Taped 911 call - Eye Opener

We aren't what you would consider deep in the woods, but one of the times we called 911 and it was over an hour for us to get police, etc out here.

Last time I had to call 911, it took about 3 minutes for them to arrive. But, even so, my chief once told me directly, "We'll always do our best, but the only thing I can only promise is that we'll be there in time to mop up."
god bless her......I think she did right. Buy yelling at the intruder most likely would have just hightened his anger. After he checked the garage for his pick up and it was not there. You would think he would have figured out he shouldnt be there. Wacked out on drugs or booze. Forcable entry into your home I dont believe you need to warn the sobs of your defensive cababilities. What I like is the fact that they said " you need to defend yourself if you need to"
30 minutes for cops to show up is crazy... how deep in the woods do you have to be for that kind of response time? .

Some of you New Englanders truly have NO idea about the distances that have to be covered by Sheriff's Deputies, EMS, and fire departments in rural and semi rural counties in Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Texas, etc.

Some counties out west are as large as half of your state and may have no more than six to ten deputies and one or two state troopers on any particular shift.

Nye County, in Nevada, has a land area of 18,146 square miles and little over 32,000 residents.
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We aren't what you would consider deep in the woods, but one of the times we called 911 and it was over an hour for us to get police, etc out here.

The one time I've called 911 was for a medical emergency in a small (sub 4,000) town. The police were knocking on my front door within 3 minutes. I was very surprised.
I don't think it's a big deal that it took PD a while to get there.

You hope that PD is there but they can't be everywhere all the time. Just like you can't trust the safety on your gun, you can't trust that someone will miraculously be there at the exact moment you need them. That is out of your control.

Whether the PD showed up 30 min after the intruder broke in or 3 min after he did, it's still too late.

That was pretty scary but there are a few moments where for some reason I laughed.

1. When the woman's son (Chief of police somewhere) told her to say "Tell them you're Bret's boy" ....and the woman goes out and says "I'm Bret's boy...girl...no wait...Mother"

2. When Bret asks his mother whether she made coffee. I couldn't figure out why.
Some of you New Englanders truly have NO idea about the distances that have to be covered by Sheriff's Deputies, EMS, and fire departments in rural and semi rural counties in Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Texas, etc.

Some counties out west are as large as half of your state and may have no more than six to ten deputies and one or two state troopers on any particular shift.

Nye County, in Nevada, has a land area of 18,146 square miles and little over 32,000 residents.

You're right, but in these examples, (I'm guessing) they don't have the storage/possession/is he really gonna kill you BS we have to worry about. If every state was like TX, this wouldn't even be a topic. Don't get me wrong, my families protection is my #1 priority and no law will change that, I'm just sayin.
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OK, i'm sure i'll get flak for this but.....

i would have yelled something to the guy. the simple fact, from what i have heard, is he was either drunk or on drugs and as such he could have been thinking he was home and his wife locked him out. he could have been banging to have her let him in or he would break the door in. i myself could not tell what he was yelling.

based on the above, i would have yelled something to the effect of get lost the police have been called, you've got the wrong house and i am ready to protect myself. then if he came in, it would have ended up with the same result.

now if i am wrong about the above and it turns out he did know where he was, then all bets are off. i just would not want to kill someone who was at the wrong house when a simple warning would have sent the guy away. yes i understand he may have continued - being he was in the condition he was in, and as i said if he entered the results would have been the same.

i was also left wondering why she keep worrying about the dog getting the cops when he did such a bad job getting the guy breaking in! at first she said the dog was attacking him but then he wasn't - what happened?

i have been home twice when someone has tried to break in. it was before i had my LTC and i never waited for them to get in before confronting them. both times they took off.
Major, I would have been sounding off like I had a pair as well.
But mabey she was scared $HITLE$$. Who knows. As far as the dogs, I think she was worried about them getting shot by the police.
Major, I would have been sounding off like I had a pair as well.
But mabey she was scared $HITLE$$. Who knows. As far as the dogs, I think she was worried about them getting shot by the police.

i am sure she was, but she sounded pretty darn good for the circumstances.

gotcha about the dogs, i was thinking she was worried about the cops being attacked.
All I can think of now is Dana Carvey as Massive Head Wound Harry with the dogs eating the brains (dogs barking). That is not to say I don't feel for this poor woman, glad she is physically OK. Mentally she will be effed up for life but alive is good.
Absolutely bone chilling. I am going to make my Fiancee listen to this. This is one of my worst nightmares. Hopefully I will be ready if the time ever comes.
I worry because I am on the border of Malden and Medford. In a previous life I was a paramedic and called for a suicide attempt.....low and behold the police and rescue arrived about 30 minutes later. Apparently they weren't sure about juristiction and spent about 25 minutes arguing. Glad they could be of service. I'm not holding my breath if I really need assistance.
I went home last night and showed this clip to my girlfriend and one of my little brothers.

It's powerful stuff, the police station is only a half a mile away from our house but I'd rather not have to count on them taking a half a minute to get here.

