Shut your mouth.

Well hold on to that a** you’re laughing off because companies like Target and amazon are welfare corporations that receive millions/billions in handouts from taxpayers.

and no, these people are not all violent. The vast supermajorities are under peaceful.

Then let them police their own ranks.

I have yet to see one protester walk up and level some a**h*** that just tossed a molotov or a brick. GFY, you're a poor fit here.
You Wanna-be toughguys on here that posture as though protesting is bad and claim you love this country and 2A need to shut up for a second and do some independent study.

You want to know the only reason why you have a 2nd Amendment Right?


We have our right to carry, not for police to be more armed than you or I, or to bow to an abusive culture of police violence, but for the security of fighting the government (yes that means tyrannical police too) when they are corrupt, tyrannical, and oppressing the public.

I’m f’ing sick and tired of so-called patriots forgetting that we have a duty to fight tyranny here at all times. It doesn’t matter what your political party is.

If you’re too weak and too much of a party ass kisser to understand what your 2A is all about, you should surrender your firearms immediately.

Wow, I don't think much of these "protests" because most of them are infiltrated by professional agitators who are instigating violence. As for fighting tyranny, you ain't seen tyranny until the people who are behind all this crap are running the government. When they get power we will have no choice but to shoot back which is why I'd rather call them all out before we get to that stage because everyone will be fu...cked then. When they are in charge PROTESTS WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST. Looky my caps lock works too.
"cherry pick history"? hmm since the victors almost always wrote the history books we kind of have to cherry pick or read between the lines...or drink more vodka either way is good with me
Well hold on to that a** you’re laughing off because companies like Target and amazon are welfare corporations that receive millions/billions in handouts from taxpayers.

What does that bullshit have to do with BLM or minorities being killed recklessly by police officers? Absolutely nothing. If it's not target it's some guy's vape shop, a
restauraunt.... a bar, black owned businesses.... lots of random shit being destroyed and looted. Not all of it is owned by conhugecos where we can just go "bweah, whatever, the insurance will pay for it or they can write it off".

and no, these people are not all violent. The vast supermajorities are under peaceful.

With this statement, you've shown your hand that you have sucked for the MSM dialogue- which is to conflate protesters with rioters to make them equivalent, which IMHO waters down the message. I don't think the overwhelming majority of the protesters or marchers are violent, either. But the opportunist klingons that come in behind them, different story, this also includes
antifa. Have you not been paying attention? Hell there was one video clip where a BLM organizer saw some white idiot carving up rocks and called them out to the cops on
scene. There was another incident where some antifa faggot got called out by BLM marchers for spraypainting shit on a building. Don't you see there are distinctions between these
groups? I may not agree with everything BLM does, etc, but Antifa is f***ing cancer.
Wow. so antfag which wants to hurt and steal from people because their white. Is equal to the founding fathers. sorry bud but these people are worthless scum bags that basically want to destroy stuff and when they get their heads bashed in they whine about how mean everyone is. Screw them. If everyone of them chocked and died I wouldn't have a tear to shed.
I’m left thinking that OP is Antifa and since POTUS has declared them a terrorist .org he’s trying to ‘drum’ up support for the other faggot skinny jeans wearing commies he hangs around with.

Seriously, re-read his posts here, he’s literally equating these antifa knuckleheads with patriots and then actually starts threatening those of us who aren’t on their side. Typical punk antifa move.
OP,you have the right idea,but your going in the wrong direction.This guy getting killed by cops,and BLM is all a smoke screen to get to what commie liberals want,and that is control of the people,and
getting rid of what we have now.Look at CUBA fidel castro started a revolution to free the minorities, and give equal opportunities to all those poor people oppressed by the existing
government.Well we all know what happened there.
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Let's roll this back to the first post.

OP: what have YOU done, other than post here?

I know, and know of, many people that have worked hard and long (and, possibly somewhat futilely) to preserve and advance 2A in the DPRM.

When you have a CV of actual accomplishments (or even attempts at some), let us know. If you've posted what you've done, and I've missed it, please accept my apologies.
Howard Zinn? Be serious, a total anti-American.
Easy for you to support the "protestors" since they're not burning and looting your neighborhood.
You Wanna-be toughguys on here that posture as though protesting is bad and claim you love this country and 2A need to shut up for a second and do some independent study.

You want to know the only reason why you have a 2nd Amendment Right?


We have our right to carry, not for police to be more armed than you or I, or to bow to an abusive culture of police violence, but for the security of fighting the government (yes that means tyrannical police too) when they are corrupt, tyrannical, and oppressing the public.

