Para Ordnance - New Guns Released...

Now, I'm only going on what was said by Ted Oven from Northeast Trading. But he said that as of 5 pm Wednesday, Para got approval to sell almost all their pistols in MA.


Looks like we are going to have to start a collection to keep our local PARAWHORE C-pher out of the poor house!
Ok, I figured that Len would post this. But I guess that he's not.

Now, I'm only going on what was said by Ted Oven from Northeast Trading. But he said that as of 5 pm Wednesday, Para got approval to sell almost all their pistols in MA.

Again, it was just said by Ted, and it sounded like he was going to start selling them.

But I just wanted to pass out that information. And if anyone knows more, please expand.
FS Web Page also announced that 51 Paras are now legal to sell in MA with information to follow. Congratulations 1911 fans.

Para's are awesome... looks like Ill have to take a ride soon to check out the new models.
Hmm... I am still on the fence when it comes to Para. I have heard they have trouble keeping the holes in spec making trigger jobs and parts fitting difficult. Some smiths love of em some smiths seem to hate em. Still, more options is ALWAYS a good thing.
I have had the pleasure of shooting sever styles of Paras and can say when I buy my first .45 It will be a para... the only choice now is.... which model and now I'll have 51to pick from... this may make things more difficult for me. But yes, more is always better then less [smile]
This is good news. I'm not a huge fan of the LDAs but I could perhaps
see a P14 Limited in my future.

Great news, only wish sigarms would do the same and make more of there models available.
+1 The Elite, SAO, and Revolution would both be welcome additions. Even just one of them to cater to the people who want something more then a service pistol from Sig.
Hell yeah!

Did they have to make MA legal versions or did the current ones get approved as is?

And can we buy used ones from out of state?
I have a P13-45, and I have found that the Mag release protrudes so far that it is not uncommon for the magazine to become unseated when worn carried in an IWB holster. That has never happened when using my Colt 1911 in the same holster.

Anyone else experience a similar issur with their Para?
Hang on, guys. Just because guns are on the list does NOT mean they pass the AG's rules, right? Think about it - Glocks are on this list too, but nobody can seel them in MA...
True but why would 4 seasons say 51 new models available on there web page.

You're right. Carl is pretty risk-averse on this issue, so I imagine it is true. I hope they are all available, but when I look at that list, there are so many guns on it that are definitely not legal here, that I wonder how valuable it is.
I know what you mean. There are 2 HK models on the list and SWmp 9 and 40 plus all glocks which we cant buy.
Per Ted, he said that he's already gotten the letter from the AG's office to the distrubiter that they can send them to him. I believe he said that they are already on order...or in his store. I'm not sure. I was in there today, but I didn't have time to look around. And he was busy, but Fred said something to the effect of they are here...or on order.
Are there preban magazines available for the Para P-18 in 9MM? I could definitely see myself getting one of those...
You're right. Carl is pretty risk-averse on this issue, so I imagine it is true. I hope they are all available, but when I look at that list, there are so many guns on it that are definitely not legal here, that I wonder how valuable it is.

Not to nitpick, but "not legal" is incorrect. If the gun is on the EOPS list, it is is in EVERY WAY legal to own, and to buy for that matter. The only restriction is that a Mass dealer "can't" sell you one. I put can't in quotes due to the simple fact that it is in no way "illegal" for a dealer to sell you a gun that is not on the AG list (provided that it is in fact on the EOPS list) given that the AG CMR is just that, a Regulation, not a law.

The only thing that is borderline "illegal" is the unbridled horseshit the Riley has pulled with making the restrictions in the first place. If you find a dealer who goes by the EOPS list ONLY (and they are out there), you have no legal liability if he sells you a gun that's not "AG approved".

I mention this not to be a know-it-all, but just to help empower you just a little bit. [smile]
M&P is currently under evaluation by the AG's office. The MA firearm retail industry is expecting the results at any time now.

Are you saying that the AG's office is now issuing pre-prosecution opinions as to what handguns comply with the regulations?

If this is indeed the case, it is a marked departure from the policy to date.

Details, please.
Not to nitpick, but "not legal" is incorrect. If the gun is on the EOPS list, it is is in EVERY WAY legal to own, and to buy for that matter.

Wrong. EOPS does not determine "legality" of a pistol. Even if a gun
-IS NOT- on the EOPS roster, it is still legal to own. The issue at
hand is the dealers ability to sell them, and that applies for both
cases.... the gun must be on the EOPS roster and must not piss off the
AG. The latter requirement is somewhat of a black hole. This usually
isnt in the form of a letter from the AG- it's that Para (or whoevers) lawyers
have determined that "hey, all our bases are covered" and then they go
and attempt to sell the pistol.

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