The problem with civil disobedience is it will not take the form of what succeeded in the civil rights era.

The civil rights protestors did it loudly and proudly, virtually assuring their arrest. If they had done their protest in quiet, trying not to get caught, nothing would have happened.

Gun owners will not be handing themselves over for processing by the system; holding banned rifle shoots and inviting the public to watch; etc. They will be squirrelling guns away, not using them at the range, while society accepts "Evil guns are bad" as a new social norm. That norm is well established in many other countries. Just try arguing that unimportant people should be allowed to carry defensive handguns in public and you'll have about as much credibility as someone advocating sexual relationships with pre-teens.

There will not be door kicking - just non-discretionary arrest policies and mandatory penalties. I'll bet that not as many people as claimed on NES will keep that AR that brings a non plea bargain, no parole 5 year sentence for simple possession, though many will talk tough.
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If there's one thing I am confident in is that should a ban like that actually pass that the supreme court wont let it stand
I’m hopeful of the Supreme Court... but only hopeful until I see some real pro 2A actions...
The problem with civil disobedience is it will not take the form of what succeeded in the civil rights era.

The civil rights protestors did it loudly and proudly, virtually assuring their arrest. If they had done their protest in quiet, trying not to get caught, nothing would have happened.

Gun owners will not be handing themselves; holding banned rifle shoots and inviting the public to watch; etc. They will be squirrelling guns away, not using them at the range, while society accepts "Evil guns are bad" as a new social norm. That norm is well established in many other countries. Just try arguing that unimportant people should be allowed to carry defensive handguns in public and you'll have about as much credibility as someone advocating sexual relationships with pre-teens.

There will not be door kicking - just non-discretionary arrest policies and mandatory penalties. I'll bet that not as many people on NES will keep that AR that brings a non plea bargain, no parole 5 year sentence for simple possession, though many will talk tough.

One factor though is that with Internet there is a possibility of smaller communities and forums that fly below the radar. Also it's painfully obvious to many in the younger generation that anti gun crowds are craving control and there is an opposition to that.

Unlike fudds and cockservatives who are saddled with families, jobs, retirement plans and are not going to risk it all for few guns, the younger generation is more willing to do it. That kid in NZ that shot up the mosque is a perfect example. Regardless of righteousness of the act, there will be more of those coming the harder antigunners would push.
Most all of us who are not cucks will NOT be "turning in" our favorite guns when and if ARs are banned but I really enjoy taking mine out to the range regularly. Every club or range has their share of FUDDS who will dime you out in a minute in the state of Crap-a-chusetts if you have an evil illegal gun. If I had my way any club member ratting out another member would be thrown the fu..k out of the club and blacklisted for admission to any other. I can dream LOL.
Think about this. In Mass there is now a mask mandate and if you don't wear one it's a $300.00 fine. Lets see if they can enforce that before we move on to gun control. I'm waiting to see, if you don't wear a mask are the popo going to tackle you to give you a fine if you just keep walking and don't stop. Should be interesting.

the new mask mandate is a joke in how draconian it is, along with the curfew...and what's better is that Baker knows it is useless and pointless and all about conditioning control:

“It’s a bit like saying we’re going to ask people to wear condoms when they’re masturbating, because we think it’s going to get them to wear a condom when they’re with another person”
“I think a mandate like this — that people know is arbitrary — is going to do more to reduce trust than it will to reduce infections.”
I'm not especially concerned, at least for now. We're still a long, long way from these policy talking points making into any law that's going to matter to us. My reasoning:
  • Politicians are really bad at deliering on campaign promises. Joe Biden is a very typical politician and will not disappoint in this regard.
  • Gun control is a better platform item for Democrats than it is a legislative priority. Too many Democrats will
  • Biden and Congress will have bigger fish to fry: another COVID-19 financial package, getting back into Paris Climate, WHO, TPP, etc.
  • The courts would turn back much of this. An AWB would certainly get SCOTUS off the bench.
  • There's more, but it's happy hour here at casa Knuckle Dragger.
Joe Biden’s plan to end highway deaths. No cars that can drive faster than 15mph. Nobody needs one that goes faster. Only emergency personnel can have fast vehicles.
Without getting into the likelihood of any of Bidens bullshit..

