Taped 911 call - Eye Opener

News....I get where you're coming from. More rural areas have a lot more territory to cover with less manpower. My point was that it took 30 minutes in a highly populated city with cops less than 2 miles away. So I would imagine it could be even worse out in western MA. My problem is the 25 minute pissing match they had over juristiction. When a paramedic calls with someone on a tower looking to kill themselves you just GO, no matter where the property falls. Now I worry about the same occuring if, God forbid, my life or a loved one is in danger.
OK, i'm sure i'll get flak for this but.....

i would have yelled something to the guy. the simple fact, from what i have heard, is he was either drunk or on drugs and as such he could have been thinking he was home and his wife locked him out. he could have been banging to have her let him in or he would break the door in. i myself could not tell what he was yelling.

based on the above, i would have yelled something to the effect of get lost the police have been called, you've got the wrong house and i am ready to protect myself. then if he came in, it would have ended up with the same result.

now if i am wrong about the above and it turns out he did know where he was, then all bets are off. i just would not want to kill someone who was at the wrong house when a simple warning would have sent the guy away. yes i understand he may have continued - being he was in the condition he was in, and as i said if he entered the results would have been the same.

i was also left wondering why she keep worrying about the dog getting the cops when he did such a bad job getting the guy breaking in! at first she said the dog was attacking him but then he wasn't - what happened?

i have been home twice when someone has tried to break in. it was before i had my LTC and i never waited for them to get in before confronting them. both times they took off.

The guy threw a table through the back door's window. I'd say that's a pretty agressive act on it's own.
There was some whacko who kinda did the exact same thing to a homeowner around here about a year ago. The would be intruder was pounding at the back door and wanted in - no one knew who he was. The homeowner locked his family in a back room and yelled at the guy to leave (while holding a 12 gauge shotgun). The guy eventually threw a wrought iron chair through a sliding glass door, and then the homeowner emptied both barrels into him at close range. Local anecdotal reports say both shots were in the face (can't confirm that to be true or not).


Some people just want to die.
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In all fairness, she got permission from the dispatcher to defend her self and her home. ( Not that I am saying getting permision is acceptable, but think it was for reassurance about her rights) She was not told that she needed to give any warning. Mind you that the dispatcher alludes to an officer telling the dispatcher to give the lady permision to fire if she needs to. Legally, she was in the right, and the tape proves it. She did what she needed to do, and feel for her, after she was forced to shoot.

I am of the opinion, this woman should not have had to need to give warning, nor should anyone put into this situation. A person should be held accountable for their actions.

Drunk or not, it is this guys fault for his own death.

I would recommend in this state MA, that you warn an intruder, multiple times if possible, and do it while on the phone with 911 to cover your butt, which is again sad in its self, but no one should need to comprimise the saftey of them selves or their loved ones for anything, anyone, for any reason. I am just glad she came out on top.

All I can say, is if I had been put in that position, I would have fired, and may have been just as upset, but not as emotionally. Taking the life of another is a situation I truley do not want to be in, but the decision to shoot will not be my cross to bear, the perps actions will have dictated the outcome.
I personally don't care about the technicalities of MA law, especially if my life and the life of my family is at stake. While on the phone with the 911 operator, the scumbag breaking into my home would get one loud warning not to, followed by the sound of my Remington 870 12-gauge chambering one, followed by one loud blast. As in the case of that courageous lady, the assailant would likely fall dead in a pool of blood. At least my loved ones and I would be alive at the end of the day.
There was some whacko who kinda did the exact same thing to a homeowner around here about a year ago. The would be intruder was pounding at the back door and wanted in - no one knew who he was. The homeowner locked his family in a back room and yelled at the guy to leave (while holding a 12 gauge shotgun). The guy eventually threw a wrought iron chair threw a sliding glass door, and then the homeowner emptied both barrels into him at close range.


Some people just want to die.

Thank you for posting that...
At what point do we honor the Declaration of Independence and recognize that we have the RIGHT to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? It goes beyond the Bill of Rights. If that were to happen in eastern MA they would have charged the person because they didn't have a "serious" weapon.
If that were to happen in eastern MA they would have charged the person because they didn't have a "serious" weapon.


