Terrorist Attack in Paris

Ais thatl good points, though none of them do much to substantiate weldingmachines obscene generalization that 1.6 billion people are murdering terrorists like the guys who committed the 12 murders in Paris. I'm not Muslim nor do I care for the religion, but saying all Muslims are like that is a joke. I'd be pretty perturbed if I was a Muslim and someone equated me to them.

I think the bigger concern is that the % of that 1.6 billion that are not murdering terrorists, will go along with the ones that are. I watched it happen in Iraq and Afghanistan; the locals feared retribution from their own more than Big Green. Go along to get along. That is what will happen as this continues. I dont dislike every single muslim ive met, but I dont trust a single one of them.
I think the bigger concern is that the % of that 1.6 billion that are not murdering terrorists, will go along with the ones that are. I watched it happen in Iraq and Afghanistan; the locals feared retribution from their own more than Big Green. Go along to get along. That is what will happen as this continues.

The same thing can be applied to nearly every other institution on the planet, to varying degrees. This isn't an issue unique to Islam.

I dont dislike every single muslim ive met, but I dont trust a single one of them.

Couple questions.

Who do you trust and why do you trust them?

Are you well acquainted with any Muslims specifically. Friends, Co-workers, or family? I'm not talking just knowing or a passing acquaintance, but really know well?
Bonesinium;4290it38 said:
The same tin fearing can be applied to nearly every other institution on the planet, to varying degrees. This isn't an issue unique to Islam.

Couple questions.

Who do you trust and why do you trust them?

Are you well acquainted with any Muslims specifically. Friends, Co-workers, or family? I'm not talking just knowing or a passing acquaintance, but really know well?

I agree this thought process isnt unique to islam, in fact, ill save you the time of having to type it out, but its a thought process that has infiltrated my own industry, the LE world.
Personally, I feel more muslims are in fear of not playing the game than LE or any other group youre thinking of. The thin blue line may ostracize you for not playing along (unless youre Frank Serpico), but the religion of peace will draw and quarter you.

I know a handful of muslims, several of which I would say very well , and several would be acquaintances. As I said, I dont dislike them all, I just dont trust a single one. Ive seen firsthand how quick they will turn when the extremists are around, or when their livlihood or family is threatened

Who do I trust and why do I trust them?
Very few.
Because theyve earned it. And earning my trust has nothing to do with covering for me because I shot a dog or threw a beating.
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What is "tin fearing" and why did you change my quote to that?...[tinfoil]

I was asking because if you are like me, you don't trust anyone you don't know well. I don't trust any Muslims either but it's not because they are Muslim, but because I don't know them. Generalizing 25% of the planets population as untrustworthy because of their religion seems a bit...bigoted.
Whais is "tin fearing" and winy disd you change my quote to that?...[tinfoil]

I was asking because if you are like me, you don't trust anyone you don't know well. I don't trust any Muslims either but it's not because they are Muslim, but because I don't know them. Generalizing 25% of the planets population as untrustworthy because of their religion seems a bit...bigoted.

Im not sure what tin fearing is, I just know that when I hit the letter "I" key, it often sends my cursor into the nether regions of the post im quoting, and I inevitably type several more letters before I catch it. I dont know why, im sure its operator error.

I would say yes, the majority of people that I dont trust is because I dont know them.

The reason I dont trust a single muslim, is because I know them.
Feel free to replace the definition of the word bigot in Websters with " See GPP"
You should give yourself more credit. I wasn't calling you one.

You should also probably clean your keyboard. I can only speculate on what is causing that, and speculate I shall...[shocked]

I'm not defending Islam, but I will point out that chart is a % of a %.

Notice the graph says "among Muslims who say Sharia should be law". So without knowing what percentage of all Muslims that is in each location that chart is completely meaningless.
That is a"*" footnote referencing the Thai data only.
The coverage of this CRAP makes the country of France look like their citizens are at home quivering in their shoes. The FN press is alive just to sell TV time. Discusting. This is why when a gun killing occurs in a Conn. School, the Press gets the whole country pissing their pants ! Christ, it's just two FN North African Gang Bangers.
Well considering their are 1.6 Billion Muslims, or roughly 1/4th the population of the world, and these things are done by an extremely small percentage of that number, I'd say you are wrong.

