SD.2637: Legislation To Remove AG Authority On Firearms Sales

As I live in Boston, its futile but it's sent to anyone who represents me here.

Good evening Senator Forry,

As you must know by now, our Attorney General has decided on her own accord to reinterpret a law that has been on the books for over two decades. That her predecessors had never found the reason to "reinterpret". By doing this she created a convoluted mush of questions from legal gun owners and inadvertently made many of them, including myself, unassuming felons.

Wherever we all stand on the rights of gun owners, the status of banning or limiting so called "assault weapons", we can agree that laws are not to be applied ex post facto, and they are to be discussed and approved in the public forum by the legislators elected. Not reinterpreted by one person with an obvious political agenda.

I appreciate the work that you do for our city and admire your courage to always voice your opinion. I ask that you voice ours for once, legal gun owners throughout this great state, and vote for Senator Humason's Bill.

Thank you for your time,

Boston, Ma
Been following the forums for a while now, but this is my first ever post. I was at the rally Saturday and noticed my representatives did not sign the petition. Wrote this email to Chris Walsh, Karen Spilka and Tom Sannicandro...

Good afternoon Representative/Senator (Insert Name),

As a Massachusetts resident from the town of Ashland, I am very disappointed to see that you did not sign the letter written to the Attorney General on Saturday, regarding her actions taken on Wednesday making an interpretation to the long standing Assault Weapons Ban in Massachusetts. While I understand you are a democratic Representative/Senator and may feel gun control is an important issue, I believe the Attorney Generals actions sets a dangerous precedent and violates the rights of all law abiding citizens in this great State.

As a former Marine, current firefighter and a family man, Safety to myself, my family and the members of the community is a top priority. Any steps that can be taken to make our town and this State safer is something that should be considered. With this said, I do not believe that these gun control measures are the solution. Since 2007, the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting shows that only 7 deaths have occurred in Massachusetts as a result from any type of rifle, not just those the AG considers Assault Weapons.

Lawful Gun owners in the State face some of the strictest laws and penalties, losing their License if even being arrested for a crime that carries a minimum punishment of 1 year in prison, regardless if they are convicted or not. Due to these regulations, gun owners in the state of Massachusetts are law abiding citizens, who follow all laws because they do not want to lose their 2nd Amendment rights. Yet, these are the same gun owners who purchased "10,000 illegal Assault Weapons" according to the Attorney General on Wednesday.

It is my opinions that outlawing and banning different types of weapons will not make our towns safer. If we really want to make our towns safer, we should pass and enforce legislation that gives stricter penalties to those who use weapons to commit crimes. The real issue here is not us, yet our rights are being taken away from us, without due process and without the input of the citizens, Representatives and Senators of the House.

I personally do not own any of the weapons being banned by the Attorney General, but this is an important issue to me because of the manner in which it was done. If the Attorney General can make a decision about a gun law that has been in place for almost 20 years in the State of Massachusetts, and make these changes/interpretations... Changes that prior Governors, Attorney Generals, Representatives and Senators have not made in the past 18 years, and can do so without the consultation of our representatives, Senators and members of the community, then it makes me believe she can make these changes and interpretations to issues and laws that even you may feel strongly about and have been fighting for.

In my humble opinion, this issue goes far beyond assault weapons and gun ownership. This is an issue about due process, doing what is right and protecting the rights of all law abiding citizens. Even if you agree with the measures taken by the Attorney General, I hope you will support the actions taken by the other representatives and senators, asking the Attorney General to reverse her order on Wednesday. Let us all work together to make this State safer, but let us do it through voting and legislation. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Very Respectfully,

Don't be negative, this shows positive thinking. I will be drafting emails later. Enough of the negative "no chance in hell" bs You miss 100% of the shots you don't take

No one is saying that it isn't a good effort or that it shouldn't be tried. But we are being realistic. That bill is solely signed by Republicans in a state legislature that is overwhelmingly Democratic.

If the Speaker of the House and Senate President don't want it to come to the floor, then it won't.

Given the session is basically over, this has no chance.
Been following the forums for a while now, but this is my first ever post. I was at the rally Saturday and noticed my representatives did not sign the petition. Wrote this email to Chris Walsh, Karen Spilka and Tom Sannicandro...

Good afternoon Representative/Senator (Insert Name),

As a Massachusetts resident from the town of Ashland, I am very disappointed to see that you did not sign the letter written to the Attorney General on Saturday, regarding her actions taken on Wednesday making an interpretation to the long standing Assault Weapons Ban in Massachusetts. While I understand you are a democratic Representative/Senator and may feel gun control is an important issue, I believe the Attorney Generals actions sets a dangerous precedent and violates the rights of all law abiding citizens in this great State.

As a former Marine, current firefighter and a family man, Safety to myself, my family and the members of the community is a top priority. Any steps that can be taken to make our town and this State safer is something that should be considered. With this said, I do not believe that these gun control measures are the solution. Since 2007, the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting shows that only 7 deaths have occurred in Massachusetts as a result from any type of rifle, not just those the AG considers Assault Weapons.

Lawful Gun owners in the State face some of the strictest laws and penalties, losing their License if even being arrested for a crime that carries a minimum punishment of 1 year in prison, regardless if they are convicted or not. Due to these regulations, gun owners in the state of Massachusetts are law abiding citizens, who follow all laws because they do not want to lose their 2nd Amendment rights. Yet, these are the same gun owners who purchased "10,000 illegal Assault Weapons" according to the Attorney General on Wednesday.

