate" comes before his name in every book and article.

Over worked honor roll students who play 3 sports and 1,000 volunteer hours between their music lessons are a dime a dozen. People who say "I'm going to do this, and this is how I'm going to get there with Harvard help" are few and far between.
MSM tool,,,,Harvard is pretty sketchy right now,,,, If ur really smart and have something to bring to the table and,,,,
Ur oriental,,, ur F’d,,,,
Harvard is a F#@king click of liberal morons

Yup. More than 50% minority now and the only way to get in as a (non-Jewish) white male is as an athlete.

More or less.

MSM tool,,,,Harvard is pretty sketchy right now,,,, If ur really smart and have something to bring to the table and,,,,
Ur oriental,,, ur F’d,,,,
Harvard is a F#@king click of liberal morons

Harvard is being sued (backed by the Doj) because it was determined that they were actively discriminating against Asians and other groups with academic merit in favor of legacy cases and other 'diversity' admissions to the point even the liberal press noticed. Harvard is discriminating against certain groups deliberately based on ethnicity in favor of other ethnicities.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Justice Department Sides Against Harvard In Racial Discrimination Lawsuit
Asian-Americans Suing Harvard Say Admissions Files Show Discrimination
There are a lot of misconceptions as to what David Hogg will be doing this spring. I for one heard that he was hired full time as a fluffer in the Gay Porn film trade but apparently did not measure up to the task.
Harvard would be perfect for him.
One article said he plans to run for Congress when he hits 25. 1270 on the SAT less than minorities need to get into the college. One thing I haven't seen confirmed is whether he is going to the college or the university(ie extension.) Articles I've seen either say Harvard or Harvard University could be either. Possible he just signed up for extension classes and the check cleared. Whether or not he can pull off getting into the degree program at extension is another question. That is harder, for dumb people, than getting into the college with a hero pass(ie obummers daughter.)
Living here will get him what he wants if has plans for congress it will be as a MA pol.

Hey - at 1270, he's showing Harvard isn't being racist for having a LOWER standard for minorities. They even let in dumb white kids. (Dumb being relative. I think I had a 1250 back in. . . . . . . . . . 1986. Not even close to Hah'vuhd material back then. Even for minorities. But I've done OK for myself.)

So Harvard forces a student to move for having a legal firearm and now they are having this baby-faced know-nothing to speak. Guess which college I’m not allowing my kids to go to....:)

I applied to Harvard Law back in 1990 as a goof. Shockingly didn't get accepted. My kids won't go to Harvard because. . . . . I'm not going to have them go to Harvard for an undergrad education. Now I'm on the hook for their full-boat undergrad AND a post-grad??? N'thx.

Harvard isnt all about merit anymore- much of their admissions is about notoriety. Harvard wants students that want to change the world and have the drive and a plan to do it. This kid I'm sure got into the college, will get the full support of Harvard, and they're going to hope that when he does change the world "Harvard Graduate" comes before his name in every book and article.

Over worked honor roll students who play 3 sports and 1,000 volunteer hours between their music lessons are a dime a dozen. People who say "I'm going to do this, and this is how I'm going to get there with Harvard help" are few and far between.

Yeah. There was a time when Harvard found the best and brightest, made them bester and brighter and sent them out in the world. Now they are trading on their rep. . . . which will be gone at some point.

"David Hogg is heading to Harvard despite an SAT score of 1270. The bottom 25% at Harvard have an average SAT score of 1460."

lol. Hogg will have fun being Harvard's pet dumbass.

One has to wonder if he's assigned his own personal "tutor" to explain to profs that they should just pass him and STFU or is this a department-level general position. Like he calls a hotline and complains that XYZ101 is too hard or something?
Hey - at 1270, he's showing Harvard isn't being racist for having a LOWER standard for minorities. They even let in dumb white kids. (Dumb being relative. I think I had a 1250 back in. . . . . . . . . . 1986. Not even close to Hah'vuhd material back then. Even for minorities. But I've done OK for myself.)

Your 1250 is off the chart compared to his 1270. The SAT has been revamped (dumbed down) a couple of times in the last 30ish years. Some colleges don't even look at it anymore.
Harvard isnt all about merit anymore- much of their admissions is about notoriety. Harvard wants students that want to change the world and have the drive and a plan to do it.
No, no, no - not "drive" and "plan" as those are insufficient. Probably not even necessary. Try: "Well-positioned."
Yeah. There was a time when Harvard found the best and brightest, made them bester and brighter and sent them out in the world. Now they are trading on their rep. . . . which will be gone at some point.

No, no, no - not "drive" and "plan" as those are insufficient. Probably not even necessary. Try: "Well-positioned."

You're joking, right? Harvard was founded to be a Puritan seminary with a mission statement of "convert the heathen, keep the indentured servants in their place, and maintain the social order."

Even during John Adam's (Class of 1755) time as a student, Harvard advanced a liberal, progressive agenda:

As the son of a Braintree farmer, church deacon, and town selectman, Adams was ranked in the middle of his class and awarded a scholarship. As an undergraduate, he responded with enthusiasm to three opportunities not available in Braintree. He seriously engaged the College’s relatively liberal curriculum in theology, mathematics, and natural science; he made friends with students from different social classes, often those above his own; and he joined a speaking club where his performances so impressed his classmates that they suggested he would make a better lawyer than the minister his pious father desired. (He would become the only graduate in his class to hold a Hollis scholarship and not become a minister.)

