Real life scenario and reprecussions

I think that if you imagine scenarios where you might be a "hero", you (a) probably shouldn't own a gun, and (b) probably need a girlfriend.

Seriously, if there are 4 people in line, and the guy waits his turn, then pulls out a shotgun, he is most likely going to take the cash and leave.
Now, since you have decided to be a hero, does your scenario include the part where the 45 acp exits the perps head and hits the clerk in the face? Or sends a 3" piece of skull into his face at 800 fps?

Here is the deal. When you move out of your Mom's house and have assets that you might not want to lose, and people that count on you to support their addiction to food, you only draw your firearm if you are certain someone is going to die if you don't.

If I am at the bank and some moron comes in with a shotgun and yells "Everybody on the floor!" I am going to get on the floor. Now if the guy starts shooting people, I am going to draw.

But Dude, seeing as Kimbers are more likely to jam than just about any other gun, just hold the door open for the guy on his way out.
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Some a**h*** pulls a gun on someone while I'm there, and only one of us walks away. Cliche, but better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
You guys are being ridiculous. This scenario would never happen since that type of shotgun is banned! There is just no possible way anyone in the history of life would be able to do that since it would make them a criminal. I am very thankful for the laws that keep us safe.
What if he's dressed like a unicorn and you're also buying some tasty french bread frozen pizzas? Does that change anything?
Mmofb. He comes for some bank notes, let him have it. Not even worth HIS limb.

Now if he pulls his trigger on someone, different story. It'd be chaos ensuing his shot. And I'm not trained for it, so I'd have to count on my instinct and reflex and brain if I can still think. My pistol vs. his shotgun, point blank. Chances are we both die, not to mention collateral damage! So even in this scenario, my safest option is retreat as quickly as I can. I'd draw my weapon only if I know for sure that he is going to hurt the second person, me included. I'd have to know what's behind my target at the same time. Too much information to process for me, most likely.
Last I knew..Cumbies has a store policy that when there is more than $80 cash in the register they have to stuff it into the safe. I know of clerks getting fired when a Cumbie spy went around checking on that.
So with that being said... I would have let him do his thing.. Maybe try to whack him with a bottle or something if the chance came up.
No sense going to jail over $50-80 bucks robbery. From a guy that waited in line???
Just remember to get you whole milk at a real store!!! You probably won't get much nourishment from that 1% stuff anyway!!!

I'm going with it is a Cumberland farms let the guy walk out with the $50 in cash and let the LEOs handle it because shooting the guy from behind is going to make it hard to prove self defense
Mmofb. He comes for some bank notes, let him have it. Not even worth HIS limb.

Now if he pulls his trigger on someone, different story. It'd be chaos ensuing his shot. And I'm not trained for it, so I'd have to count on my instinct and reflex and brain if I can still think. My pistol vs. his shotgun, point blank. Chances are we both die, not to mention collateral damage! So even in this scenario, my safest option is retreat as quickly as I can. I'd draw my weapon only if I know for sure that he is going to hurt the second person, me included. I'd have to know what's behind my target at the same time. Too much information to process for me, most likely.
If its a double barreled sawed off and if he blows his load on first trigger pull, you probably will win based on his reload time, unless your shooting a mini-14 at him or you really suck at that aiming thing.
"Every day for the last 10 years, Muhammed there has been selling me 1% milk.
Today he sells me the milk, only it's got 2% in it. A lot of fat.
I just came back to complain. Now put that shotgun down, 'cause we're not just gonna let you walk out of here."

Here is the deal. When you move out of your Mom's house and have assets that you might not want to lose, and people that count on you to support their addiction to food, you only draw your firearm if you are certain someone is going to die if you don't.
Amen. And you should be certain that someone is going to die if you do.
Now, since you have decided to be a hero, does your scenario include the part where the 45 acp exits the perps head and hits the clerk in the face? Or sends a 3" piece of skull into his face at 800 fps?

Just make sure when the above happens and there is blood and crap all over the floor, slip this to the POPO when they show up. I hear it is the golden ticket out of any jam:

This scenario has already happened.

Here is how to survive:


You might be jesting... but for an unarmed civilian, she showed some remarkable presence of mind. Cannot fault any of her actions.

Just make sure when the above happens and there is blood and crap all over the floor, slip this to the POPO when they show up. I hear it is the golden ticket out of any jam:


You missed the small print on the back of the card: "Only valid for government officials and really rich people"
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I drink almond milk. Yes, really.

i always wondered... how do you get milk from an almond? i should do peanut milk. it would be opening up a whole new market. well, except for those sissies that a peanut would kill faster than a 5.56 round to the brainpan. [rofl]

Not unless the pizza comes on a snack platter.

mmm, mom's basement boycott.
Maybe you missed the story about the guy getting charged with excessive force a few years ago after he beat the crap out of a guy who was trying to steal his truck when a fight ensued. The cops arrested him because he beat up the thief too much or too well!!! Welcome to Massachusetts!
Its difficult to answer this question in the truly thoughtful way that it deserves. Part of me wants to thump my chest, and another part of me wants to take the attitude that if I'm not directly threatened, then I'm going to stand by passively.

I think the reality for most of us is somewhere in the middle.

I recognize that my primary purpose in carrying a firearm is to maximize the chance that I will live to at least an age where my children no longer need me. That plays heavily towards putting a hand on the gun, possibly slipping it into a jacket pocket and waiting things out.

But what if it starts to go wrong? What if you have the proverbial clean shot with little to no risk and people are being beaten raped, killed.

Then it becomes harder. Much more grey.
The extremes are easy:

If its a property crime that looks like it will remain a property crime you sit tight. (unlike that idiot in TX who shot a robber who was fleeing his neighbors house)
If a woman is being raped in an alley, and you can intervene with little risk (back to you, she is significantly below him, etc, its an extreme example, so lets make it extreme).

The difficulty is in the huge spectrum of other possibilities between those two extremes.
As ridiculous as the OP's scenario is, I applaud him for at least giving it some thought beforehand.

I am biased toward shooting. Gun pointing at the clerk=clear threat to life of an innocent. There is no certainty that the perp would talk away after getting his 50 bucks. If he shoots the clerk, then swing his gun around to eliminate witnesses, you will be in the sucky situation of needing to draw at gun-point.
You can defend a third person if that person would be legally able to defend themselves. In this case, the clerk was in immediate danger of death or grave bodily injury. Consequently, deadly force is entirely justified, even in MA.

That doesn't mean that you won't face a horriffic legal battle that will cost you tens of thousands of dollars. If the fight isn't with some DA who wants to be governor, it will be with the bad guy's family as they try to use the courts to steal the money that their "dear sweet loved one" couldn't. Even if you win that battle, it's unlikely they have the money to cover your legal fees if their kin was robbing a Cumberland Farms, meaning you're stuck with the bill.
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