On Mass Pike today and saw a huge anti assault weapon sign

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I love those billboards.... the first dozen times I saw the 'gun show loophole' one i thought it was a PRO gun one. As long as he wants to waste money on a sign that few people even see and less actauly read... go for it. Now I feel the need to hit the range and waste money that I dont have... Damm NES....

In a state that already has an AWB no less. Let him waste his money.

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Define an assault rifle for me, and we'll go from there?

Hint: the Assault Weapon Ban was cosmetic, not functional.

Not to mention that the National AWB that expired in 2004 did NOTHING to reduce crime. In fact, violent crime has DECLINED since it expired in 2004, despite poor economic conditions (which usually leads to higher violent crimes).
Any one wanna do a little street art on that billboard ?
Some thing along the lines of this.
YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Start a petition. I'll sign it & Most people will too.

That billboard actually does violate MA law as to size IIRC[laugh] He gets away with it because it's attached to his building. Some pigs are indeed more equal than others.
I'm absolutely pro gun person,

but just for my curriosity, why would you need an assault rifle ?

Maybe if you'd have paid more attention in school you'd have learned just exactly what an assault rifle is and you'd have learned how to spell "curiosity".

Answer: 'Cause they're more killy than regular rifles.

I remember reading this on NES a few years back: "If I stab you with a spork, is it now an assault spork?"

And here's one for Scriv... It's curiosity, not curriosity.

Let me guess. English is not your first language? Tell us where you're from. If it Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kiribat, Kwarizm , Kenya, Kuwait? Which one KOULD it be?




Forgive the Grammar Nazis, for they know what they do...

I'm absolutely pro gun person,

but just for my curriosity, why would you need an assault rifle ?

I've not read every page in depth, but having been a member at NES for more than a few years, I've seen how things go - and it's usually not well. Someone will come on with a certain set of beliefs, (core or periphery) and then get smashed, grammar-corrected, or told to gtfo, called a fudd and generally chastised. Many whither the storm - some fade away. I could wax poetic (and have) about the 2nd Amendment, 1st Amendment - the sacrifices of our forefathers and those who shed blood for liberty. I won't. It's early and I've had a long week. What I will say is stick around, weather the storm, use auto-correct or spell-check to avoid the GN's, (or just screw with them) and read a lot. My best description of why I "need" my guns, can best be described by one of my friend Timber's earlier posts...Have fun with the search feature and welcome to NES [cheers]
You'd think a guy named Rosenthal would think twice about banning any sort of firearms. Considering what happened to his people in 1930's and 40's in Germany.
If another person says that AR stands for assault rifle my heads gonna explode!!
I wonder how much money it would take to get a nice goal or comm2a supported pro 2a sign....
Honestly do you think a billboard is actually going to change anyone's mind? I'd much rather they spend the money more wisely. Let Rosenthal continue to waste his.
Don't they know Massachusetts already has an AWB? Seems like a waste of money for them to be advertising here.

I also like their count of "kids" killed by guns since the 2010 elections. What that fails to mention is that about 99% of those "kids" are teenage gang members who are killing each other with guns that won't be affected by a nationwide AWB (given that they are largely handguns and mostly already illegally owned making it highly unlikely they will be turned in following an AWB).

Why don't we start an anti-pool billboard on the other side of the street? Your pool is statistically 100 times more likely to kill your child than your gun. Your pool is 14 times more deadly than even your car for children ages 1-4. According to the CDC, drowning kills minorities in disproportionate numbers - 3 times the rate of white children.

Where are the billboards trying to outlaw pools and swimming?
the reason I need an AR/AK etc... is because I cannot afford a howitzer and several thousands of rounds of 30-06 and 50bmg. with an "assualt rifle" I can afford to go shooting much more frequently and not be as sore as throwing a couple hundred rounds through my 30-06 or a 308 bolt rifle both of which have a far greater range than your typical 7.62x39 or 5.56. Surplus ammo is cheaper as well. Now I know I could shoot the .22lr and get the practice but it is a balance of caliber and feedback from the cartridge that I m looking for. Plus the 2nd isn't about hunting.
Not to mention that the National AWB that expired in 2004 did NOTHING to reduce crime. In fact, violent crime has DECLINED since it expired in 2004, despite poor economic conditions (which usually leads to higher violent crimes).

Which is irrelevant, since the right to bear arms and the true reasons behind it should not be negated no matter how many "violent crimes" occur with firearms.
Which is irrelevant, since the right to bear arms and the true reasons behind it should not be negated no matter how many "violent crimes" occur with firearms.
I agree with you that we shouldn't even have to make any argument apart from 2A; however, if we could at least get some people to recognize that not only are our Constitutional rights being violated, but it doesn't even do any good we might start swaying some people "in the middle."
just as Rosenthal thinks certain people can only use the 2nd why can't we think that only certain people should be allowed to use the 1st. I mean he has shown he doesn't have the mental capacity to use the 1a prudently
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