Senate hearing today at 10AM on Cspan

so what are the chances they will actually listen to law professors who study this stuff for a living over people who think illogically and purely emotionally/politically?
I like this guy's tactic, he's literally drumming it into their head like teaching 5 year olds. Not that it's going to work.
Funny no mention of the blond hottie to his right lol. Funny part is we have an entire room of people who DON'T actually work for a living. Sad State really.
Holy shit!

The is Whitehouse guy is a jerk. He is completely missing the point trying to talk about stuff that he himself is uneducated about. WTF is this "100 magazine relic"?
The raspy voice is leahy from vt the chair of the committee, he has a good nra score in the past.
So according to whitehouse, my ar is a "peculiar artifact" is that like the ark of the covenant?
aren't most artifacts considered art and collectibles? doesn't seem like something that should be regulated to me

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