Response from MA Senator Donnelly regarding Katrina Bill

Apr 4, 2007
Feedback: 45 / 0 / 0
This email was sent on January 20th 2009
Mr. Donnelly
I am a lifelong resident of ____ and it has come to my attention that a nicknamed "Katrina" bill had been held up during the last legislative session.

The bill has been revised and re-submitted. It has not yet been assigned a number.

This bill serves to protect the rights of lawful gun owners during a state of emergency.

I urge you to support this legislation as it allows people to maintain the ability to protect themselves and their families in dire circumstances.

Feel free to contact me should you have any questions or would like to discuss this bill.


I received a reply today June 30th, 2009
Dear Mr. Undewhere,
Thank you for recently contacting my office regarding gun rights.

While I understand your feelings regarding the need for lawful gun owners to protect themselves and their families during a state of emergency, I am concerned about dangerous people using weapons and ammunition to exploit a time of crisis for their own gain. In this instance, I believe that it is in the best interest of the community to allow police and other law enforcement officials to do their jobs quickly and effectively without the fear of an increase in armed crimes.

Again, Thank you for contacting me and letting me know where you stand on this issue. Please don’t hesitate to call or email me if there is anything I can do to assist you.

Sen. Ken Donnelly

So...gun owners = dangerous people using weapons and ammunition to exploit a time of crisis for their own gain.

I wasn't expecting a good response. This was worse than I expected.
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I believe that it is in the best interest of the community to allow police and other law enforcement officials to do their jobs quickly and effectively without the fear of an increase in armed crimes.
Ya, that worked real well in NOLA[thinking]
I am very surprised by his response. I know him very well through the PFFM being both of us are jakes. I can tell you one thing, I will never look at him the same. It doesn't take long to be swamped up into the BS politics of this BS state. I will approach him on this stance the next time I see him at a union rally.
Maybe someone should send him that video clip of that LEO body slamming that old lady and taking her gun and ask him if she is one of those armed and dangerous people he is talking about. What a moron he is if he thinks armed and dangerous people are going to surrender their arms. Gun control only disarms the innocent and as the saying goes when every second counts the police are only minutes away, although in a disaster they may be hours away or never make it to where you are.
Maybe someone should send him that video clip of that LEO body slamming that old lady and taking her gun and ask him if she is one of those armed and dangerous people he is talking about. What a moron he is if he thinks armed and dangerous people are going to surrender their arms. Gun control only disarms the innocent and as the saying goes when every second counts the police are only minutes away, although in a disaster they may be hours away or never make it to where you are.

This is a brilliant statement. +4 to you.
This is a brilliant statement. +4 to you.

Thank you. It has been said by me and others before and anyone that does the research knows it to be true but the many corrupt politicians in our govt. do not care about the truth they only care about their power and the control they have over us.
As the saying goes: It is not about gun control, it is about control.
Dear Mr. Undewhere,
Thank you for recently contacting my office regarding gun rights.

While I understand your feelings regarding the need for lawful gun owners to protect themselves and their families during a state of emergency, I am concerned about dangerous people using weapons and ammunition to exploit a time of crisis for their own gain. In this instance, I believe that it is in the best interest of the community to allow police and other law enforcement officials to do their jobs quickly and effectively without the fear of an increase in armed crimes.

Again, Thank you for contacting me and letting me know where you stand on this issue. Please don’t hesitate to call or email me if there is anything I can do to assist you.

Sen. Ken Donnelly

Great. Another coward that feels better when the ONLY ONES have an exclusive on gun ownership. If only I could manage the optimism to be surprised. [hmmm]
My response

Thank you for your response.

The bill that I wrote to you about was in regards to legal gun ownership. (People duly licensed by the police and the state of Massachussetts) and their right to protect themselves from the criminal element.

It disturbs me that you associate criminally dangerous exploitative people with lawful gun owners and I am quite shocked and offended. I cannot understand how this type of thinking has come be.

The truth of the matter is that lawful gun owners jump through hoops to comply with our laws, going through background checks, and high retail prices (due to MA laws), letters of reference, police chief interviews, and expensive licensing requirements.

The simple fact that a lawful gun owner is willing to follow all or the state requirements to be licensed and purchase a firearm should be demonstrative of their intent to use it legally.

Black market firearms are not only cheaper and easier to get than dealer firearms, they are commonplace in this state, something our laws have no effect on.

There is a group of people who are trying to secure themselves and their families the right way; through legislation and faith in our elected officials. And when we attempt to do so, we are met with "We are concerned about you turning into dangerous criminals".

I would urge you to review your perspective on gun ownership in this state and perhaps make a clear distinction between those that own guns lawfully and those that use and own guns illegally.

I am a college educated consultant, working a full time job as well as maintaining my own company. I have worked hard my entire life. I have never been arrested, charged, suspected, nor committed any crimes.

It is comments and assumptions like yours that make myself and other gun owners feel like criminals after having done nothing wrong.

Respectfully in disagreement,
My response

If you even get a response from this, it will be vague and designed to shut down the dialogue. He doesn't care, unfortunately. Hopefully Jim can get him in a corner and set him straight but that is an outside hope at best. He refuses to "go against the cops". It is a tactic anti's use rather effectively to push things having nothing to do with true law enforcement through with limited fuss.
Since I don't know this guy from any other MA politician, his response doesn't surprise me. But I spoke to someone that knows him, and like Serapis, he was very surprised by this stance.

