Secret DHS doc predicts violence in response to new gun restrictions

OK, counter view here. I am as disturbed as the next guy that this shit is not only getting published but also disseminated to people in authority who have the POWER to bring down a major shit storm on otherwise innocent people. But having just read parts of this, I say this is the result of an overly bloated, aimlessly wandering, massive bureaucracy publishing shit to both cover their asses AND justify their own existence.

Again, this shit should have been shredded as the mealy mouthed "qualifications" such as may, can, etc are lost on most readers.
Interesting. This is what you get when you give an Governmental Entity the Orwellian name Homeland Security.

I don't see anything glaringly 'fake' in that document and, from their perspective, it seems 'reasonable'.

Cool. Looks like I'm on a list.

Isn't it sad though that the libs - the group that's supposedly all about personal freedom, feel threatened by peoples beliefs and opinions.

OTOH, the government is SUPPOSED to be a little worried about it's citizens. Keeps 'em honest. Sad this is they don't WANT to be honest so they try to make the citizens as harmless as possible.
Are you a Domestic Terrorist? Take this quiz...


My results:

Congratulations, you are a domestic terrorist. Well, at least you are according to the US government. Consider turning yourself in to your local authorities. There are FBI offices all around they country and they would like to talk to you. Pack your bags for Gitmo because the government doesn't like you.
You scored 70.00% of the possible points for this test.
Nothing the DHS or the ATF puts out there suprises me. What does surprise me is that many people believe it just because they said it. If they really believed this BS they were saying then no one in Washington would want any new regulations, especially if then knew how dangerous the outcome could be.
Now , at 9am Drudge and Michelle Malkin are callingit a true document.

I guess as of today , the .gov has actually for real put us on the shit list.
Lots of us have been saying " come get me " , this may be a thread we remember from a jail cell or a grave.

Department of Homeland Security thinks I am the enemy.
Now , at 9am Drudge and Michelle Malkin are callingit a true document.

I guess as of today , the .gov has actually for real put us on the shit list.
Lots of us have been saying " come get me " , this may be a thread we remember from a jail cell or a grave.

Department of Homeland Security thinks I am the enemy.

I can live with that. If they want to start a war on American citizens, let them.
The reality is that they can't find any real terrorist so they have to make them up. It's what the gubberment does. They create the problem, misquote the problem and spend your money to grow and grow and grow to fix the problem. Job security!
Government's job is to curtail the natural liberties of its citizens and then flimflam them into paying for the service.
I'm with ya, apparently. Gee... I never thought of myself as a terrorist. [thinking]
These 4 years can't go by quick enough.

If the idiot does impose restrictions what do you think the chances are for them to be removed once an intelligent person gets into office are?

And where in hell do you think you'll find one of those? [thinking] [wink]
I never really considered myself to be a right-wing extremist, but I guess if you consider the current congress and administration to be centrist, then, by that measure, I very well could be considered a right-wing extremist.

Can somebody teach me the secret handshake or something?
I did better or is it worse than you? LOL

"Have you ever been involved with cyber-penetration?"

How do they expect us to meet our partners ?

You are a domestic terrorist -- according to the US government. In fact, you scored so high that your name is likely in one of the super-secret government databases and your phone and email usage may be monitored. After all, the government needs to watch you to keep everyone else safe. Those "rights" you claim to have were exchanged for "Security," so stop complaining about them.

You scored 80.00% of the possible points for this test.


My results:
We have active Islamic terrorist training camps operating within our own country and the DHS is masturbating over ordinary citizens who believe in their Constitutional rights. [rolleyes]

What makes me most angry is that the DHS, which is currently being managed by another libtard, has impugned the honor of our returning soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines, in that the DHS has labeled them as potential threats against this country. [angry]

These most patriotic of Americans, who have put their lives on the line to defend this country and her people are now being viewed by this government with a jaundiced eye? Well who the hell didn't see that coming?

It isn't the country or the Constitution that feels a threat from our returning warriors. It is the current government that feels threatened. And perhaps, well they should.

Our returning military sons and daughters took an oath to defend their Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. I would appear as though this current government fears that oath and fears that our military members will honor it.

I've got news for the libtards currently managing the DHS, Americans who still believe in their Constitutional RIGHTS are not the enemy of this country. The enemy of this country could very well be the government itself! [frown]
I scored in the 40's but a lot of those questions like 'have you ever questioned a LEO's right to search you...' etc I had to answer no to because the issue's never come up [laugh]. Also I have no desire to bomb abortion clinics etc.

Now if it had been phrased WOULD you my results would have been a bit different.
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