STI and CA's microstamping...

Jul 28, 2005
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Let's hope they all do this... I just noticed this on the STI web Q&A:

Q. Will the recent California Microstamping Bill affect California specific products?
A. UPDATE We will be suspending all shipments of guns to California effective October 13, 2007. This includes everyone from civilians to Law Enforcement.
If only more companies took such a stance, this kind of nonsense would run itself out. But there's always someone willing to sell us, Joe Average, down the river so they can still sell to cops.
What gun companies really should do is sell to non-LE only in California. Sell to gun shops. Refuse to sell to PDs. Refuse to fix out of warranty PD weapons.

I have nothing against rank and file cops, but police departments are a .gov agency and unfortunately they must bear the pain of retaliation.
What gun companies really should do is sell to non-LE only in California. Sell to gun shops. Refuse to sell to PDs. Refuse to fix out of warranty PD weapons.
I believe this is referred to as the "Barrett Protocol"
Its also just what the antis want- no gun sales at all.

I agree, sad but true. There will always be companes that will sell to PD's (i.e. large amount of $ and bragging rights) and not individuals. Look at Smith and Wesson and their steel frame semi autos or their M+P15's. Kudos to Barrett and STI, based on principles vs the almighty dollar.
Antis would will love this type of action. I hope there is a way and a large movement to challenge the law. You know all of our (MA) politicians are frothing for the chance on passing something similar....

Ammo control = absolute gun control.
This is a really interesting thing. I want to wait and watch and see if other companies, hop on this "f*** you" bandwagon to Cali. [coffee][popcorn] Hmmm I hope more companies do it. [smile]
And Kudos to Barrett, a man among men! High 5! very nice how much! [rofl]
Bad Trend

Tell me the anti's arent smiling now that there's one less company importing their evil products into their state. Microstamping has the exact same impact as our wonderful ch180' do. Less to choose from and eventually none to shoose from. If they can't beat the 2nd on its own field people will see this as another method to limit ownership via limiting supply.
Its also just what the antis want- no gun sales at all.

Yeah, but can you blame STI for not wanting to capitulate to
blatantly unreasonable regulation?

IMO CA should see an industry-wide boycott for this "microstamping"

There's also a flip side of the coin- by a manufacturer complying
with such regulations, at least in a small way that also means that
they're validating the existence/legitimacy of such regs.

I believe the idea is to create a backlash from consumers who will say enough is enough and get the laws changed etc. If enough companies did it they'd have to, if only to be able to supply the law enforcement their guns.
IF the companies boycott ALL Kalifornia purchases, especially LEO, that is the ONLY way that enough pressure will be brought to bear - when the cops are working with old worn out guns, THEN you'll hear the squealing... and only then will the law get changed.
It'd be nice to see S&W, Sig, and some others stand up to this too. It would be a sacrifice for gun owners for a while, but if enough noise was made something would eventually happen. Either that or people would move out and be done with the place! Hey wait that's happening in MA already...
Yeah, but can you blame STI for not wanting to capitulate to
blatantly unreasonable regulation?


Cant blame them one bit. It is the best decision they can make right now. It just sucks because in a round about way that law is doing just what they want it to do - starting with STI. Its a double-edged swoard. Damned if they do damned if they dont.

STI is such a specialized firearms company providing high end guns and competition guns. I am not sure how much this will affect LE / state agencies. Hopefully the big law enforcement providers like Glock, Sig, S&W, say f-you too and refuse LE sales / service. We can only hope for a backlash on this one.
That is going to suck for the USPSA, steel and other competition shooters in CA! I hope it stays away from here. Ya gotta they'll try it in MA. Have to pray it doesn't get the votes if it rears its ugly head in this state.

Teddy and the rest must be errrrr-aaaa psyched.
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