Tentative Deal : NY Restrict Capacity 7 Rounds

Was it stated if the bill applies to existing property or what is sold/produced in the future?
Was it stated if the bill applies to existing property or what is sold/produced in the future?

I do not believe anyone knows yet. There will be hell to pay if all existing mags and guns that hold more than 7 rds suddenly become illegal. Many will challenge that one in court. No way the state of NY has enough money to provide compensation for the taking of that property.
If I was a company that made mags (and this passes), I would limit them all to 7 rounds. LEO, Mil etc... Tired of whats good for them is not good for us.

I'm so sick of this crap!!!!!! Fix kids, fix parents, fix family's, fix the schools, fix the economy etc. Find the real reason for all the shooting, suicides, drugged up kids/adults (prescription).

Geeze, when you could go into a hardware store and buy a full auto Thompson for a few $ and walk home with it in seconds, there were less shootings (forgetting the gangsters)

Guns got toned down and crime went up? Hmmm... Maybe guns are not the real problem?
Hmmm... Maybe guns are not the real problem?

As with all the legislation being threatened by big Gov, it is being done to solve a problem, just not the problem they advertise.

The problem they are solving is how do they consolidate power, strip the rights of the masses to defend themselves and enlarge the amount of people that depend on the Gov for their preservation, not how to have safer schools, malls etc...

As is one of the mantras of the left, don't let a disaster go to waste, this is their oppurtunity to accomplish the goals stated above....
I know the real agenda... I just needed to rant.

I've been shooting since I was 7, so I'd really miss it if they win... Not to mention the steamroller that will come after the 2nd falls.
If I was a company that made mags (and this passes), I would limit them all to 7 rounds. LEO, Mil etc... Tired of whats good for them is not good for us.

I'm so sick of this crap!!!!!! Fix kids, fix parents, fix family's, fix the schools, fix the economy etc. Find the real reason for all the shooting, suicides, drugged up kids/adults (prescription).

Geeze, when you could go into a hardware store and buy a full auto Thompson for a few $ and walk home with it in seconds, there were less shootings (forgetting the gangsters)

Guns got toned down and crime went up? Hmmm... Maybe guns are not the real problem?

I wouldn't. I'd simply refuse to sell anything to the NYC police department.
I realize there are some compact style guns out there that could fill the 7 round maximum allowed magazine section of the new law. But, to expect the gun industry to manufacture 7 round mags just for NY residents is ludicrous. Even 10 round mags can be hard to find for some guns, nevermind trying to fond a 7 rounder.

That's the whole point. Create enough legal and compliance obstacles, and companies will chose to simply no longer do business in the state.

See also: Glock and Massachusetts.
The NY legislators are asking Governor Cuomo to sidestep the mandatory 3 day period for allowing comments on pending legislation. As bad as I find the suggested restrictions, the shutting down of possible public debate and discussion is just as bad.

Rue 7 applies here, as they will do everything they can to move these bills as fast as possible.

Understand these rules and you can predict the response from the domestic enemies.

RULE 7: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.

RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.
He said a registry of assault weapons will be created, grandfathering in assault weapons already in private hands. He said crimes using guns will get additional mandatory minimum sentences.
If I was a company that made mags (and this passes), I would limit them all to 7 rounds. LEO, Mil etc... Tired of whats good for them is not good for us.

I'm so sick of this crap!!!!!! Fix kids, fix parents, fix family's, fix the schools, fix the economy etc. Find the real reason for all the shooting, suicides, drugged up kids/adults (prescription).

Geeze, when you could go into a hardware store and buy a full auto Thompson for a few $ and walk home with it in seconds, there were less shootings (forgetting the gangsters)

Guns got toned down and crime went up? Hmmm... Maybe guns are not the real problem?

What needs to happen is that gun owners as a whole - have to start appealing to - or FORCING the manufacturers somehow - to only sell to the government - the same things they would sell to civilians.

Barrett did it on his own - because he has some balls. I'd like to see if he follows thru and refuses to sell to the government at all if the Feds start really pushing some serious shit.

Look people - it's time to wake up and stop HOPING people will do the "right" thing - and start people (and companies) - PAY for not doing the "right" thing.

The best way to do that is thru the power of your wallet. The two gun buying sprees that Obama has fostered have shown loud and clear where the real power lies. It lies in the power of YOUR purse. It also lies in the power of the internet. If companies sell you out by refusing to sell into the civilian market in NY - but continue to sell to the government market - guess what - they have SOLD YOU OUT. They are arming up the government - and refusing to arm you.

This is just as much a threat to you as anything else. The 2nd wasn't put there for duck hunting. It was put there to protect against tyrannical government. If manufacturers will sell to the government - but not to you - then what you've got is virtual disarmament - while at the same time arming up the government.

You should be as pissed about that as anything else that is going on right now.
Here is where we are headed: States dominated by major urban centers and coastal areas will be "gun-free" zones. The rest of America will be armed. The vast majority of the crime will be in the urban centers, and those places will keep tightening the screws on the citizens (who will ask for this and more) until they need a full body search to leave the house.

Observe that one pathetic little piece of human garbage managed to threaten the rights of over 300 million Americans. That is possible because we have no rights, and live a country where the only bounds on government are the fears of the people. 9/11 showed us that fear always wins.

The illusion accepted by many is that old pieces of paper mean something. What the progressives know is that nothing can stand against the persistent desires of the majority. Laws are there to be interpreted and twisted as the situation demands. That's why nine people in robes have been elevated to a modern theocracy. What they say is sacred until they say something else.

