One little bright spot...

Aug 9, 2006
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Got my NH Non-Res CCW today, like a 6 day wait overall. Wow!

I'm currently applying to get into graduate school. If I end up at a school in Boston, then I'm seriously considering commuting from NH. Seems like a much nicer place than this shithole.
Be advised that Amtrak has a no firearm's policy on their website. But if you are smart about it and don't make it obvious that you are carrying a handgun they probably won't bother you. I don't think they have any metal detectors at this time.
Amtrak would be the least of his worries -- carry is illegal in a MA school (including universities) without written permission from the school. If he asks for permission, the answer from the school would not be no -- the answer would be "HELL NO!"
Was the Gun-free Schools Act ever repealed? I was under the impression it was a federal law banning the carrying of firearms in schools without prior permission, not a state law.
Fed Law was re-written after it was overturned. Info here on an Advanced Search.

MGLs also prohibit it and are more strict than the Fed Law wrt what constitutes a school.
Well of course I wouldn't carry at school. I was thinking more about the possibility of living in a free state like NH and commuting to Boston every day rather than put up with Menino and his cronies.
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