Great follow-up Underwhere. Please keep us updated.
man, it would be awesome if someone could post a sticky petition up and have everyone on the nes forums that resides in mass sign it, and then send it into all the reps it covers. wonder what that would say to them?? strength in numbers?
man, it would be awesome if someone could post a sticky petition up and have everyone on the nes forums that resides in mass sign it, and then send it into all the reps it covers. wonder what that would say to them?? strength in numbers?

Problem is, you signed up this month and your UID is about ~15K. If you figure half of the signups previous to you are spammers and half of the remaining signups are not active posters/lurkers, you have about 4K signatures at best and that is in all of New England and beyond. 4-5K intertube signatures doesn't trump polls showing they can do any old stupidity and tick off far fewer people than they can woo with that stupidity.
It is really disappointing that they respond like this. At least lie and make me feel like you are going to consider my opinion. I hate the Ted Kennedy like response...

Thank you for your letter, but even if 20,000 people emailed me telling me I am wrong, I am still right, and no matter what you say, I will still be re-elected. I am going to do what I want - which is serve no use to violence or crime reduction and stiff the good guy as usual.
I usually only discuss gun ownership with like minded people but when I do get into conversations with antis, their mindset is always surprising.
Its always based on the belief that gun owners are crazed lunatics lacking self control, common sense, common decency and any semblance of a moral compass.
They seem to believe that just becasue you have a gun, you are just looking for an excuse to use it in any given scenario.
I get this one alot:

"So when you have a gang filled neighborhood full of guns, the answer is not more guns..."

my response is usually something like

"So you put a gun control law in and all of the legal owners are screwed, and the gang bangers still have guns - now what?"

Their response :
"Eventually if we outlaw handguns altogether, the supply will run out. There is no reason for anyone to own a handgun except for killing people, and sport training to kill people. You grew up in the city in a real bad neighborhood - you should know better that guns are not the answer"

My last response:
" I grew up in the city - I DO know better. I am on my own. Neighbors are too afraid to get involved, police are busy and far away, and my life is too important to me to not take measures to protect myself. I just cant believe I went this long without protection."
when I do get into conversations with antis, their mindset is always surprising.
Its always based on the belief that gun owners are crazed lunatics lacking self control, common sense, common decency and any semblance of a moral compass.
They seem to believe that just becasue you have a gun, you are just looking for an excuse to use it in any given scenario.
Psycologists have a name for that disorder: personality projection. Antis project their antisocial personality on everyone else.
I get this one alot:

"So when you have a gang filled neighborhood full of guns, the answer is not more guns..."

my response is usually something like

"So you put a gun control law in and all of the legal owners are screwed, and the gang bangers still have guns - now what?"

Their response :
"Eventually if we outlaw handguns altogether, the supply will run out. There is no reason for anyone to own a handgun except for killing people, and sport training to kill people. You grew up in the city in a real bad neighborhood - you should know better that guns are not the answer"

My last response:
" I grew up in the city - I DO know better. I am on my own. Neighbors are too afraid to get involved, police are busy and far away, and my life is too important to me to not take measures to protect myself. I just cant believe I went this long without protection."

I would have replied "Like the laws that outlaw drugs are really work?, We learned back in the 1920's that Prohibition does not work at all. criminals break laws because they do not care about laws by nature. Putting people in jail for a victimless crime such as gun ownership or drug use is simply ludicrous. When you get down to it you are blaming the object and making a poor excuse for the criminal that decided to kill some one."
You should ask him, WHERE he is going to be in a his own home or at some headquarters full of armed people, monitoring the progress of dealing with said crisis?

I'm sure if the shit hit the fan in a bad way, he'll either have an armed contingent of guards protecting himself and family, be packing a gun himself or both........and he'll be well out of harms way.......not in the thick of things in some bad neighborhood where the action is.

The best that EVERYONE who is intent on protecting themselves, their families and property in an emergency situation can do is to simply say f*** YOU to the politicians and make sure you'll have what you may eventually need if TSHTF. Its really that simple.

My right to survive, trumps in every way, some politicians need to think they are in control of things when things collapse.

NOLA was a real wakeup call and anyone who hasn't studied its progression and aftermath and rationalized that when you are completely screwed in a real disaster, you are on your own and you'd better get with the program and formulate a plan to survive and protect yourself.....politicians be damned!!
I think that we've allowed the Senator to sidetrack the conversation. As disturbing as his original response is, his opinions concerning gun ownership are not what is at issue. What is at issue is why a legitimate bill is being held up and prevented from coming to the floor.

Why is it the one or two guys, elected by no more than a handful of people, can silence a bill that could benefit an entire State?
I just noticed this, six months to reply to an e-mail?

Yep. I'm not expecting a response to my email until it's time for which point he'll say he believes in the right for people to target shoot and hunt to try and appease me.
I'll probably never understand our criminal justice system... I was under the belief that siezing licensed weapons from a group of citizens who have not committed a crime was UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

I don't care if every single person in the country is running around with 155mm howitzers firing indiscriminately into the air....if I am only person in the country with a license and registered firearm, I still have that "scrap" of paper called the bill of rights that protects me from......unbelieveably......this stupid bill that I just won't accept as legitimate!

I guess what I am saying is that in a real natural disaster if guns are outlawed, I'll be that outlaw with my guns
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