G.L.c. 278, § 8A. Killing or injuring a person unlawfully in a dwelling; defense.

7In the prosecution of a person who is an occupant of a dwelling charged with killing or injuring one who was unlawfully in said dwelling, it shall be a defense that the occupant was in his dwelling at the time of the offense and that he acted in the reasonable belief that the person unlawfully in said dwelling was about to inflict great bodily injury or death upon said occupant or upon another person lawfully in said dwelling, and that said occupant used reasonable means to defend himself or such other person lawfully in said dwelling. There shall be no duty on said occupant to retreat from such person unlawfully in said dwelling.

NO reference to a "weapon;" "serious" or otherwise.

G.L.c. 278, § 8A. Killing or injuring a person unlawfully in a dwelling; defense.

7In the prosecution of a person who is an occupant of a dwelling charged with killing or injuring one who was unlawfully in said dwelling, it shall be a defense that the occupant was in his dwelling at the time of the offense and that he acted in the reasonable belief that the person unlawfully in said dwelling was about to inflict great bodily injury or death upon said occupant or upon another person lawfully in said dwelling, and that said occupant used reasonable means to defend himself or such other person lawfully in said dwelling. There shall be no duty on said occupant to retreat from such person unlawfully in said dwelling.

NO reference to a "weapon;" "serious" or otherwise.

A literal read of the statute does not preclude being charged. Only that you can raise it as a defense if you are charged.

I think your point is taken, however.
I'm not really sure I uderstand why some are complaining or worrying about the police taking too long to get to your house in a life or death emergency.

Don't worry about it, nut up, and take care of your family yourself. The police can get there when they get there to process the scene and take my statement. That is about the only thing I need them for.
Well none of us were there, so it's kinda hard to quarterback the whole thing after the fact. But... I didn't hear any verbal warning from the nice lady with shotgun. Pretty sure I'd be hollering at the top of my lungs "Leave or you will be shot"

The guy was breaking into someone's house during night time, I think he had an idea that that might have been objectionable to the home owner. What did the lady need to do? Paint a warning on the side of her house? Yelling could give away your position to any other perps that you may not be aware of. Also gives the BG the opportunity to seek a position of advantage.

If lethal force isn't necessary, let the cops handle it. Trying to engage the perp yourself could backfire. For example, if you scare him off, he may break into your neighbor's house. Now you neighbor will have to deal with the problem, and if he/she can't get to the phone, then they could be injured or killed. Meanwhile, the police will no longer have any indication of the BG's location.

If lethal force is necessary, then your job is to keep yourself/your family safe, not aid the perp.
An inebriated man she didn't know was violently yelling, screaming, kicking her door, and eventually broke into her home. He got shot. She's fine in my book...We can play the "IF" game all day and night to put together scenarios that would make this end well. IF she just yelled "Your at the wrong house, go away" he would have said "Oh, I'm so sorry to bother you miss" and turned around and gone home. IF she yelled out that she was armed, he would have gotten scared and ran off...and as they say in my fathers village IF my grandmother had a penis, she'd be my grandfather...it's just not the case. As far as him being drunk...I've been every level of drunk in my lifetime. Never EVER was I so drunk that I couldn't recognize my house WHILE STILL SOBER ENOUGH to hop a fence and bang and kick on doors and windows for 10 minutes. I agree she should of yelled something, just in case, but I'm not going to hold it against her.

never said i held it against her and i don't. i simply stated I would have yelled something in the hope i could avoid killing someone. specially when it is possible, however slim, that it could have been a mistake.

my point was that if there was a chance that a drunk person could end up at the wrong door, i would want to do what i could to avoid an unnecessary killing. while i'm happy for you that you would never do so, it doesn't mean others are the same way, specially if they are not used to drinking - not saying that was the case, but we don't know.