What exactly prompted the goal of ending online gun parts and ammo? Has he or anyone ever indicated what that looks like?

I mean, it doesn't say background checks for gun parts, nor do I understand which parts constitute a "part", ie a reciever is a part, a barrel is a part, a scope or picatinny rail is a part? We would ship such parts to an FFL, who then would hand them to us?.. or if we just bought them locally at a store then that is OK?

Ammo.. similarly, they enact an already struck-down CA statue so ammo goes to a local ammo dealer who charges $25 and hands it over?

I understand democrats are stupid and obstruction of a right under some guise of safety is a tactic, but seems like a lot of firing up the opposite voter base for no net gain, not a lot of bang for the buck of legislating that monster. And it would be a monster piece of confusing ass legislation, screws, springs, tubes, "airsoft" parts etc etc
What exactly prompted the goal of ending online gun parts and ammo? Has he or anyone ever indicated what that looks like?

Makes it harder to build a P80 or an AR if you cant shop parts online. They've been pushing the idea that criminals are building their own Glocks instead of stealing them, like we already know they do.

I'm sure the homies love a good build project though!

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Guns are no less a pandemic than is SARS-Cov2 in one way. The spread of both cannot be stopped - only how we deal with them is in our grasp. Just as we aim to keep the virus out of nursing homes, we aim to keep guns from advantaging gang/criminal populations. But wearing a mask while walking down the street does no more good for the elderly shut-ins than do strict laws enforced on law-abiding gun owners.

We don’t kill the virus - it will burn through the world’s population like so much wood. It’s only how our bodies react when infected - you can be asymptomatic or experience a brief and mild cold. Or be laid out for days at home, taken to a hospital and die. Immunity doesn’t repel the virus, it just makes it more readily survivable. Herd immunity consists of natural immunity and vaccine-mediated immunity.

But in another way, guns are nothing like a pandemic viral vector. With 423 million guns in America, there are enough guns to "infect" every man, women and child with evil. Brady Campaign says 313 people are shot daily in the US, or 114,245 yearly. That’s 3 shot per 10,000 "lethal weapons". If SARS-Cov2 infected 0,03% - we’d have never even heard of the virus.

We don’t rid the human race of viral infection by any means. Nor do we rid the human race of evil by gun control - we only limit our natural resistance to evil and expect some mask of laws protect to us from crime and violence.
The problem with civil disobedience is it will not take the form of what succeeded in the civil rights era.

The civil rights protestors did it loudly and proudly, virtually assuring their arrest. If they had done their protest in quiet, trying not to get caught, nothing would have happened.

Gun owners will not be handing themselves over for processing by the system; holding banned rifle shoots and inviting the public to watch; etc. They will be squirrelling guns away, not using them at the range, while society accepts "Evil guns are bad" as a new social norm. That norm is well established in many other countries. Just try arguing that unimportant people should be allowed to carry defensive handguns in public and you'll have about as much credibility as someone advocating sexual relationships with pre-teens.

There will not be door kicking - just non-discretionary arrest policies and mandatory penalties. I'll bet that not as many people as claimed on NES will keep that AR that brings a non plea bargain, no parole 5 year sentence for simple possession, though many will talk tough.
What you described is exactly what happened in Japan. Handguns and rifles are banned entirely. 7 year no- parole prison sentence for simply touching a handgun. Even the Japanese organized crime syndicate known as Yakuza view firearms to be more of a liability than what they are worth, considering the draconian penalties for simple possession.
Will it be under Biden? What’s to stop him from putting Beto at the head of it and replacing everyone down the chain with moms who demand action?
Because that's not how that works. Beto is more likely to be a "gun control czar" in the cabinet but he doesn't have the street creds to be considered an agency director.
Because that's not how that works. Beto is more likely to be a "gun control czar" in the cabinet but he doesn't have the street creds to be considered an agency director.

