Proposal to come before Lexington Town Meeting

ask him what the problem is. I know I've posted this a bunch of times already on various threads, but seriously, what's the argument when you show the data that it's 2.5x as likely to die by someone's fists or feet than by a rifle? ban hands? ban feet? ban anyone who has hands or feet? where's the outrage there?

The one thing I've learned is that you can't fix stupid. It's almost as if it's hard wired into these types of people.

ask him what the problem is. I know I've posted this a bunch of times already on various threads, but seriously, what's the argument when you show the data that it's 2.5x as likely to die by someone's fists or feet than by a rifle? ban hands? ban feet? ban anyone who has hands or feet? where's the outrage there?

If they can only save but a single child...

Seriously, that's their argument: This is emotional not rational.
Start getting people together in Lexington. They will surely ram this down your throats if no one stands against them. I would also put the town manager and police chief on notice that support of such legislation will prompt legal disputes That the town cannot afford. Mobilize for your cause or accept your fate unopposed. These people have nothing better to do with their lives.
Does Lexington have an open town meeting or are town meeting members elected like in my town? If its open then you can pack the crowd, if its elected then non members can speak but not vote.

ETA: A quick google search answered my own question, it is an elected town meeting. There are about 200 members. They are listed on the Lexington town web site if a Lexington NES'er can reach out to them that way. But I think the strategy to go to the town manager, police chief and town legal counsel would be the best route. Many town meeting members in my town are moonbat types.
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I'd hate to see a Milita-related shooting in the Concord/Lexington area!! Heaven forbid, if this doesn't pass, there could be Scores Killed, Hundreds Injured As Para-Military Extremists Riot

So you might ask yourself, How did original Patriots do it???

Did they perhaps hold a Muster on Lexington Battle Green? Or did they just hold a Rally at Lexington and Concord?

Here is what they did once, On This Day in History.

Or are they just going to do a "Patriot's Day special:Heritage group musters aid to save pivotal Revolution site", for the PBS crowd?

What are your Patriot's Day Plans?
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Start getting people together in Lexington. They will surely ram this down your throats if no one stands against them. I would also put the town manager and police chief on notice that support of such legislation will prompt legal disputes That the town cannot afford. Mobilize for your cause or accept your fate unopposed. These people have nothing better to do with their lives.

Shotgun Scully has hit the nail on the head. I'm a former town meeting member and fairly familiar with the way things work politically in Lexington. Left unopposed, this will pass easily. But if the selectmen are convinced that this will bring a shit storm on the town, they will quietly take the proponent aside and convince him to "indefinitely postpone" his or her warrant article. BTW, if you're on Google you can follow the discussion here:!topic/lextmma/T1CdSjCCq1E
Unbelievable! I live in Lexington. I didn't see anything about a hearing yet, so I suppose it's premature.

There wuld be a procedure outline in your Town's bylaws which outlines getting an article of the Town Meeting Warrant. Generaly there are times during a Selectman's meeting when the warrant is opened and the articles are put on it. There may not be any actual hearings other than that and on the floor of town meeting.
Has GOAL sent out an alert yet? I have not seen anything. They usually do. If not, maybe someone with info should let them know.
I'd hate to see a Milita-related shooting in the Concord/Lexington area!! Heaven forbid, if this doesn't pass, there could be Scores Killed, Hundreds Injured As Para-Military Extremists Riot

So you might ask yourself, How did original Patriots do it???

Did they perhaps hold a Muster on Lexington Battle Green? Or did they just hold a Rally at Lexington and Concord?

Here is what they did once, On This Day in History.

Or are they just going to do a "Patriot's Day special:Heritage group musters aid to save pivotal Revolution site", for the PBS crowd?

What are your Patriot's Day Plans?

Awesome! Let's never forget.

Reps inbound.
There wuld be a procedure outline in your Town's bylaws which outlines getting an article of the Town Meeting Warrant. Generaly there are times during a Selectman's meeting when the warrant is opened and the articles are put on it. There may not be any actual hearings other than that and on the floor of town meeting.

What's happened so far is that a Town Meeting Member has announced his intention to place a citizen's article on the warrant for the upcoming spring town meeting. There's been no publicity so far, other than this thread, because it is indeed premature. I happen to monitor the Town Meeting Members chat board, which is how I found out, and alerted this group (as well as GOAL).

In late winter, the warrant will be published for the upcoming town meeting. No doubt this article will get some more publicity then. At that point interested parties should notify the moderator of town meeting of their intention to speak to this article from the gallery when it comes up for consideration. This step is important, as the moderator will know to alert you which night this article will come up, and have you on the schedule to speak. You'll be limited to 2 minutes, so have your remarks prepared. I'll also post a notice on this list. The more members we have supporting the cause in the gallery, the better. Despite this, I expect it will pass if it comes to a vote.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the best way to defeat this is to credibly threaten a lawsuit. The town will not want to spend real dollars defending a meaningless, symbolic, feel-good ordinance, and will pressure the proponent to drop it. The selectmen may even recommend a no vote if the proponent presses forward after they've asked him to relent. While the membership occasionally defy the selectmen, it is unusual.
... Or they could just not put it on the warrant.

