Quincy lawyers view on gun control....

Lets just eliminate the whole Bill of Rights. After all, we didn't have this massive government back then to take care of all of us. [rolleyes]
Wow, his editorial completely lacks reason or logic. We have evolved past the point of needing guns? Really?

I like the Philosophy 101 appeal about curing cancer. Let's see, where did I first hear that one? Oh, right, community college.

So, like, let's try a gun ban and see if it reduces crime, or whatever.
I am so sick and tired of hearing we are selfish.........No Depriving others of rights because you dont agree with them is goddam selfish... Depriving others of means of self defense is selfish. Why cant all these anti's just leave and go to Europe where they will feel right at home
mass destruction and unmitigated heartbreak where guns are involved will surely decline through the lack of gun availability. No one can foresee a total peaceful society coming from an outright gun elimination, but shouldn’t we try?

It is apparent to me that there is little respect left for the Constitution among legislators and other people who have "studied" Constitutional Law/Law in general.
Wow, his editorial completely lacks reason or logic. We have evolved past the point of needing guns? Really?

I like the Philosophy 101 appeal about curing cancer. Let's see, where did I first hear that one? Oh, right, community college.

So, like, let's try a gun ban and see if it reduces crime, or whatever.

I've been saying it for a while - and I'm going to keep saying it - because I think gun owners need to smarten the hell up.

When people say stupid shit like this - we need to attack them. If somebody says " we've evolved past the point where we need guns" - then we should tell them that the best place to start is with the government. Tell them that when the government starts eliminating it's gun inventory and pulls it's troops back from all over the world - then I will start believing that they are SERIOUS in what they are saying.

Until that day happens - they are full of shit.
Mr Smith's argument: "I am at a complete loss to understand any argument for the public in our civilized and educated society" is where he seems to fail the logic test. It is precisely when society ceases to become "civilized", as in breakdown of society during riots, breakdown in society when the great unwashed decide to "occupy" your property or harrass your own, uncivilized thugs during natural catastrophies such as a huricane, breakdown in society when the government decides that constitution is only useful for toilet paper, breakdown in society when some usurper decides to make himself "president for life" like Hugo Chavez.....this is when you need those firearms. And they had better be highpower, semiautomatic modern firearms if you are going to be able to respond to the above situations with any chance of a positive outcome.
I would love to send people like this to the middle of a flash mob or riot so they could talk their drivel through it![grin]
I like the Philosophy 101 appeal about curing cancer. Let's see, where did I first hear that one? Oh, right, community college.

I never heard of this before, but it's quite telling.

They think violence, no sorry, gun violence, got to be specific here, is some sort of biological being. It's as if the guns kill and maim on their own volition.

Guns would not be needed if there were no evil people. But evil people exist. So guns need to stay. Until evil is completely eliminated (and it can't, just like the tactic of "terrorism"), then people need a way to defend themselves.
I've been saying it for a while - and I'm going to keep saying it - because I think gun owners need to smarten the hell up.

When people say stupid shit like this - we need to attack them. If somebody says " we've evolved past the point where we need guns" - then we should tell them that the best place to start is with the government. Tell them that when the government starts eliminating it's gun inventory and pulls it's troops back from all over the world - then I will start believing that they are SERIOUS in what they are saying.

Until that day happens - they are full of shit.

Of course they are. "Antis" really aren't antis at all. In fact, they absolutely LOVE guns. They want nothing to do with them personally though.

Remember, liberal regressives love the state. They see all of it as "progress". The bigger the state, the bigger the progress. State. Progress. Progress. State.

Sure, they don't like when George W. Bush or the GOP is behind the wheel, but they know they'll get their day in the sun. That's why they only feign opposition. They want a crack at the wheel too.

So how is the state and all of it's "advances" protected? By the barrel of a gun. Liberals aren't dumb. They're just being intellectually dishonest. Plus, they're being morally obtuse when they align themselves with the criminal element.

Bad guys do in fact vote. Prisoners vote in some states too. Guess what political party they overwhelmingly support? You bet.

If more good guys have guns, then there's less bad guys. Less bad guys means less political power.
If he wants guns collected and destroyed, I want him to come to my home personally to try and get them. Don't send the cops, he should do it himself. Good luck with that.
I am at a complete loss to understand any argument for the public in our civilized and educated society to have guns. Are we that selfish that we place our own petty hobbies (gun collecting, target practice) above the saf...

Great, another mindless moonbat trying to eliminate all gun manufactures? GMAFB. These guy needs to take a long walk off a short pier.
Why so negative? Just look at how well Prohibition worked! Without Prohibition, there wouldn't be a Kennedy family fortune!

Oh, and lets make it a triple play and declare that teenagers abstain from sex.
I find it very telling that there is no way to leave a comment. They don't really care what people really think. What do you say we all pool a little money together and take out full page ads in some of these local rags with some of the letters people have written on this forum to govt officials and the like. I'd be willing to put up some $ monthly for a cause like that....seems to me like the free market (via advertising) might be the only way to get them to post something REAL. Who's in?
I find it very telling that there is no way to leave a comment. They don't really care what people really think. What do you say we all pool a little money together and take out full page ads in some of these local rags with some of the letters people have written on this forum to govt officials and the like. I'd be willing to put up some $ monthly for a cause like that....seems to me like the free market (via advertising) might be the only way to get them to post something REAL. Who's in?

There are comments, and they are overwhelmingly pro 2A. They might not be visible on the mobile site, though.
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