Please Lock>>2nd Amendment March DC<< ***BUS TRIP***

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I had thought this already had backing from the NRA and was being advertised by Ted Nugent. Is this the same event they were talking about?

Here is the email I got from the Second Amendment March folks:

Things are going well with the Second Amendment March. We now have 29 State Coordinators and website traffic is holding steady at 45,000 unique visitors per week. Donations were up slightly last month but still painfully short of what we'll need to pull this event off. I hate to beg, but even five dollars per person would be a great help in organizing efforts.

Dennis Sanford, our Field Representative, will be sending out the official letters to the gun industry next week asking for monetary and logistical support. We're hoping that during these times of record firearm and ammo sales that the gun industry will help us out. If you have any leads on corporations or businesses (large or small) who would like to support the march, please email me at [email protected] with all the details and I'll follow up.

Also, I've recently mailed letters to Chris Cox and Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association officially asking for their support. They have a lot of resources at their command and it would be great to get their help. Already, many NRA members are helping us out, but it is NRA headquarters who controls the assets we need to help publicize the march. Feel free to call or write the NRA asking that they support the Second Amendment March in some capacity. Gun Owners of America has already pledged their support to the Second Amendment March. You can tell Larry Pratt thank you by going to

A new and improved Second Amendment March website will be up and running in a few weeks. More details will follow in next week's newsletter.

Your Board of Directors meets every Wednesday night to discuss and organize the march. Also, your State Coordinators meet every other Thursday to share plans and concerns as they organize on a state level.

Lately we've been getting a lot of help from nine-twelvers and TEA party folks. This is great because they are highly motivated and organized and they've already done a successful march on DC. We are learning from them everyday, and we appreciate their help.

I would like to do more radio interviews to publicize the march, so please have your local radio station contact me at 269-838-5586 to set it up. No radio station is too large or too small.

We've been working on a new online store and that should be up and running in two weeks. Stay tuned for details in next week's newlsetter.

If any of you have concerns, comments, or suggestions or wish to volunteer to help promote the march, please email me at [email protected] and we can talk. Many people feel unqualified to lead or to organize, but it's not that tough. I can relate because I don't feel qualified to lead either, but someone has to do it. Why not you? Contact me if you are willing to help.

God bless and thanks for your support.

Skip Coryell
Founder, Second Amendment March
i wanted to go and was planning on it BUT my health issues would never allow me to make it through that kind of day [crying]

i keep thinking about this and i want to go but need to know some things.

1) will the bus be making any stops in the 7 hour ride?

2) would it be possible to get a front seat? - there is usually a little more room to stretch your legs in front.
Got this on Facebook from the 2A March group.

Hello Second Amendment March Supporters,

We have tried not to inundate you with facebook messages, but there are a few items that you might want to know about.

First, last Tuesday the Tax Day Tea Party announced that their biggest TEA party ever will occur on April 15th, 2010 in Washington DC and all across the country.

Due to the large number of Tea Party Patriots and Nine-Twelve
project members among our supporters, we are concerned that this will
result in fewer people attending the Second Amendment March on April
19th, 2010.

Your input is valuable to us. In light of this, we would like to know which of our options do you view as being most favorable?

Please use the poll on our homepage at

What does everyone think?
ok since my questions have gone unanswered i guess this trip is not "handicapped/disabled" friendly. so i withdraw my interest. thanks anyway

I think no one would have a problem reserving the first seat for you. I am still waiting on what is going to happen. I am not sure if the Tea Party will change things. I really would like this to be separate from the Tea Party as they are totally different topics and I believe the message of the march would be lost if it was mixed in with the Tea Party
I think no one would have a problem reserving the first seat for you. I am still waiting on what is going to happen. I am not sure if the Tea Party will change things. I really would like this to be separate from the Tea Party as they are totally different topics and I believe the message of the march would be lost if it was mixed in with the Tea Party

Thank You Kiver. i would still need to know if the bus makes any stops in the 7 or so hours, so whenever you get a chance - no rush as long as i know you have seen this. my problem is that i will need to stand up every once in awhile, as long as i get the front seat i should be able to do so on the bus and not have to worry about stops. again my thanks for your efforts including my extra needs in this area. i really would love to go.

also i agree, they should do it on different dates. the same day or even within a couple days, imho, would only confuse the messages and make it seem as if they are same thing.
Thank You Kiver. i would still need to know if the bus makes any stops in the 7 or so hours, so whenever you get a chance - no rush as long as i know you have seen this. my problem is that i will need to stand up every once in awhile, as long as i get the front seat i should be able to do so on the bus and not have to worry about stops. again my thanks for your efforts including my extra needs in this area. i really would love to go.

also i agree, they should do it on different dates. the same day or even within a couple days, imho, would only confuse the messages and make it seem as if they are same thing.