What is this chat board? Does it meet public records laws?
From the comments in that google group, I'd say there's a slightly inflated sense of self-worth in that town (where I spent much of my childhood).

We are a light unto the nations.

"1775" and all that give us first mover primacy in my view.

(I would be careful not to prohibit the manufacture of weapons for sale to the US armed forces in the wording.)
From the comments in that google group, I'd say there's a slightly inflated sense of self-worth in that town (where I spent much of my childhood).

Agreed, my family is from Lexington and I don't recognize these people. I thought Wayland-Weston-Wellesley were bad, these people are beyond conceited.
Unfortunately we need to figure out how to fight this. It is a clear Progressive action plan to impose regulations at the local or executive levels of government since they are unable to get laws passed in the legislative branch. Rotbergs letter is a rallying cry to the progressive movement. It blatantly says "look we can do something and not have to worry about getting sued over 2nd Amendment rights because of the Highland park "non-ruling" by the US Supreme Court."

It is part of the plan Obama has announced. You can complain all you want about him... he has made his plan clear.

They believe that they are right and unless they are stopped they will continue to impose their beliefs on us in states like MA, NY, CA and other progressive strongholds. If Hillary gets elected and is able to nominate 3 progressives to the Supreme Court this entire country will start to turn to the left.
Recently moved from Cambridge to Lexington. I thought it was a sideways move in regards to my 2A rights. Maybe I was wrong.
Hope this never gets on the warrant, but if it does would love to get 2 minutes of time.
I'm normally not one to seek headlines but might like to see "Lee vs Lexington" on the Supreme Court docket.
Dear god I hope the town of Lexington can get a grip on the continual murder and gun crimes going on in its borders. Oh, wait. .52 in a thousand chance or a violent crime versus the 3.8 per thousand of the national average. Thats just violent crime and not gun crime. I think Lexington has a lot of time on its hands and quite a few soccer moms that need a job.
With the moderator's permission.

Is there some resident who is willing to speak? If so, talk to Comm2A and see if you can get interest in a suit. If the answer is yes, you will be able to bring a credible threat of litigation by pointing out the 13K Natick spent defending one of our cases, or the $12.4K that Hinghgam had to pay for the marijuana case Comm2A brought against that town.
What's happened so far is that a Town Meeting Member has announced his intention to place a citizen's article on the warrant for the upcoming spring town meeting. There's been no publicity so far, other than this thread, because it is indeed premature. I happen to monitor the Town Meeting Members chat board, which is how I found out, and alerted this group (as well as GOAL).

In late winter, the warrant will be published for the upcoming town meeting. No doubt this article will get some more publicity then. At that point interested parties should notify the moderator of town meeting of their intention to speak to this article from the gallery when it comes up for consideration. This step is important, as the moderator will know to alert you which night this article will come up, and have you on the schedule to speak. You'll be limited to 2 minutes, so have your remarks prepared. I'll also post a notice on this list. The more members we have supporting the cause in the gallery, the better. Despite this, I expect it will pass if it comes to a vote.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the best way to defeat this is to credibly threaten a lawsuit. The town will not want to spend real dollars defending a meaningless, symbolic, feel-good ordinance, and will pressure the proponent to drop it. The selectmen may even recommend a no vote if the proponent presses forward after they've asked him to relent. While the membership occasionally defy the selectmen, it is unusual.

Thank-you for being vigilant! I live in Lexington and I'm happy to attend, testify, etc for our freedom!
Thank-you for being vigilant! I live in Lexington and I'm happy to attend, testify, etc for our freedom!

You're welcome. All of us Lexingtonians should organize before this thing hits town meeting - maybe have a meet-up at Pete's before heading over to Cary Hall.

I noticed there was one of these Yes/No dialogues in the Globe yesterday, this one on so-called assault "assault weapons":
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From the comments in that google group, I'd say there's a slightly inflated sense of self-worth in that town (where I spent much of my childhood).

Don't forget:
Kudos, Bob! It has my vote. Please add "concealed weapons" to your prohibited list if that does not conflict with Massachusetts law.

Also quite fascinating how they have all apparently been duped in to believing that the only thing standing in their way is some big bad faceless NRA entity. Because surely we are all just paid NRA lobbyists, or have ourselves been so utterly duped by the elegant wordsmith Wayne LaPierre.
Somebody needs to submit a Citizens Article to the Warrant to ban all 6 and 8 cylinder engines. After all, nobody needs more than 4 cylinders.

"Assault vehicles do not include antique autos. Citizens of the town would still be able to own cars, just not weapons of mass murder."

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