You don't think that he'll be able to replace agency directors if he has 4 or 8 years to work on it?
You don't think that he'll be able to replace agency directors if he has 4 or 8 years to work on it?
Obama had 8 years and the ATF was a merry go round. Most of the time they just had an acting director. Also even the anti leaning ones are not stupid enough to go past a certain point. Edicts that are too aggressive risk legal challenges and a limitation of power of the agency.
What you described is exactly what happened in Japan. Handguns and rifles are banned entirely. 7 year no- parole prison sentence for simply touching a handgun. Even the Japanese organized crime syndicate known as Yakuza view firearms to be more of a liability than what they are worth, considering the draconian penalties for simple possession.
Not entirely, but incredibly strict and rarely issued licenses. At one point I remember reading there were a total of 60 handgun licenses issued in the entire counry.
Very sad.
I think the most common reactions to our firearms being further restricted or confiscated are, "never", or "from my cold dead hands", type stuff.
But, read through Biden's very aggressive agenda, and then say "what if he passed all of this?"
It just sets the stage for many gun owners either: register or sell the firearms, and many others will hide firearms.
This splits the 2A supporters, obviously.
Much like DJT supporters have been split when it comes to him conceding or fighting, the collective "voice" is diminished. As it would similarly be amongst gun toting folk should Biden get this legislation through. Divide and conquer.
These laws are designed to further filter divergent persons.
Because the public eye does not see the man or woman living peacefully unattached to this tit we call a government over in Lempster with a 50 cal. And a bunch of " unregistered assault rifles" as a Patriot. They see that person as an extremist, a dissident chord, one off from "their" society.
No, sir or madam you are not an individual, your free thought does not follow an accepted pattern, and you are defunct.
Can we do better?
They're gonna make semi-automatics subject to NFA? So the punishment for owning a non-registered semi-automatic AR would be the same as for owning a full-auto machine gun?

I foresee a huge black market for full-auto conversion kits should they succeed.
They're gonna make semi-automatics subject to NFA? So the punishment for owning a non-registered semi-automatic AR would be the same as for owning a full-auto machine gun?

I foresee a huge black market for full-auto conversion kits should they succeed.
I agree with Rob Boudrie. The majority of gun owners would turn in their firearms or bury them far away from home if such a ban went into effect. There will be no open protests or SWAT raids for the most part. Few, if any, folks with good jobs, successful careers and families would be willing to throw it all away for a piece of metal. As a younger man, I might have done it but not now. Would not take much on the legal side for me to lose my good job, crush my lifelong earning potential and put my family in a tough spot. A felony conviction for my wife would cause her to lose her nursing license and DEA license to prescribe/administer sedatives and anesthetics.
I agree with Rob Boudrie. The majority of gun owners would turn in their firearms or bury them far away from home if such a ban went into effect. There will be no open protests or SWAT raids for the most part. Few, if any, folks with good jobs, successful careers and families would be willing to throw it all away for a piece of metal. As a younger man, I might have done it but not now. Would not take much on the legal side for me to lose my good job, crush my lifelong earning potential and put my family in a tough spot. A felony conviction for my wife would cause her to lose her nursing license and DEA license to prescribe/administer sedatives and anesthetics.

I am sure you will be flamed for that, but I agree with you. So many people who say they will not comply and will do armed resistance, how many were marching over the last few days about the election? Unless there is a major uprising the power of the gov't will crush small uprisings. Remember the Shay's Rebellion, it didn't work...
Pretty big update on this last night further illustrating why people need to relax a bit. Joe Manchin (D from West Virginia) on live national TV emphatically confirmed that he would not vote to end the filibuster (nuclear option 3) should the democrats win both seats in GA (which is very unlikely). This now means that even IF both seats in GA do flip to democrat, they still do not have enough votes to end the filibuster, and this assumes all 49 other democrats would vote down party lines.

And so ends the liberal wet dream of packing the supreme court, adding statehoods, & passing massively restrictive gun laws. Now people can stop paying .75/round for 9mm and put down the pitchforks.
Not sure I’d trust to him to keep his word in the face of what could be pressure from his own party, the media and half the country.
Pretty big update on this last night further illustrating why people need to relax a bit. Joe Manchin (D from West Virginia) on live national TV emphatically confirmed that he would not vote to end the filibuster (nuclear option 3) should the democrats win both seats in GA (which is very unlikely). This now means that even IF both seats in GA do flip to democrat, they still do not have enough votes to end the filibuster, and this assumes all 49 other democrats would vote down party lines.

