Shootout and explosions in Paris...

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It's "Bizzarro World" when .gov will have an armed standoff with American ranchers over political disagreements......but won't stop a foreign invasion that's likely to yield a Paris-style attack or worse.

It's the plan my always has been.

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Outstanding trigger discipline! I understand they've been trained, funded and supplied by Americans so that makes all the sense in the world
It's "Bizzarro World" when .gov will have an armed standoff with American ranchers over [STRIKE=political disagreements]political disagreements[/STRIKE] taxes......but won't stop a foreign invasion that's likely to yield a Paris-style attack or worse.


The good thing that came out of that is we learned where everyone stands. Americans stand with Americans, the .gov stands with the .gov.
I dont speak or read French, so maybe I have it backwards, but here's a video with maybe 8-10 guys protesting the attack with a mob of what looks like mostly ethnic French opposing them and driving them back until the police finally arrest the protesters. Good God...[frown]


Polish football (soccer) fans unveiled an enormous anti mass migration banner at Sunday’s Silesian Wrocław match against Poznań. Images from the match last night show a giant crusader defending Europe from invading jihadists in boats labelled USS Hussein, USS Bin Laden and USS ISIS.

(Emphasis mine).

Saddam-* or Barack-*-Obama?

That was masterful of the Polish banner makers.

... people who preach genocide against Muslims are not proposing a REAL solution - because the simple fact of the matter is that it's simply not going to happen. You're talking about killing over a billion people. Even the Nazis and the Commies at their most efficient couldn't reach those numbers and Western liberal/progressive democracies are just simply not equipped to do that kind of thing.

When you argue for genocide - what you're REALLY arguing for is for US to turn into some sort of abject tyranny along the lines of the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. ...

So what you may be arguing for in the end - when you argue for genocide - is for the complete and total destruction of the West - and it's complete subjugation to Islam in the end. ...

Twelve years ago someone pointed out that just because you don't think your posse can git 'er done, doesn't mean that the job ain't getting done. The job may get done after you've tried and failed, or after you've failed to try, but that doesn't mean it's not done.

The Three Conjectures (*)

Executive summary: One day Muslim terrorists will poke the Bear or the Dragon too hard. Muslims will find the urge irresistible. And that provocation is something up with which the Russians and Chinese will not put.

The possibility that genocide of the Muslim world may only happen after the destruction and subjugation of the West says nothing about whether or not it will happen.

Note well that this prediction doesn't violate your claim that only an abject tyranny would commit genocide. Russia and China have already got that part down pat.

(*) Supplemental reading:

  • Nearly a year after the initial post of the Three Conjectures, blogger Joe Katzman summarized the most thoughtful commentary on it, as well as pointing to two essays which had preceded it: "3 Touchstones, 3 Conjectures". (The only thing Katzman missed was a link to "The Second Conjecture Revisited").

Every 2-3 years since the Conjectures were written in 2003 folks revisit them with additional serious analysis. Usually it is to see how events have proceeded in the interim, to judge whether the Islamic world retained a chance to survive nuclear holocaust at the hands of their victims.

After the Iran nuke deal I'd searched the Intarwebs in vain for anyone citing the Conjectures. Maybe Paris will trigger some more analysis.
I dont speak or read French, so maybe I have it backwards, but here's a video with maybe 8-10 guys protesting the attack with a mob of what looks like mostly ethnic French opposing them and driving them back until the police finally arrest the protesters. Good God...[frown]


There's only a handful of them. I guess the rest of France's people were OK with this attack thing. Sit by and watch and soon you'll be next folks!
If only one person in the crowd was carrying, there would have been a much better outcome. Even if he got shot, the next person picks up the gun and keeps shooting back
The second part would take a fundamental reprogramming of the sheep who are told "Comply with a criminal, do as you are told, leave armed resistance to government minions".
Huh? Wait a minute. I hate to throw myself under the bus here but..... When did the last mass shooting occur in a commie state?

Connecticut and Cali at Santa Barbara was the last 2 i can think of? The others were Colorado, Louisiana, Arizona, The church was in the Carolinas, Oregon. Am i wrong? Not saying it's because of lax gun laws but lets call a spade a spade.
The majority of the mass shootings that occurred in relatively free states happened in designated "gun free zones".

Remember, you have far MORE freedom where to legally carry a loaded handgun in MA that you do in many other states (Texas for example) with that state's carry permit.
There's only a handful of them. I guess the rest of France's people were OK with this attack thing. Sit by and watch and soon you'll be next folks!

Thats what Im saying. Thats mind blowing to me. Just a day or two after the attack and only less than a dozen speak out against terrorism that hit so close to (their) home and a MOB shows up against them? They get arrested to top it off. OMFG.

Its bad enough when people dont want to fight, its worse when people arent even aware theyre at war, but if people are actively supporting the animals that would be happy to slit their throats, how could you possibly win?
The majority of the mass shootings that occurred in relatively free states happened in designated "gun free zones".

Remember, you have far MORE freedom where to legally carry a loaded handgun in MA that you do in many other states (Texas for example) with that state's carry permit.

Understandable, but his odds were on the commie states themselves.

That is all.
Thats what Im saying. Thats mind blowing to me. Just a day or two after the attack and only less than a dozen speak out against terrorism that hit so close to (their) home and a MOB shows up against them? They get arrested to top it off. OMFG.

Its bad enough when people dont want to fight, its worse when people arent even aware theyre at war, but if people are actively supporting the animals that would be happy to slit their throats, how could you possibly win?

SNL opened the show last night with some delightful French statement of solidairty. Too bad those idiots openly endorse the policies that have lead to this point. I guess it's more important to have good intentions than to actually keep your people alive. President Clinton will carry that flag well. Oh, wait, her intentions are bad too.
If only one person in the crowd was carrying, there would have been a much better outcome. Even if he got shot, the next person picks up the gun and keeps shooting back
I wouldn't expect someone who's probably never seen a real gun before to be combat effective in a highly stressful situation. I mean the "next person", in your scenario the original carrier may have some training and experience.
I wouldn't expect someone who's probably never seen a real gun before to be combat effective in a highly stressful situation. I mean the "next person", in your scenario the original carrier may have some training and experience.

I have no tactical or military training, but im gonna give my opinion.

IMHO, I feel like the terrorists would be "sitting ducks" so to speak, with all the commotion going on, people running everywhere, it would be difficult for the terrorists to keep track of all the people. I feel like this would give a couple armed citizens a chance to find a covered position and try to take a shot, not saying it would be simple by any means, trying to have the balls to stay in the hall under all that rifle fire would be difficult in itself.
Its bad enough when people dont want to fight, its worse when people arent even aware theyre at war, but if people are actively supporting the animals that would be happy to slit their throats, how could you possibly win?

The multicult programming is two generations deep now. It'll take a lot more than a pile of corpses to overcome that. Let's not forget who the real victims are here, according to the narrative.
One thing that is driving me crazy about all of this coverage is Peter King begging to shit all over Liberty and Freedom. I really hate that guy.
These ladies are probably in jail right now for hate speech code violations.

They're fine. Poland is far from being infested like we are. Anywhere from Hungary and east, PC has not taken over and not even close to take over.

Hungary has closed its borders to the last wave and gave the finger to Germany and the rest. They're doing fine. Why? because they did not lay a huge debt to the west, they're in business - but not complete sellout. And now, they can do what they feel like.

Although, they can get Kosovo'ed any time the west dims their actions against "humanity". But, this time Russia is not a pale shadow of what it was, so who knows - too complicated. To say that Hungary and Poland are not fond of Russia, is to say that wolves and sheep seem to have disagreements at times.
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