The propaganda machine is running at full throttle

92% of people in this country have never in history agreed on any one subject and they don't now either. The commies have got to go.
total. horse. shit.

i mean i know i associate with like-minded individuals, but not a single one of even my acquaintances will step on my rights because they know it's the guys like us who are always writing, demonstrating, and exercising our rights because they are theirs, too.

lawl sheepdoggin'.

I took this pic when I finished my new AR as a background pic for my profile pic usually has something gun related in it anyways lol
92% of what people? I haven't seen one person with that as their picture, and I have a bunch of liberal people on my friends' list
Never really go on facebook, too many idiots posting dumb stuff all the time.
Plenty of libs as you can tell by their postings. Maybe thats why they are old friends, not current, haha.
I think I will replace my pic with one of Charlton Heston, rifle over his head, with the "from my cold dead hands" caption.
At least then the libtards will have to see it.
It was a CBS/NYT poll. "This poll was conducted by telephone from January 11-15, 2013 among 1,110 adults nationwide.Phone numbers were dialed from samples of both standard land-line and cell phones.".

It's smarter to question the phrasing of the question (was it a push poll? What do people think "Universal Background check" means?) than to question the statistical accuracy or legitimacy of the poll's randomness or sample size.
If you are just going to make up statistics shouldn't the numbers at least look believable? You couldn't get 92% of Americans to agree that the sky is blue.
One should not get sucked into an argument about whether 92% agree there should be universal or stricter background checks.

The argument is not about whether there is a majority of people who want them or not. A majority does not matter.

The argument is about background checks violating a person's rights. Rights are not about what the majority thinks they should be. If it were, then we would form up lynch mobs, hang people and save money on the judicial system.

As we all know, not everyone even agrees that a NICS check should be done. The argument against it is something to the effect of: "If the person is not dangerous enough to keep in prison, then they should be allowed to own a weapon to defend themselves."

The problem of background checks is similar to the situation in Massachusetts with the "suitableness" clause. The criteria of the check can be changed as time passes, leading to fewer and fewer people being able to acquire guns. In MA, a police chief can add a condition at his whim, and then someone will have to challenge it in a court to prove that it is "capricious or arbitrary". Imagine what this would be like on a national scale.

Do not argue "majority" discussions, they do not matter. Point out that we have basic rights that supercede any opinion the majority may have otherwise.
I must be one of the 8% of Americans who still respects the constitution.

THAT should be a facebooger profile image...

I'm not on fb and don't ever plan on being on it. With all the crap on it, I don't see a reason to be there. I might change my LinkedIn profile picture to something pro-2A though...
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