America is soft, weak and frightened of everything. The people will sell every liberty they have to feel a bit more safe at the mall. Those who doubt the possibility of a totalitarian state need only observe this and wonder what might happen if the lights go out or food becomes scarce. Justice, rule of law, and the concept of limited government are a joke. We live among mob rule. The only reason most people don't understand this is that there is a varying lag between desire and outcome. That, and most, statistically, are in the mob.
I understand that I shouldn't be trying to apply logic to political decisions, but 6 would have at least made some sense. so would 8. so would 30. I don't know of any currently produced magazine that holds 7 rounds that they could have used as an example.

Some are 7-rounds. They are rare though. The first one that came to my mind was the Sig Sauer P239 mag for the .40 S&W/.357 Sig.
What needs to happen is that gun owners as a whole - have to start appealing to - or FORCING the manufacturers somehow - to only sell to the government - the same things they would sell to civilians.

Barrett did it on his own - because he has some balls. I'd like to see if he follows thru and refuses to sell to the government at all if the Feds start really pushing some serious shit.

Look people - it's time to wake up and stop HOPING people will do the "right" thing - and start people (and companies) - PAY for not doing the "right" thing.

The best way to do that is thru the power of your wallet. The two gun buying sprees that Obama has fostered have shown loud and clear where the real power lies. It lies in the power of YOUR purse. It also lies in the power of the internet. If companies sell you out by refusing to sell into the civilian market in NY - but continue to sell to the government market - guess what - they have SOLD YOU OUT. They are arming up the government - and refusing to arm you.

This is just as much a threat to you as anything else. The 2nd wasn't put there for duck hunting. It was put there to protect against tyrannical government. If manufacturers will sell to the government - but not to you - then what you've got is virtual disarmament - while at the same time arming up the government.

You should be as pissed about that as anything else that is going on right now.

I remember Colt And Smith and Wesson bowing to the powers that be not too long ago, I and others boycotted them and soon they turned around. We voted with our wallets.

We have to send a message, if you turn your back's on us and keep feeding .gov your products and neuter civilian stuff, we will find other company's!
I understand that I shouldn't be trying to apply logic to political decisions, but 6 would have at least made some sense. so would 8. so would 30. I don't know of any currently produced magazine that holds 7 rounds that they could have used as an example.

My Marlin 795 has 7 round mags.
You have got to be kidding me... There are Revolvers that hold more then 7 rounds. How the hell is that a compramise ?!?!

Revolvers don't have magazines, aren't semi-auto, and don't have a "feeding device" because there are multiple chambers.
NY: Citizens must be unarmed. But, rest assured. Mass murderers will only be able to shoot 7 of you before they have to drop the mag and put a new one in. Those extra 2 seconds might mean you can put another poor unarmed soul between you and the shooter so that he gets it instead of you.
Did any one read the Heller decision? I can't read those things but one of the things that keeps popping up in my mind from a summary I read was that there was some expectation that 'guns in common use' should/would/could not be excluded for use by the people. To me this would mean that if 49 of the 50 states allow a certain firearm than 1 state could not forbid them. Couldn't the same be said about magazines in common use? Afterall, for many firearms there is no such thing as a 7 round magazine.

Perhaps someone with more legal expertise could read the decision and let me know how I am misinterpretting this.
Did any one read the Heller decision? I can't read those things but one of the things that keeps popping up in my mind from a summary I read was that there was some expectation that 'guns in common use' should/would/could not be excluded for use by the people. To me this would mean that if 49 of the 50 states allow a certain firearm than 1 state could not forbid them. Couldn't the same be said about magazines in common use? Afterall, for many firearms there is no such thing as a 7 round magazine.

Perhaps someone with more legal expertise could read the decision and let me know how I am misinterpretting this.

That would be be argument to challenge the ban. So, it could be someone with standing will sue, ask the court to enjoin the law and then let it make its way to the NY State Court of Appeals (note that in NY, the Supreme Court is the trial court not the highest court in the state) if filed in state court (not recommended) or to SCOTUS if filed in federal court.
Did any one read the Heller decision? I can't read those things but one of the things that keeps popping up in my mind from a summary I read was that there was some expectation that 'guns in common use' should/would/could not be excluded for use by the people. To me this would mean that if 49 of the 50 states allow a certain firearm than 1 state could not forbid them. Couldn't the same be said about magazines in common use? Afterall, for many firearms there is no such thing as a 7 round magazine.

Perhaps someone with more legal expertise could read the decision and let me know how I am misinterpretting this.

Yes, and it spoke to firearms in common use.

This ruling by NY would eliminate all handguns save revolvers and some small carry guns. I can't think of any .22 semi autos that would qualify, for instance.

I'm not convinced they're smart enough, but it seems they decided on the number 7 for precisely that reason.
All CMP matches shooting 8+2 are now going to be 7 + 3? Where do you get a 7 round en bloc clip? This in effect is a 5 round proposal. As the 5 round clip for M1 and 5 round magazines for the AR platform are already produced.
I'm not convinced they're smart enough, but it seems they decided on the number 7 for precisely that reason.

It's probably because some "anti gun hypocrite, large type a**h***" (TM) wants to save his late grandfather's 1911 bringback. [thinking]

The problem isn't going to court to challenge laws, the problem is that we have to repeatedly do it and it takes forever. They can pass 100s of laws in the time you get one nullified. It's a complete losing battle. The solution to the problem is to get rid of people who think it's OK to infringe on your rights.
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