I think everyone would want to get up once and a while for a break. I took a trip to Toronto for a Sox game a couple years ago and they were good at breaking every once and a while.
Second Amendment March to Remain April 19th, 2010
A short while ago we learned that the TEA Party Patriots would be holding a march in Washington DC on April 15th, 2010, 4 days before our own event.

Concerned that this would affect the attendance at our own march, the Board of Directors spent a week gathering information. We were concerned that people would not be able to make two trips to DC because of time and money constraints.

However, we discovered that the TEA party will not be one HUGE event to be held in Washington DC, but rather would be held in hundreds of cities all across the country. That means that many, many people will likely spend April 15th in their home town TEA party and hence would still be able to attend the April 19th Second Amendment March.

Other deciding factors were:

* Many people had already made plans for April 19th by asking time off work and making travel arrangements.
* It became apparent that we would not be able to work out all the logistical headaches involved with changing the date.
* Some of our speakers would not be able to accommodate the change.
* Some of the State Capitol Rallies had already chosen their dates and changing the date of the DC rally would have complicated their efforts.
* Concerns over the lack of availability of lodging if both events were held simultaneously.

Many of you sent us personal emails voicing a variety of opinions and I want to assure you that we appreciate all your input.

So now, let us look to the future and the task at hand. We have a lot of money to raise and a lot of work to do if we are to make the Second Amendment March a huge success! Thanks again, and I'll see you in DC on April 19th, 2010!

All the best!

Skip Coryell
Founder, Second Amendment March

So lets set this up then...I am still waiting to hear back from the 2nd March people about bus coordination. I want to ok it with them and be able to get non NESers if I can't fill the bus....more to follow soon
If we're short people let us know by how many. I'm sure many of us can drum up additional people that may not frequent NES but support the 2nd A.
I am probably going to go down for a longer stay with the family so the bus would not work for me sorry. We could def meet up down there though.

I'm sure that there are others who want to stay over, etc. Meeting up down there might be a touch difficult, depending on how many folks show up in total, but I'm sure we can come up with a banner on poles to hold up or something so those coming on their own can find us.

We'll work something out I'm sure.
I talked with the bus company again today and things seem to be rolling. Estimated pick up time is looking like 11:30pm on Sunday so we can get there around 9am on Monday with a few stops on the way. It works out much better if there is only one pick up in Springfield. Otherwise we are adding on hours and dollars to this trip. It is best to just shoot down 91. I hope this doesn't make this a deal breaker for anyone. Price so far is unchanged. When I get the finalized contract I will be setting this up as a go
I talked with the bus company again today and things seem to be rolling. Estimated pick up time is looking like 11:30pm on Sunday so we can get there around 9am on Monday with a few stops on the way. It works out much better if there is only one pick up in Springfield. Otherwise we are adding on hours and dollars to this trip. It is best to just shoot down 91. I hope this doesn't make this a deal breaker for anyone. Price so far is unchanged. When I get the finalized contract I will be setting this up as a go

How much of a difference would it be to have a pickup closer to Boston or the 128 belt in addition to in Western MA?
How much of a difference would it be to have a pickup closer to Boston or the 128 belt in addition to in Western MA?

From what they told me it takes alot longer (distance and time) if we head out that way. I91 is pretty much a straight shot to DC

I-95 S
440 mi

I-95 S
368 mi

I-95 S
403 mi

two stops would be adding an hour+ each way
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Looks like we should be close enough to get this started and hope we get a few more. I have the contract in hand and plan on sending out the deposit. I will start a new thread and close this as it is a bit cluttered.
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