Shipping Ammo..

Jun 7, 2005
The Land of Confusion and Pissed off!
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I want to know what I have to do if I want to ship ammo to someone out of state?

Can I just go to the Post Office, and tell them that there's ammo in there and pay the Haz-Mat fees or something?

Or do I have to do it through UPS or something?

Has anyone done this before??

- USPS FORBIDS any ammo in any shipments, so that is out.

- UPS will ship ammo by ground only, you need ORM-D stickers on the carton and there are other requirements that can be found in their tariff, which is online. There is NO Hazmat fee, only the sticker.

- I don't think that DHL or FedEx will ship ammo, but I'm not certain of this. Check their tariffs online too.
Also, UPS will *NOT* ship ammo from any "pack n send" type of operation and yes, this includes those strip mall joints called "The UPS Store." You have to either have a pickup account with UPS, or go to a UPS depot like the one in Ashland.
Allegedly if you create an online account, you can do it up (weigh it and pre-pay shipping online) and hand it off to any UPS driver you encounter.
I believe you are correct, Len. Registering online is essentially creating a UPS online account, therefore having at least the rates (and privileges, I think) of any regular UPS account. You just print the label on your printer, tape it on, and either hand it to a driver or drop it off at a UPS facility.
I tried shipping ammo out of state once, I went to the UPS depot in Wakefield and was told that only dealers were allowed to ship ammo. Tried a few other places with the same results. Ended up by having Carl at FS ship it for me. Since then I can't be bothered with shipping out of state, too much of a hassle.
You need to print out the pertinent parts of their tariff and bring it with you. Otherwise you get their personal opinions/prejudices instead of the official rules!!

ANYONE can ship ammo, only requirements are proper labeling of box.

dre, I had the discussion with my previous UPS driver and some other folks at UPS. They all confirmed that I could ship ammo, rifle/shotgun (I Never asked about handguns) by the online account (you declare contents when you create the online label so UPS is officially notified of contents) and handing the package to the UPS driver. I have done this with "non controlled substances" and it works out great.

Most towns have UPS drop boxes and the pickup time is posted. Just hang out there (usually 5 or 6PM) and hand it off to the driver.
LenS said:

- UPS will ship ammo by ground only, you need ORM-D stickers on the carton and there are other requirements that can be found in their tariff, which is online. There is NO Hazmat fee, only the sticker.

So if I just search the UPS site, I can find this? I'm guessing that I can just get the stickers from the window?

I'm going to have to look...

Thanks guys...
OK, either I'm not searching correctly or i'm an dumb ass (don't answer that), but all I can find is posters regarding.

So, just as a question. I walk into the USPS and say that I need a ORM-D sticker. Place this sticker on the box...and I just pay what I would pay if it were regular mail?

I AM going to "answer that"! . . . OK dumb-ass! [laugh2] [devil] Should give you a downloadable "tariff" pdf file to search thru.

Because we aren't sure you know how to use the Search feature yet . . . [wink]

Section 425, pg 5 of the pdf file (pg 4 of the actual document), towards the bottom of the page!

Section 458, pg 9 of the pdf file (pg 8 of the actual document), towards the bottom of the page!

ORM-D information:

Section 580, pg 22 of the pdf file (pg 21 of the actual document), at the bottom of the page! This info continues on the following page.

ORM-D weight restrictions can be found on pg 30 of the pdf file (pg 29 of the actual document), at the top of the page!

I do NOT believe that UPS gives/sells ORM-D stickers to customers. They are a DOT/DHS requirement and are available thru label companies, perhaps the large box office supply places may sell them, you can use a previously used ORM-D marked box, or you might get away with hand lettering it carefully in the same format that DOT/DHS allows.

The most useful info that Google could find on how to mark ORM-D on a package is on the Fed-Ex rules website. Look here and search for ORM-D.

Reading FedEx's latest tariff, they will (supposedly) ship ammo via FedEx Ground. I'll leave it to the reader as an exercise to read and find it in their tariff. Hint: The tariff is also downloadable from their Support site.

How does it feel to want?? [devil]

Please read my first response to you original post. It doesn't get any clearer than that!!

If you want, you can go to and DL their Postal rules/regs and pour thru the perhaps 700 pages, it's clear as day there . . . NOBODY can ship ammo via USPS!
LenS said:

- USPS FORBIDS any ammo in any shipments, so that is out.

- UPS will ship ammo by ground only, you need ORM-D stickers on the carton and there are other requirements that can be found in their tariff, which is online. There is NO Hazmat fee, only the sticker.

- I don't think that DHL or FedEx will ship ammo, but I'm not certain of this. Check their tariffs online too.

This post?? [hmmm]

Sorry, I completely missed this one. Sorry. Ok, so I HAVE to use one of the carriers. Again, I'm a dumb ass. LOL!


ORM-D stickers should also bear the wording "Cartridges, Small Arms". You can liberate the graphic from (pop up the larger image and save it) and print it on an uncut label sheet from an office supply store.

I've used home-printed ORM-D labels with success. The UPS depot person resisted the shipment of ammo until I asked him to look up "Other Regulated Materials, Class D" in his tarrif manual and then he suddenly remembered it was't hazmat.
Creating an UPS account is very easy. You can give them a credit card number, of if you are a commercial operation, they will bill you monthly. You don't even have to tape the label on since once you create the account, you can order clear envelopes to put the labels in. You can even schedule a pick up, for an extra charge of course.

I use it at work all the time, it's very handy.

You can ship it UPS through a third party. We usually use a local third party to send it, and it's not a "The UPS Store". It must be marked ORM-D with proper labels.

It can NOT go through USPS, but can go FEDEX or DHL, I believe.
There are tow problems with shiping intermediaries:

#1: It's against the policy of the UPS Store, Staples and most or all the other places which offer a UPS shipping service.

#2: These intermediaries do not have "common carrier" status themselves, which means they are not authorized to lawfully accept controlled items they may not otherwise posess. "Common carrier" status is what allows UPS, etc. to handle boxes of narcotics, machine guns, etc. without having the paperwork otherwise required for posession.
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