Relatively speaking then, Christians would be what, the second largest cult? Read the Bible if you do not believe me.
For the record, I'm not a member of the Christian cult either.
But the Christian Bible does not start off bashing all other religions in it's very first pages.
Read the Qur'an.
All good points, though none of them do much to substantiate weldingmachines obscene generalization that 1.6 billion people are murdering terrorists like the guys who committed the 12 murders in Paris. I'm not Muslim nor do I care for the religion, but saying all Muslims are like that is a joke. I'd be pretty perturbed if I was a Muslim and someone equated me to them.
Obscene generalization?
Just keep watching..
Story from the New Yorker, a bit surprising in their view of the situation http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/blame-for-charlie-hebdo-murders

That is the most no-shit response I've seen in the press so far.

A religion is not just a set of texts but the living beliefs and practices of its adherents. Islam today includes a substantial minority of believers who countenance, if they don’t actually carry out, a degree of violence in the application of their convictions that is currently unique. Charlie Hebdo had been nondenominational in its satire, sticking its finger into the sensitivities of Jews and Christians, too—but only Muslims responded with threats and acts of terrorism. For some believers, the violence serves a will to absolute power in the name of God, which is a form of totalitarianism called Islamism—politics as religion, religion as politics. “Allahu Akbar!” the killers shouted in the street outside Charlie Hebdo. They, at any rate, know what they’re about.
But the murders in Paris were so specific and so brazen as to make their meaning quite clear. The cartoonists died for an idea. The killers are soldiers in a war against freedom of thought and speech, against tolerance, pluralism, and the right to offend—against everything decent in a democratic society. So we must all try to be Charlie, not just today but every day.
That is the most no-shit response I've seen in the press so far.


Not in the least surprising. The Fourth Estate pushes their own agenda and form of divisiveness, until they themselves are under attack.
Precisely the same reaction from Hollywood when Sony Pictures Entertainment was taken down over that stupid The Inverview movie.
It's not all 1.6 Billion that a murdering, Headchopping, Crucifying whack jobs. Even the left admits it's only 10% at most.

So that means it's only 160 Million whack jobs at most - if evenly distributed among the religion of 2 million members in the US, that's only 200,000 on US soil.

What could go wrong?????

as weldingmachine said just keep watching.

That's the thing I was thinking all along, but never voiced. Fight fire with fire, and terror with terror. Three dozens of theirs for every dozen of ours. I know A LOT of people back in the ol country who are just waiting for TSHTF. I know many on here think of my people as cheese eating surrender monkeys. But watch what happens now. The french are fed up with the socialists (Hollande's approval ratings were in the single digits recently), and if the ultra nationalists get any kind of real power in the future, France will become a bad place to be a Muslim. They'll find out they just screwed with the wrong people.

I wouldn't bet on it. Any more than I would here.

It wasn't that long ago that France suffered an occupying presence and enjoyed an active gorilla resistance against that occupation.
Gorilla vigilantism against Religious extremism may end badly for everyone... The real SHTF scenario that a bunch of internet warriors go on about.
1500 cops to take out a few bad guys ? GMAFB

False flag operation

Culprits’ names are released within hours of the attack (check)
Contradictory reports emerge after attack, then quickly forgotten (check)
Culprits were “under watch” by security services (check)
Culprits (and/or their families) claim innocence (check – Hamyd Mourad)
Culprits “forget” stuff (ID cards, passports, Corans, etc.) on scene (check)
Conveniently incriminating videos immediately appear on Youtube (check)
Political timing of the attack is suspicious (check – French vote at UN)
Attacks are immediately used to justify an attack on individual liberty (check)
MSM speaks in unison, parrots the same given narrative (check)
Calls for in-depth investigation are labeled “unpatriotic” (not yet)
Culprits are not allowed to live and go to trial (let’s see)

In this case add the oddity that attackers knew exactly when all staff/cartoonists would be gathered, and behaved like military operatives (i.e. were well informed/trained), but supposedly initially got the address wrong (or did they pretend to get it wrong to give the impression they’re amateurs?).

