Shootout and explosions in Paris...

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It is not necessarily racist for a country to want to remain true to its own and not consider outsiders of different heritage to have "less rights" to the country's resources.

The Japanese won't generally grant citizenship to non-Japanese (being born in Japan does not make you Japanese, and Japan does not have birthright citizenship), but that does not make them racist.

I disagree. That alone doesn't make them racist, it is part of how they are racist. Am brown, have been to Japan, people are friendly, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a great deal of racism there. I have a family member who grew up there in a Korean family.
That's if you believe that passports, they being made from paper, can survive a fireball and destruction that pulverizes concrete into powder. I continue to have a problem with that. I'm much more convinced it was the powers of government that staged and carried out that attack. Call me a tin hat if you want. I trust my common sense

Whether your tin hat ideas are true or not ...... and let's just say they ARE true for a second: our own government CLAIMED that the bulk of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.

Then they said to us: "We're going to invade Iraq".

And the American people bought it.

I don't see that speaking too highly as to the intelligence of the typical US supporter of the Iraqi war.

It's really irrelevant whether the government disseminated story about 9/11 is true or not - either way it's full on retard.
I still don't understand the argument that countries and borders are random and arbitrary and that anybody should be able to live anywhere, despite their worldview being fundamentally at odds with the founding principles of said nation.

Libertarianism, rah, rah, rah, but I still don't want people coming here if they just want to collect benefits or eliminate my rights(which come from God, but which are acknowledged as such in the Constitution.)

America is much better than a lot of countries when it comes to whom we choose to let in, and given that most of the people coming here are brown, I don't know where the rasicm charge comes from.

When the people who make this argument start standing out of the IRS office and protesting that they're not paying any more taxes to a "arbitrary authority" - I might start to believe their shit.

Until then - it's just that - shit.
Pat stepped on the third rail pretty hard.

Why MSNBC Dumped Pat Buchanan

I've read a decent amount of what Buchanan has said - and I've watched very closely how the left has twisted and distorted ANYTHING that questions it's distorted view of the world.

I'm sorry - but I side with Buchanan on this one. I believe the truth of the world is a little bit different than most of the crap that has been fed to us.
I disagree. That alone doesn't make them racist, it is part of how they are racist. Am brown, have been to Japan, people are friendly, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a great deal of racism there. I have a family member who grew up there in a Korean family.

I'm really getting sick and tired of this "racism" thing. It's become the go to smear attack for the left - and people on all sides are buying into it simply because it's being forced down their throats.

As far as I am concerned it's a chicken and egg problem. Let's look at some real life facts - like the one where people with black skin are highly over-represented in the crime statistics. Is it racism that they're just getting arrested for shit they did not do - or ARE THEY ACTUALLY DOING IT?

If it was 100 years ago - I might say they're being arrested for shit they did not do. But I'm sorry - we HAVE gone way past that - and it surely seems that people with black skin have much higher representation in the crime statistics than that which would be warranted simply because of "racism".

So what - I'm supposed to just assume innocence until attacked? The world doesn't work that way. And the same way I distrust cops because of their potential to do violence to me - I distrust going into neighborhoods and places where I would be the minority. It's not "racism" - it's REALITY and paying attention.

The same rules apply towards Muslims - do I distrust them because of what some representatives of their religion DO - and what the tenets of their religion surely seem to support them DOING - or do I distrust them purely because they look like an Arab?

When the skin color and the behavior are so closely intertwined - at some point it approaches stupid to not just consider the two things as being one and the same.
[rofl2] Really?

Yeah, because political and religious leaders from all over the world throughout history have never said one thing publicly and then pulled a 180 once behind closed doors. Holy sh*t, that's like someone saying everything infowars has ever put out is 100% the absolute truth.

The point was that someone posted that they weren't seeing any condemnations from Muslims, and I had seen some. As to whether leaders say one thing and do another, well that is how it always seems to be with leaders.
I'm really getting sick and tired of this "racism" thing. It's become the go to smear attack for the left - and people on all sides are buying into it simply because it's being forced down their throats.