And so ends the liberal wet dream of packing the supreme court, adding statehoods, & passing massively restrictive gun laws. Now people can stop paying .75/round for 9mm and put down the pitchforks.
People just need to stop being retards and ginning hysteria about bidens ejac dreams about gun control. A lot of stuff in his platform is going to piss off the gun mafia, too. (We'd have big money resistance on our side. It's not even worth talking about it until or unless legislation is filed.
I am sure you will be flamed for that, but I agree with you. So many people who say they will not comply and will do armed resistance, how many were marching over the last few days about the election? Unless there is a major uprising the power of the gov't will crush small uprisings. Remember the Shay's Rebellion, it didn't work...
Said it before here, many times. And now I'll say it again.. If I had ten bucks for every time I've heard (mostly) white (mostly) American (mostly) guys yell about "IT'S GO TIME" here (and elsewhere)? I would be able to retire tomorrow.

There is literally less-than-zero chance...less than zero.. of legal, law abiding gun owners shouting (actually texting, LOL) to each other that it's time to "RISE UP! ..One if by land, two if by sea...To arms! Fellow citizens!! To arms!!"...and having everyone (or anyone), anywhere storm any State House/any Governor's mansion/any White House or other Presidential Palace, etc..Less than zero chance of this actually happening.

You (we) would be very VERY quickly mowed down by semi-automatic/full-auto gunfire.. and by the following Monday or Tuesday the only "angry, fed-up citizens" who would even slightly remember your glorious uprising would be your family... as they're holding your funeral..(And half of those relatives would whisper to each other - as your casket is wheeled slowly toward the alter - "What the HELL was he thinking?? Didn't he realize that everyone talks a great game but very few actually beg the coach to let them onto the playing field?).

"To arms! Fellow citizens!! Join me in rebellion!! It's GO TIME!!!"....
(Let me know how that works out for you).

Just sayin'
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Not sure I’d trust to him to keep his word in the face of what could be pressure from his own party, the media and half the country.

I don't agree. Half the country doesn't want extremist ideas, which is why democrats lost over 100 legislative seats across the country. People didn't vote for Biden, they voted against Trump. Democrats got smoked in all other arenas based largely on their radical ideas. This election proved that radical leftism is not popular.
While politicians aren't to be trusted....its not easy to get legislation passed in DC....nevermind something as big as restricting civil rights...and with no votes to spare... They will go for "UBC" standalone IF they get to 50 (and can kill fillibuster) ....but certain D's are going to want some favors in exchange for their obamacare and the Dem Senators who killed the "public option". There is at least Manchin and Tester who are going to want things for their Chris Murphy not writing it (both voted against his nonsense bill)...Not sure how long they would hold the bill hostage.....Not sure if Pelosi has votes in House anymore
I'm going to get a little deep with this post.
It will be a bit different from the usual stuff I share, but I do have a point.

All the fears of Biden's gun ban plans in these multiple threads are really a reflection of something more primal in the mind. What most of you are really afraid of is dying.

Atheists are afraid of dying because you believe this is all there is. Once you are dead, that's it. Game over. Christians are afraid of death because they still worry about going to Hell. And you Catholics, if you know your catechism, know that only a very small percentage of people get into Heaven without going to Purgatory. And for those that don't know, Purgatory is Hell with a release date.

So ultimately, the inaction and worry comes from fear of death.

But I don't fear death. I don't really want to die. Since it is inevitable, I've done a ton of research on this subject over the last ten years. That research has lead me down some interesting paths.

I am very comfortable with the conclusion that what will likely happen is this.

If you don't fight for your rights now, you will likely have to come back and experience another lifetime on an even shittier version of Earth -- because you did nothing in this lifetime.

As Kuhner would say, "but let that go".

What is very clear is that most people are motivated by self preservation, and this fact is being used to control YOU. If you are willing to hand in your guns, you are already a slave.
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