Sen. Lindsey Graham announces bipartisan deal on 'red-flag' gun laws

Remember, Trump said "Take the guns first, due process comes later." We just reminded Sununu to veto this (he did), and now we're gonna have another call-in campaign over three more unconstituitional bills. I voted for Trump, but I don't trust him.
Remember, Trump said "Take the guns first, due process comes later." We just reminded Sununu to veto this (he did), and now we're gonna have another call-in campaign over three more unconstituitional bills. I voted for Trump, but I don't trust him.

He also came out and telegraphed this very thing yesterday at 10am.

Don’t be fooled. Graham is an untrustworthy hack, but this is coming from the White House.

4d chess, I suppose...
Don't imagine that voter ID laws, enforcing our current laws and border protection will get piggy backed onto our asses.

This time "Big Earl" is coming in dry. I just know it.
I wonder how many vets with a PTSD rating is going to get f***ed on this.....

I think the more salient question would be how many vets will avoid getting help for fear of having their constitutional rights taken from them.

Ironic, since we gave an oath vowing to protect the document with our lives if needed. Thanks but no thanks. Better to suck it up, have a few beers and keep my weapons imho.
I think the more salient question would be how many vets will avoid getting help for fear of having their constitutional rights taken from them.

Ironic, since we gave an oath vowing to protect the document with our lives if needed. Thanks but no thanks. Better to suck it up, have a few beers and keep my weapons imho.

I’ve been saying this to guys for 3-4 years now, be very careful what you tell the VA shrink or doctors of any kind, and deny acceptance of any PTSD meds they try to assign to you. Tell them you’re an all natural healer type and peace lives in your heart kind of guy. “I don’t like guns anymore and I’m going to meditate by the river brother.”

You gotta be f***ing nuts to tell them anything. The big dick is coming, it’s coming fast, and it’s looking for white males with guns and any kind of training to f***.

If they can’t outvote us, they’ll lock us up or away, very quietly, one by one.
Disarmed, deplatformed, disenfranchised, and depersoned. You will be shadow banned in real life. It's why the self anointed elite have such a raging boner over China's Social Credit scheme. They want a managerial caste lording over powerless serfs. Kurt Schlichter has been ranting about this for years and it has gone from over the top hyperbole to stone cold reality.
Note two phrases never present in red flag laws - "Beyond a reasonable doubt" and "preponderance of the evidence".

Everyone knows people about shoot up a place are made of wood, and decoys float since they are made of wood, therefore any person who floats is made of wood and therefore needs a red flag order.

It's why the self anointed elite have such a raging boner over China's Social Credit scheme.
We already have one social credit scheme. It's called "suitability".
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Graham proposed this bill months unless there's a highly modified delorean involved its pretty clear that its Graham thats the originating source of shit legislation

Toomey has been calling for universal background checks for a decade

We punted Ayotte for conspiracy against us with her gun control BS........

Graham is up for reelection in 2020 and needs to go


So, why’s he pushing it now? Less than 24 hours after Trump greenlighted it?

Truly, anyone here who still thinks Trump is really pro-RKBA, in any deep sense, isn’t paying attention. “He’s better than Hillary” isn’t a very high bar, and at times like this that’s painfully obvious.
Who's the most likely to be violated by these laws?

These people

Or these people?

If the Republicans come out in support of these anti-2A proposals, you can bet the farm that the NRA won't have anything unkind to say about it. The NRA is a wholly owned subsidiary of the RNC and won't cross the picket line.

But at least they'll stand up to ethnic genocide of Thomas the Tank Engine. Priorities.
Lawmaking should require better background checks than owning a firearm.

Fwiw, I think this is step 3 in the 12 step process to gain access to all our bank statements. And maybe outlaw cash purchases of any substance or resource.

Reading a credit card statement of the new tier cards where the bank gets a full copy of the receipt and class of goods ... That's what this is about.
I wonder how many vets with a PTSD rating is going to get f***ed on this.....
Gun-grabbing crisis vultures just can't let the latest mass shootings go to waste. "Red flag" laws are now all the rage in the Beltway as the magic pill to prevent homicidal maniacs from wreaking havoc on the nation. Even President Donald Trump has endorsed the idea of preemptively confiscating people's firearms if they are deemed a "threat."

But if you want to know how this American version of China's social credit system would work in practice, let me remind you of how Veterans Affairs recklessly red-flags "disruptive" citizens without due process, transparency or accountability in the name of "safety." Government bureaucrats routinely deprive our nation's heroes of medical treatment based on arbitrary definitions of who and what constitutes a mental health menace."
I first reported on the VA's secretive database on "disgruntled" and "disruptive" vets five years ago. Under the VA policy on "patient record flags," federal bureaucrats can classify vets as "threats" based on assessments of their "difficult," "annoying" and "noncompliant" behavior. The VA manual says the flags "are used to alert Veterans Health Administration medical staff and employees of patients whose behavior and characteristics may pose a threat either to their safety, the safety of other patients, or compromise the delivery of quality health care."

From Michelle Malkin's column on Townhall this morning
Looks like he passed the job to the 50 States - the States that would have done it anyway get federal funding to “hire professionals to try to decide cases where guns should be taken from troubled individuals“ and the States that won’t do it don’t get funds. That’s politics - look, we did something substantial and the political baggage gets offloaded to the States.

Honestly, it should be a state issue. Now, next term when he retires, it'll all make sense. Problem is, I could see Trump signing it thinking he's 'helping' the mentally ill or potentially victims of violence.
The democrats are going to sweep next year. Mark my words. The best we can hope for is the RBG to kick the bucket (if she hasn't already) so we can almost get a 2A friendly SCOTUS before that happens.
Not as long as the economy is good. The China trade war could do serious harm to Trumps re-election thou. The Dems got nothing except hysterical TDS and LIES. .
I could easily see ERPO and Universal BGC coming out in the next few months. The appetite is there in congress and they are ready to give in. Reality.
Graham has been pushing this for over 6 mos.....what rock have you been hiding under?

If Trump were hostile to RKBA he would have called for bans on guns....which he didnt

In point of fact if you had listened to what he actually said for a change you would have picked up on this fact

For a teacher you really lack on the comprehension end of things

I didn’t say “hostile to RKBA.” I said not “pro-RKBA, in any real sense.” There’s a difference.

Glad to see you’re starting early on the ad hominems. It never takes you long. much more supportive of RKBA could trump be than to entirely avoid gun control while pointing out that it wasnt the gun, it was the idiot pulling the trigger.

There are lots of things I dont care for about trump but I have to be fair to what he's said and done so far

He's been put under the microscope and a lot more pressure than any other president in history and he still hasnt caved.

So quite your wingeing already

There’s a difference between “not taking your gunzz” and actively seeking to protect and deepen your rights.

His SCOTUS picks might do that in the long run. Those picks were how he got the NRA’s enthusiastic backing in 2016. I’m happy about those picks.

He’s done nothing else but infringe. And he could have done more. I’m not pissy about this, because I expected nothing from him. Your disappointment and confusion is because you actually trusted him.
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