As far as I am concerned it's a chicken and egg problem. Let's look at some real life facts - like the one where people with black skin are highly over-represented in the crime statistics. Is it racism that they're just getting arrested for shit they did not do - or ARE THEY ACTUALLY DOING IT?

If it was 100 years ago - I might say they're being arrested for shit they did not do. But I'm sorry - we HAVE gone way past that - and it surely seems that people with black skin have much higher representation in the crime statistics than that which would be warranted simply because of "racism".

So what - I'm supposed to just assume innocence until attacked? The world doesn't work that way. And the same way I distrust cops because of their potential to do violence to me - I distrust going into neighborhoods and places where I would be the minority. It's not "racism" - it's REALITY and paying attention.

The same rules apply towards Muslims - do I distrust them because of what some representatives of their religion DO - and what the tenets of their religion surely seem to support them DOING - or do I distrust them purely because they look like an Arab?

When the skin color and the behavior are so closely intertwined - at some point it approaches stupid to not just consider the two things as being one and the same.

Things feed into each other. It's easy to paint things with sharp lines and make everything black and white, but that's not how the world actually works. The black father's wrongly jailed 50 years ago led to fatherless sons jailed today, and the cycle goes on. Look at what eminent domain seizures did to middle class black families circa WWII.

As far as assuming innocence until attacked - I'm an anarchist who holds to the non-aggressive principle, so yeah, I think people should do exactly that. As far as any meaningful metric goes, less than 200 people dying isn't even that big of a deal. Are we to respond to it by killing thousands more innocent people like we did after 9/11?
The point was that someone posted that they weren't seeing any condemnations from Muslims, and I had seen some. As to whether leaders say one thing and do another, well that is how it always seems to be with leaders.

Muslim leaders and common folk condemn the attacks but they don't take up arms against ISIS or cut of the funding, etc. They need to do more than talk, that's the problem.
I couldn't hold it against France if the French leveled the area where these shitbags come from. Just like Germany was leveled in WWII, that is how shit got done. These vigils and memorials are nice for the picture, but there definitely needs to be some action.
Things feed into each other. It's easy to paint things with sharp lines and make everything black and white, but that's not how the world actually works. The black father's wrongly jailed 50 years ago led to fatherless sons jailed today, and the cycle goes on. Look at what eminent domain seizures did to middle class black families circa WWII.

As far as assuming innocence until attacked - I'm an anarchist who holds to the non-aggressive principle, so yeah, I think people should do exactly that. As far as any meaningful metric goes, less than 200 people dying isn't even that big of a deal. Are we to respond to it by killing thousands more innocent people like we did after 9/11?

I don't think they want to kill just 200, they want to kill all of us.
I think ISIS is starting to (or about to get) get a glimmering that this may not have been such a hot idea on their part...

Your assertion is void of any type of historical fact on how religious wars are waged. They are dying for their holy leader with the promise of glory and immortality all while escaping a hell hole sand pit where toilet paper, running water and a women that doesn't smell like a raped donkey haven't been invented yet
Your assertion is void of any type of historical fact on how religious wars are waged. They are dying for their holy leader with the promise of glory and immortality all while escaping a hell hole sand pit where toilet paper, running water and a women that doesn't smell like a raped donkey haven't been invented yet

I'm afraid you're correct. Until the last spinal cord is severed, this (alien-like) aggression will continue to exponentially spiral out of control and will force many world-wide leaders to act in very uncomfortable ways. Or else.
Your assertion is void of any type of historical fact on how religious wars are waged. They are dying for their holy leader with the promise of glory and immortality all while escaping a hell hole sand pit where toilet paper, running water and a women that doesn't smell like a raped donkey haven't been invented yet

As far as I'm concerned they are free to feel any way they want about it, so long as they die.
We've fought this battle before. The Indian wars,it took over 200 years it we won. Buckle up folks its gonna take awhile.

Took 200 years, and that was with the citizens and the federal government working with each other. If the government was arming, training and importing new Indians, we'd probably still be fighting them.
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