Shootout and explosions in Paris...

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I doubt it. If you think that's what this is all about you're not paying attention. At all.

Oh, I'm paying close attention.
It was the "first" retribution. As Obama and the regime import more terrorist, it will happen here as well.
Everybody that is a Infidel is a target.
Yeah, but you're also espousing typical neocon rhetoric that somehow an imaginary line between two countries is impenetrable. Maybe if france was an island the argument might have better merit, but most of the western world is vulnerable to this kind of thing... even WITH strict immigration controls.

Check out what Hungary did. Prepare for a surprise.
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Invaders are invaders, but killing unarmed non-belligerents isn't right either. Round em up and ship em home. Blame the politicians and hold them personally responsible once you've stopped the bleeding.

The refugee camp attacks are happening because the government(s) won't do their goddam job.
Oh, I'm paying close attention.
It was the "first" retribution. As Obama and the regime import more terrorist, it will happen here as well.
Everybody that is a Infidel is a target.

If there's retribution involved it's for the west's presence in the Middle East, not a cartoon. Assuming this is even about retribution and it's not simply islam's attempt to spread itself.
id be shocked if there wasnt wide spread retribution against Muslims all over France

There very well could be. I'm not sure how someone can single out the good ones from the bad ones though, so it will be a shame for any good ones that get caught up in this. However, angry rioting mobs are not well known for their discernment in carefully picking out appropriate targets. "Hey, he's brown, kill him!" is about the extent of their mentality.
Someone at FOX just mentioned that someone who's been arrested said that ISIS coordinated this attack.

Channel 7 news said it looks more like Al Queda.

The refugee camp attacks are happening because the government(s) won't do their goddam job.


.... I'm not sure how someone can single out the good ones from the bad ones though, so it will be a shame for any good ones who let themselves get caught up in this. ...

There very well could be. I'm not sure how someone can single out the good ones from the bad ones though, so it will be a shame for any good ones that get caught up in this. However, angry rioting mobs are not well known for their discernment in carefully picking out appropriate targets. "Hey, he's brown, kill him!" is about the extent of their mentality.

yep, the wrong people will become victims now. The innocent always pay the price for the inaction of others
Well, what he's saying is an Ultra leftist attitude coated in smooth language : "Get only the bad ones". There's not such thing, you can never just get the bad ones.

This is the exact attitude that caused this attack and many before it. Misleading the people that there's any way on this earth knowing who are the good or the bad, before they kill you. This is a lie, this is murder by sedation. This is what has been done to Europe and is being to us.

There's only one way: Either don't let them at the first place, or let them under a very large magnifying glass.
Optimally ? Each people and culture belong at a cretin place on this globe, and mixing them around in large numbers is asking for trouble.

Actually I agree with Economist most of the time. What he's pointing out is that these types of scare tactics keep getting used over and over and over again as a method for Western governments to lock down their countries and take away CITIZEN'S rights.

Meanwhile - they don't do shit about things like unbridled immigration - and - those very same governments go over to countries full of brown people - and bomb the shit out of them. Thereby pissing them off even more - so that they suddenly find the motivation to go back into those Western countries - and blow themselves up just so they can inflict some pain back on them.

It's a retard slapfight.

But that's why I'm not really all pissed off about the refugee camp attacks (if they're even true) - because the way I see it is: this is "the people" calling the government's bluff.

" Fine - **** you - if you're going to keep them out and use them against us - well then we'll just burn them out and drive them out OURSELVES"

This kind of thing often leads to a complete shitstorm - but past a certain point situations just get so completely ****ed up that the only way out is to bring in ordnance on your own location and hope you make it thru the shitstorm that comes from that.

I blame "the people" in the end, because they have refused to hold their own governments in check. And - as the picture posted earlier in this thread of the three teenage girls shows : "the people" have contributed heavily towards bringing this shit down on their own heads.
Whew, took long enough to read 38 pages on this.

French president just said he is closing the borders

Kind of like closing the gate after the cows got out. He's more than a little late on that one. So, that makes it a symbolic gesture.

Not even close France will prob apologize and accept more refugees to appease them.

Or throw cheese at them. I have little respect for the French government. They give arrogance a whole new meaning. Maybe they ought to learn to speak German for a while (and they aren't much better these days).

I'm with you bro. I might be an old codger at 60, but I've still got the 'nads to join in.

Guys like you Derek are what's left of the backbone of America. I'm 61 years old. When I was your age, I'd be thinking the same as you guys. You're strong and brave....but a lot more of us can either no longer back up our bravery with strength (like me) or were never brave in the first place. Many of those folks staring down those barrels in France are members of the latter group

Man up, I'm 60, turn 61 later this month. If I can do it, then you can do it.

"Id rather die a free man with a bad hip and too many scars than live as a member of a flock that thinks someone else will save me from scary things". Learn it.

Amen to that. At least I died with honor, on my feet, not my knees.

The problem that MOST people have - is that they do not have the capability of staring somebody in the eyes while they strangle the life out of them or drive a knife into their heart until you see their eyes go dead.

Without being able to do that - when you're stuck in a situation like this you're sort of screwed whether or not you have a gun.

Smartest words here. It's easy to talk the talk. Not so easy to walk the walk. Folks, if you haven't done your thinking yet, do it now. I did mine well over 40 years ago. I have personal vendettas with terrorists. I owe some friends, and damned near owe some family.

You forget - the US has been playing games in Syria and stirring up the pot and supporting what's going on over there - FOR YEARS.

Fixing this shit isn't simple matter of being a dumbass and flying halfway across the world to bomb the shit out of some brown people.

Yes, we have, and look where it's gotten us. THrowing a few bombs (or Cruise missiles) isn't going to be enough. Takes more than that, and a lot of time.

Without political will you're screwed.

And, THAT is the bottom line. Folks here might have the political will, but I'll guarantee you our government has neither the will nor the stomach for what's needed. And, that's why we're where we are now.
Never, ever, cheer a mob -- the distillation of the worst of human character. The mob is always driven by fear, with cowards for leaders, and never with ethical limitations. Now I imagine being an innocent on the other side of that mob. My response would be to kill as many in the front as possible. They might get me, but they will have to rise above their own cowardice first.
My point is we live in a fat happy clueless society -- one that just begs for terrorism to work its will. Then it happens. And the result is always more government, more war, less freedom, and the inviting helplessness remains. I'm not above calling for war when it's necessary. My view of the muslim religion... well, it's not positive. Killing people who need to be killed is fine with me. But western society here and now is just too weak to justify that. If I were leading, we would take things to a far more personal place, preserving open society, freedom, and privacy. We need to toughen up, arm up, and be willing to kill when evil is in front of us.

Completely agreed.

But that's why I'm not so pissed off about the camp attacks (if they're true) - because it's a sign people are waking the hell up.
Fixing this shit isn't simple matter of being a dumbass and flying halfway across the world to bomb the shit out of some brown people.

Cal, I was really referring to them getting serious about fixing the problems they have internally with the refugee's and the Muslim communities that have no interest in assimilating into France.
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