Senate hearing today at 10AM on Cspan

Is it just me, or does Sen. Ted Cruz seem to actually know the Laws as they are currently in effect? I thought they kept people who knew what they are talking about away from these things?
"They [live] in a fact free zone." Yes Mr. Cruz, that is how they progress their agenda, through a lack of facts, because when facts come into the mix their agenda looks like doo-doo.

I'm expecting someone to come out. Start to open her mouth and just start crying. Cry for 2 minutes straight. Then say, "thank you" and walk away.
He brought props! I think Feinstein must ran away from the pistol grip....a pistol grip killed her dog
I would've showed up with a peg board, with a rifle drawn on it, then add plastic bits to it to make it look like so called "assault weapons ban"
Anyone here in Mass ever at one time bought a gun at a gun show without a NICS check? anyone? seems to me what we have here is a DISTRACTION!
Oh god, I thought he was going to say "Shoulder thing that goes up"

ROFL he said Bullet Buttons are dangerous

OMG, this police chief makes me want to bang my head on the wall
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