John Adams at Harvard

Harvard has always had an anti-individual freedom agenda, from enforcing religion to positing eugenics as a great idea to today.

Harvard’s Eugenics Era

Edit: to be clear no one mistakes eugenics for right-wing thought, here's a good line from a Harvard botanist:

“No! Eugenics is sorely needed; social progress without it is unthinkable….”
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You're joking, right? Harvard was founded to be a Puritan seminary with a mission statement of "convert the heathen, keep the indentured servants in their place, and maintain the social order."

Even during John Adam's (Class of 1755) time as a student, Harvard advanced a liberal, progressive agenda:

John Adams at Harvard

Harvard has always had an anti-individual freedom agenda, from enforcing religion to positing eugenics as a great idea to today.

Harvard’s Eugenics Era

Those aren't "drive" and "plan" - those are agendas to be furthered by the well-positioned.

As a good example, consider one Mark Zuckerberg. His creation was not at all innovative - not only were there already several and many in the marketplace at the time, but his acquisition of others' contributions is dubious at best - yet took off by leaps and bounds. Why? Backing. He was well-positioned.
Hey - at 1270, he's showing Harvard isn't being racist for having a LOWER standard for minorities. They even let in dumb white kids. (Dumb being relative. I think I had a 1250 back in. . . . . . . . . . 1986. Not even close to Hah'vuhd material back then. Even for minorities. But I've done OK for myself.)

1240 a couple years before that on a couple hours of sleep and slightly hungover- very hot girl involved. Worth it, LOL. Yeah, not ivy league either but like you have done quite well.

Your 1250 is off the chart compared to his 1270. The SAT has been revamped (dumbed down) a couple of times in the last 30ish years. Some colleges don't even look at it anymore.

Oh that's good- can't wait to tell my "we have to know more now than you had to know" kids. :D

Yeah, that little tw@t Hogg didn't get in on his own merits or money. I'm thinking someone influential is sponsoring that little anti-2A zealot.
Those aren't "drive" and "plan" - those are agendas to be furthered by the well-positioned.

As a good example, consider one Mark Zuckerberg. His creation was not at all innovative - not only were there already several and many in the marketplace at the time, but his acquisition of others' contributions is dubious at best - yet took off by leaps and bounds. Why? Backing. He was well-positioned.

All Harvard amounts to is a heap of agendas. Z-berg didn't even graduate from Harvard.

You can't prove that Harvard isn't built on pushing a progressive agenda with one non-graduate who created a website (instead of say, a Supreme Court justice who legislated from the bench and advocated for forced sterilization).

"Drive" and "plan" are things someone without a formal education can have, like Andrew Carneige or Ben Franklin (two years at Boston Latin School - created colonial America's largest media empire). Those are character traits, not something that's learned, though strategic planning ability can be refined with education.
Oh that's good- can't wait to tell my "we have to know more now than you had to know" kids.

I've had a recent Harvard grad working for me, very nice kid, first generation American, minored in Physics. He has only the loosest grasp of some really basic concepts. Example - moment of inertia - which he tried to use to solve an absolutely basic statics problem I gave him for fun.

I've heard the same story several times now. Harvard is easy - after you get in.
All Harvard amounts to is a heap of agendas. Z-berg didn't even graduate from Harvard.

You can't prove that Harvard isn't built on pushing a progressive agenda with one non-graduate who created a website (instead of say, a Supreme Court justice who legislated from the bench and advocated for forced sterilization).

"Drive" and "plan" are things someone without a formal education can have, like Andrew Carneige or Ben Franklin (two years at Boston Latin School - created colonial America's largest media empire). Those are character traits, not something that's learned, though strategic planning ability can be refined with education.
Zuckerberg didn't HAVE TO graduate. He made whatever deal with the devil he did, and his future was ensured. Again: well-positioned.

Re: character traits: EXACTLY. And once upon a time in the young country that was the United States of America, they were a necessary precondition to success (though arguably still insufficient).

Someone - probably Gary North - once wrote about the value of a MBA degree. His position: practically worthless (or at least not worth anything close to cost)... unless from a place like Wharton. Why? Same reason the well-positioned attend a place like Harvard: contacts. Wanna learn about business? Best bet is to apprentice at one (or "come up through the ranks" which is the modern equivalent).
Harvard Business School has a 'frat' that membership costs 100K a year. Kinda questions the premise of learn something valuable. All universities work by the same idea they try to put their stamp on people that are already going to succeed with or without that college's brand.
Harvard Business School has a 'frat' that membership costs 100K a year. Kinda questions the premise of learn something valuable. All universities work by the same idea they try to put their stamp on people that are already going to succeed with or without that college's brand.
That only works, long-term, if the brand has and maintains value. For most institutions, that would mean their graduates succeed in their professional pursuits, and, by extension, would imply they learned a thing or two while attending. That latter thing tends not to apply to a place like Harvard as, once again, the contacts are The Thing.
Everybody who did not get into Harvard, or did not go to Harvard, are experts on Harvard. Of course.
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