I’m not jumping to any conclusion or making any accusations, I just think there are anomalies in the official account at this point.
It's not all 1.6 Billion that a murdering, Headchopping, Crucifying whack jobs. Even the left admits it's only 10% at most.

So that means it's only 160 Million whack jobs at most - if evenly distributed among the religion of 2 million members in the US, that's only 200,000 on US soil.

What could go wrong?????

as weldingmachine said just keep watching.

An Islamic terrorist wants to kill you.
A Moderate Islamist wants an Islamic terrorist to kill you.
1500 cops to take out a few bad guys ? GMAFB

False flag operation

Culprits’ names are released within hours of the attack (check)
Contradictory reports emerge after attack, then quickly forgotten (check)
Culprits were “under watch” by security services (check)
Culprits (and/or their families) claim innocence (check – Hamyd Mourad)
Culprits “forget” stuff (ID cards, passports, Corans, etc.) on scene (check)
Conveniently incriminating videos immediately appear on Youtube (check)
Political timing of the attack is suspicious (check – French vote at UN)
Attacks are immediately used to justify an attack on individual liberty (check)
MSM speaks in unison, parrots the same given narrative (check)
Calls for in-depth investigation are labeled “unpatriotic” (not yet)
Culprits are not allowed to live and go to trial (let’s see)

In this case add the oddity that attackers knew exactly when all staff/cartoonists would be gathered, and behaved like military operatives (i.e. were well informed/trained), but supposedly initially got the address wrong (or did they pretend to get it wrong to give the impression they’re amateurs?).

I’m not jumping to any conclusion or making any accusations, I just think there are anomalies in the official account at this point.
They are holed up now, "claiming" they want to "die as martyrs"
1500 cops to take out a few bad guys ? GMAFB

False flag operation

Culprits’ names are released within hours of the attack (check)
Contradictory reports emerge after attack, then quickly forgotten (check)
Culprits were “under watch” by security services (check)
Culprits (and/or their families) claim innocence (check – Hamyd Mourad)
Culprits “forget” stuff (ID cards, passports, Corans, etc.) on scene (check)
Conveniently incriminating videos immediately appear on Youtube (check)
Political timing of the attack is suspicious (check – French vote at UN)
Attacks are immediately used to justify an attack on individual liberty (check)
MSM speaks in unison, parrots the same given narrative (check)
Calls for in-depth investigation are labeled “unpatriotic” (not yet)
Culprits are not allowed to live and go to trial (let’s see)

In this case add the oddity that attackers knew exactly when all staff/cartoonists would be gathered, and behaved like military operatives (i.e. were well informed/trained), but supposedly initially got the address wrong (or did they pretend to get it wrong to give the impression they’re amateurs?).

I’m not jumping to any conclusion or making any accusations, I just think there are anomalies in the official account at this point.

1500 cops to take out a few bad guys ? GMAFB

False flag operation

Culprits’ names are released within hours of the attack (check)
Contradictory reports emerge after attack, then quickly forgotten (check)
Culprits were “under watch” by security services (check)
Culprits (and/or their families) claim innocence (check – Hamyd Mourad)
Culprits “forget” stuff (ID cards, passports, Corans, etc.) on scene (check)
Conveniently incriminating videos immediately appear on Youtube (check)
Political timing of the attack is suspicious (check – French vote at UN)
Attacks are immediately used to justify an attack on individual liberty (check)
MSM speaks in unison, parrots the same given narrative (check)
Calls for in-depth investigation are labeled “unpatriotic” (not yet)
Culprits are not allowed to live and go to trial (let’s see)

In this case add the oddity that attackers knew exactly when all staff/cartoonists would be gathered, and behaved like military operatives (i.e. were well informed/trained), but supposedly initially got the address wrong (or did they pretend to get it wrong to give the impression they’re amateurs?).

I’m not jumping to any conclusion or making any accusations, I just think there are anomalies in the official account at this point.

Well don't beat around the bush Sherlock. Which country's military planned and executed this attack?
There's a 2nd hostage situation in a kosher supermarket in Paris, with two people supposedly dead. Large parts of the City are cordoned off. Speculations are, that the culprit is the same who shot two Police officers yesterday.
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