as far as going over a fence, all i can say is that i am not a big drinker, however i was once drunk BIG time and yet managed to walk off the side of a 5 step high porch and never missed a beat. so yes i can see a drunk hoping over a fence.

bottom line - if there was a .00001% chance that yelling something could avoid a lethal mistake i would yell something. but please note i only say this because he was drunk (or on drugs). if he would have seemed sober, all bets are off. as i said in my 1st post, once he broke in, it would have ended in the same way.
There was some whacko who kinda did the exact same thing to a homeowner around here about a year ago. The would be intruder was pounding at the back door and wanted in - no one knew who he was. The homeowner locked his family in a back room and yelled at the guy to leave (while holding a 12 gauge shotgun). The guy eventually threw a wrought iron chair through a sliding glass door, and then the homeowner emptied both barrels into him at close range. Local anecdotal reports say both shots were in the face (can't confirm that to be true or not).


Some people just want to die.

thats the way i would have handled it. except i would not have locked my family in a back room.
Sorry, but anybody trying to force their way into my house does not get the benefit of the doubt.

it's not about giving him the benefit of the doubt as much as it is my not wanting to kill someone who may not even know where the hell they are at. once again, once he opened the door, window or whatever i also would have shot.
I personally don't care about the technicalities of MA law, especially if my life and the life of my family is at stake. While on the phone with the 911 operator, the scumbag breaking into my home would get one loud warning not to, followed by the sound of my Remington 870 12-gauge chambering one, followed by one loud blast. As in the case of that courageous lady, the assailant would likely fall dead in a pool of blood. At least my loved ones and I would be alive at the end of the day.

exactly, thats all i'm saying. specially since he was drunk. if there is a chance that yelling something could stop him from trying to break in and save me from killing someone i will take that 2 seconds.

for those that say i would be giving away my position, unless i knew the perp had a firearm at the ready, i believe i could move my position while having my firearm aimed where i knew the perp to be, before he could react to my warning. if he tried, my firearm would start heating up at his first movement to enter.
I'm not really sure I uderstand why some are complaining or worrying about the police taking too long to get to your house in a life or death emergency.

Don't worry about it, nut up, and take care of your family yourself. The police can get there when they get there to process the scene and take my statement. That is about the only thing I need them for.

Yes, I think that in less populated areas there are way fewer police because they are way fewer people. I know in some counties here, because of the relatively few people, they may only have a few state police officers patrolling the entire county, which could easily be 500+ square miles. So, it could take 45-60 minutes to get to some remote places depending on where the police are and where the call is.

I don't think it is quite as bad as in Alaska - I've been watching Alaska State Troopers and those guys have an impossible task of trying to police the land area that they have to. Though everyone in Alaska is armed.
I have not read this entire threat so I am sorry if this was mentioned. Yesterday 98.5 in the AM played this. People called in and said ridiculous things like " IF it were my house I would have gone out and kicked his ass." , "By law you have to announce you have a gun." "should have shot him in the knee" and the one that had me call in but did not get through "I am a MA Class A holder, and in my class we were taught you have to fire two warning shots first, so neighbors can say they heard three shots....."
Every education I've ever gotten in firearms says you never fire a warning shot because that is a bullet/shot that you don't know where it will end up being.
I recall being told as a child on a tour of my local police station, if we ever read about a cop firing a warning shot, that only meant that the shot missed hitting the intended target.

I can warning someone vocally, but not by pulling the trigger.
The example that I would use is the incident that happened at MGH in October. He un-holstered his weapon, covered the threat, and in a firm voice told the attacker three times to drop his knife. The attacker didn't drop the knife, he shot, and saved the life of a doctor.
I have not read this entire threat so I am sorry if this was mentioned. Yesterday 98.5 in the AM played this. People called in and said ridiculous things like " IF it were my house I would have gone out and kicked his ass." , "By law you have to announce you have a gun." "should have shot him in the knee" and the one that had me call in but did not get through "I am a MA Class A holder, and in my class we were taught you have to fire two warning shots first, so neighbors can say they heard three shots....."


Is why you waive your right to a jury trial.
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