It is my opinions that outlawing and banning different types of weapons will not make our towns safer. If we really want to make our towns safer, we should pass and enforce legislation that gives stricter penalties to those who use weapons to commit crimes. The real issue here is not us, yet our rights are being taken away from us, without due process and without the input of the citizens, Representatives and Senators of the House.

I personally do not own any of the weapons being banned by the Attorney General, but this is an important issue to me because of the manner in which it was done. If the Attorney General can make a decision about a gun law that has been in place for almost 20 years in the State of Massachusetts, and make these changes/interpretations... Changes that prior Governors, Attorney Generals, Representatives and Senators have not made in the past 18 years, and can do so without the consultation of our representatives, Senators and members of the community, then it makes me believe she can make these changes and interpretations to issues and laws that even you may feel strongly about and have been fighting for.

In my humble opinion, this issue goes far beyond assault weapons and gun ownership. This is an issue about due process, doing what is right and protecting the rights of all law abiding citizens. Even if you agree with the measures taken by the Attorney General, I hope you will support the actions taken by the other representatives and senators, asking the Attorney General to reverse her order on Wednesday. Let us all work together to make this State safer, but let us do it through voting and legislation. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Very Respectfully,

Well written, great first post!
No one is saying that it isn't a good effort or that it shouldn't be tried. But we are being realistic. That bill is solely signed by Republicans in a state legislature that is overwhelmingly Democratic.

If the Speaker of the House and Senate President don't want it to come to the floor, then it won't.

Given the session is basically over, this has no chance.
Wow, I would expect more from a mod. Thanks for being part of the problem.
This has a long uphill battle ahead of it. If it were to get on chuckys desk, i tend to think he will veto it. MH will take this personally and will be putting pressure on everyone involved and will focus on Chuck. I bet there will be some closed door deal for him to veto.

We are really in a freaking pickle.
I think this is a step in the right direction but not an end all of the fight we are leading. I think this will have a chance if we put enough pressure on our elected officials, and spin it as an over reach of authority that could be applied to liberals golden children ie: gay marriage, abortion. I also think this stole a lot of politicians thunder so to speak, so we have that going for us.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Wow, I would expect more from a mod. Thanks for being part of the problem.

You seem to misunderstand. I applaud the legislators who filed that bill. I support it. I will call my legislators and ask them to support it.

But I'm also well aware of our level of support in the House and Senate. IMO we don't have the votes if this comes to the floor and it won't come to the floor.
We have 160 Representatives and 40 Senators ..of those 200 a 160 of them have a D beside their names....which means to me anyway that Massachusetts is no longer a Blue State's a Dark Blue State ...
Good vibes and positive thoughts aren't going to get it passed. Votes will. And this state is far too blue for that.

There is the dynamic of the AG, in effect, making law here. I am sure there are legislators that are upset they were bypassed with this. Some will view it as disrespectful to their position, some will be upset they could not get street cred for banning semi autos in MA. I think (hope) some will be compassionate that owners were left in legal limbo.

Don't get me wrong, this is a long shot. But it may have a little more traction than just looking at the percentage of Ds.
House Speaker DeLeo was on that stage with Healey.....that to me means the House (most) is on board with this ....
If all else fails, we need to have a class action against the commonwealth, current and pass congress men, AG, etc for allowing these illegal weapon to be sold thus putting all of us in harms way. Then the mfgs for marking these as compliant when according to the AG they new they were not! How above $1m per gun that was allowed to be sold illegally and $1m for selling a known illegal product.
No matter what, this is going to be an up-hill fight. That doesn't stop it from being a fight that's at least worth a few emails and phone calls to push our elected officials toward doing the right thing. To that end, I just sent the following email to my Senator and Representatives as well as a slightly modified version to Speaker DeLeo and Senate President Rosenberg. I think it's pretty good so if anyone doesn't feel like writing their own, copy and modify this:

Good Evening Representative Ultrino,

By now I'm sure that you're more than aware of Attorney General Healey's unilateral proclamation effectively re-writing an 18-year-old Massachusetts law without the involvement of elected officials such as yourself, much less proper public notice. To say it has shocked many is an understatement as demonstrated by the thousands of my fellow gun owners who joined me on the steps of the State House on Saturday. Senator Humason has introduced a bill with support of Senators deMacedo and Gobi as well as Representatives DeCoste, Dooley, Whelan, and Muradian to correct this abuse of power by removing from Healey the authority to make such unilateral rules.

I write this evening to ask you to join those representatives of the people in supporting Senator Humason's bill. Please call your colleagues to take action and pass this bill before the close of the session on July 31st. The "upskirt law" was passed in a single day so I know you can make this happen as well.

Even if we may differ in our opinions on firearms ownership in the Commonwealth, I think we can all agree that the making of laws is the business of the legislative branch of government and that the Attorney General, in effectively making new law and applying it ex post facto with her interpretation, has made a mockery of the separation of powers in our government. Please support your constituents in reining in this abuse of power before it sets a dangerous precedent. If she can make overnight "felons in waiting" of law-abiding gun owners and small businesses, she can do it to anyone else at any time for almost any reason.

Thank you in advance for your time and your support of Senator Humason's bill.


20-year Malden resident, registered and active voter
WE DO NOT GIVE UP, WE DO NOT QUIT. On the 31st it becomes a whole different ball game. Maybe the legislators can read the tea leaves and realize this is something they don't want. All this extra attention - someone might catch on to all the thievery and fraud that goes on there everyday.
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