Taking them both to the range soon.
An inebriated man she didn't know was violently yelling, screaming, kicking her door, and eventually broke into her home. He got shot. She's fine in my book...We can play the "IF" game all day and night to put together scenarios that would make this end well. IF she just yelled "Your at the wrong house, go away" he would have said "Oh, I'm so sorry to bother you miss" and turned around and gone home. IF she yelled out that she was armed, he would have gotten scared and ran off...and as they say in my fathers village IF my grandmother had a penis, she'd be my grandfather...it's just not the case. As far as him being drunk...I've been every level of drunk in my lifetime. Never EVER was I so drunk that I couldn't recognize my house WHILE STILL SOBER ENOUGH to hop a fence and bang and kick on doors and windows for 10 minutes. I agree she should of yelled something, just in case, but I'm not going to hold it against her.
OK, i'm sure i'll get flak for this but..... i would have yelled something to the guy. the simple fact, from what i have heard, is he was either drunk or on drugs and as such he could have been thinking he was home and his wife locked him out. he could have been banging to have her let him in or he would break the door in. i myself could not tell what he was yelling. based on the above, i would have yelled something to the effect of get lost the police have been called, you've got the wrong house and i am ready to protect myself. then if he came in, it would have ended up with the same result. now if i am wrong about the above and it turns out he did know where he was, then all bets are off. i just would not want to kill someone who was at the wrong house when a simple warning would have sent the guy away. yes i understand he may have continued - being he was in the condition he was in, and as i said if he entered the results would have been the same. i was also left wondering why she keep worrying about the dog getting the cops when he did such a bad job getting the guy breaking in! at first she said the dog was attacking him but then he wasn't - what happened? i have been home twice when someone has tried to break in. it was before i had my LTC and i never waited for them to get in before confronting them. both times they took off.
Some of you New Englanders truly have NO idea about the distances that have to be covered by Sheriff's Deputies, EMS, and fire departments in rural and semi rural counties in Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Texas, etc.

Some counties out west are as large as half of your state and may have no more than six to ten deputies and one or two state troopers on any particular shift.

Nye County, in Nevada, has a land area of 18,146 square miles and little over 32,000 residents.

Yeah, but some of us do as well. Many folks from the Boston area think the state begins and ends there. They think the sea of humanity they live in is indicative of Massachusetts. While we are certainly not Nevada, there are areas in Western Massachusetts where emergency services are a long way off.

If I were to wait for 911 to save my life in a situation like this, I may as well just shoot myself in the noggin - save the scumbag the trouble. I also have issue with "yelling out" to the shithead that decided to invade my home. First, it gives a clear indication as to your position and second, it gives him time to engage. I am no psychic and haven't the ability to determine the intent of someone coming uninvited into my home. I don't give a crap if they're drunk, on drugs, or baffled by the mysteries of life - if they are invading my home, they're beyond 911...
The point I was trying to make is that I live in a heavily populated city. There are cops all over the place and I'm barely 2 miles from two police stations. If they weren't so busy arguing over juristiction they could have been here in two minutes. I understand in more rural areas they are covering more miles with less officers. But COME ON, if they can't get to my house in under 10 minutes what the hell happens in areas where they're 50 miles away? Perhaps the issue is that there are too many Dunkins' around me???
Yeah, but some of us do as well. Many folks from the Boston area think the state begins and ends there. They think the sea of humanity they live in is indicative of Massachusetts. While we are certainly not Nevada, there are areas in Western Massachusetts where emergency services are a long way off.

If I were to wait for 911 to save my life in a situation like this, I may as well just shoot myself in the noggin - save the scumbag the trouble. I also have issue with "yelling out" to the shithead that decided to invade my home. First, it gives a clear indication as to your position and second, it gives him time to engage. I am no psychic and haven't the ability to determine the intent of someone coming uninvited into my home. I don't give a crap if they're drunk, on drugs, or baffled by the mysteries of life - if they are invading my home, they're beyond 911...

Exactly. At times it is faster to just take someone to the hospital than it is to wait for an ambulance, who have the time can't find their way out here and needs someone to meet them and bring them out here?[laugh]
Like I said we live in the center of town and had all these problems, never mind living out a ways in town.[thinking]
The point I was trying to make is that I live in a heavily populated city. There are cops all over the place and I'm barely 2 miles from two police stations. If they weren't so busy arguing over juristiction they could have been here in two minutes. I understand in more rural areas they are covering more miles with less officers. But COME ON, if they can't get to my house in under 10 minutes what the hell happens in areas where they're 50 miles away? Perhaps the issue is that there are too many Dunkins' around me???

I guess you would have to have lived out West to understand
I worry because I am on the border of Malden and Medford. In a previous life I was a paramedic and called for a suicide attempt.....low and behold the police and rescue arrived about 30 minutes later. Apparently they weren't sure about juristiction and spent about 25 minutes arguing. Glad they could be of service. I'm not holding my breath if I really need assistance.

When I dispatched out in Washington state, the city I dispatched for you had to go over a bridge and always if there was an accident on the bridge it was a fight with both PD's to even get them there. Just because they would fight over who's jurisdiction it was.[rolleyes]
Toucher and Rich played this on their show this AM. I was very pleasantly surprised at how positive they were about owning guns as well as an excellent point FRed made about 'you can't screw with the Bill of Rights, I don't care if you like guns or not, you start saying one ammendment doesn't count and suddenly they're all gone.'

Then the moonbats started calling and I started screaming at my radio. As far as moonbattery goes, they weren't that bad but they were a typical example of MA brainwashing - one ass went so far as to say 'if she really didn't want to kill him she could have run outside'.

Oh THAT'S smart - the guy was described as a 'white trash methhead version of Shrek' and he wants her to run outside. That's like suggesting that Brody and Quint could have gotten away from Jaws' attacking the boat by jumping into the water.
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