I’m f’ing sick and tired of so-called patriots forgetting that we have a duty to fight tyranny here at all times. It doesn’t matter what your political party is.

If you’re too weak and too much of a party ass kisser to understand what your 2A is all about, you should surrender your firearms immediately.

Classic troll bro. I commend you. A lot of people fell for it hook line and sinker.

Well played sir.
You Wanna-be toughguys on here that posture as though protesting is bad and claim you love this country and 2A need to shut up for a second and do some independent study.

You want to know the only reason why you have a 2nd Amendment Right?


We have our right to carry, not for police to be more armed than you or I, or to bow to an abusive culture of police violence, but for the security of fighting the government (yes that means tyrannical police too) when they are corrupt, tyrannical, and oppressing the public.

I’m f’ing sick and tired of so-called patriots forgetting that we have a duty to fight tyranny here at all times. It doesn’t matter what your political party is.

If you’re too weak and too much of a party ass kisser to understand what your 2A is all about, you should surrender your firearms immediately.
So now we are wannabe tough guys because we think antifa is a bunch of cowardly anarchists?

So where is the f-ing Tyranny?

I don't think anyone here is against protesting, a lot of us have done it. What we are against is using Floyd as the excuse to loot and riot.

If a LEO murders my son, he's gonna get it and any other person trying to stop me it is gonna get it. I'm not going to the jewelry store downtown, kick the glass in, steal thousands of dollars worth of shit, screaming "You killed my son!" That is the definition of clown shoes anarchy, if you can't see that you need to put down the bong.
You Wanna-be toughguys on here that posture as though protesting is bad and claim you love this country and 2A need to shut up for a second and do some independent study.

You want to know the only reason why you have a 2nd Amendment Right?


We have our right to carry, not for police to be more armed than you or I, or to bow to an abusive culture of police violence, but for the security of fighting the government (yes that means tyrannical police too) when they are corrupt, tyrannical, and oppressing the public.

I’m f’ing sick and tired of so-called patriots forgetting that we have a duty to fight tyranny here at all times. It doesn’t matter what your political party is.

If you’re too weak and too much of a party ass kisser to understand what your 2A is all about, you should surrender your firearms immediately.

most of not all were bad mouthing looting stealing and burning crap down. Now laughing at you with your foot in your mouth
Forefathers had lofty ideals and issued an amazing manifesto clearly outlining what their issues were. These knuckledraggers accuse hate while harboring immense hate. We all think there are too many laws and they would have found some friends here, but they slavishly played the race card ‘cause it just feels so damn good, almost as good as f***ing your way into perpetual poverty.
Funny, I don't remember the patriots looting and destroying anyone other than the enemy.

Well actually they were quite violent. Tarring and feathering British tax collectors, rioting, burning, theft, robbery assault, and more.

Check it out. Kinda sounds familiar no?
Well....there was the tea that belonged to the east india company so there is that. 🤣
Funny thing, if the Sons of Liberty were looters, they were the strangest looters in history, being polite and taking home nothing:
BTPS said:
340 chests of British East India Company tea, weighing over 92,000 pounds (roughly 46 tons), onboard the Beaver, Dartmouth, and Eleanor were smashed open with axes and dumped into Boston Harbor the night of December 16, 1773. The damage the Sons of Liberty caused by destroying 340 chests of tea, in today’s money, was worth more than $1,700,000 dollars. The British East India Company reported £9,659 worth of damage caused by the Boston Tea Party. According to some modern estimates, the destroyed tea could have brewed 18,523,000 cups of tea! The destruction of the tea was a very costly blow to the British. Besides the destruction of the tea, historical accounts record no damage was done to any of the three ships, the crew or any other items onboard the ships except for one broken padlock. The padlock was the personal property of one of the ships’ captains and was promptly replaced the next day by the Patriots. Great care was taken by the Sons of Liberty to avoid the destruction of personal property – save for the cargo of British East India Company tea. Nothing was stolen or looted from the ships, not even the tea. One participant tried to steal some tea but was reprimanded and stopped. The Sons of Liberty were very careful about how the action was carried out and made sure nothing besides the tea was damaged. After the destruction of the tea, the participants swept the decks of the ships clean, and anything that was moved was put back in its proper place. The crews of the ships attested to the fact there had been no damage to any of the ships except for the destruction of their cargoes of tea.

"Just so everyone is on the same page here, the tea that the Sons of Liberty destroyed that day was worth the equivalent of well over a million dollars in today’s money and yet they still made sure that they replaced a 2 dollar padlock because it belonged to a guy they had no beef with"
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