On Mass Pike today and saw a huge anti assault weapon sign

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the .gov banned them in 1986. At this point an assault rifle means "a gun that looks like something the military uses."

Actually - they didn't "ban" them outright - they outlawed production of any new ones for civilian sale unless they're "samples" and will only be owned by an FFL.
Assuming this is a genuine troll post , and said troll will be sharing this with his DU friends for the Lulz - he's a straight answer , not that it is likely to help.

Imagine ( if you're a lefty ) Dick Cheney , Condi Rice , Any Bush son , Sean Hannity , Paul Ryan and Sarah Palin taking over the country and rounding up every pot smoker , GLBT , vegetarian and dude who needs a haircut and shipping them off to enforced Bible Study class or we cut off your Free Health Care and start killing Undesirables.

The 2nd Amendment was put in place to insure The People had more actual power - lethal power - than the government's police and Army.

If you look at death by firearm numbers in recent history , including famine created by denying food to hungry people through use of force - say the last 75 years - Governments are the leading cause of death among humans - and generally inflicted on their own people.

The 2A is not about Sportsmen , recreation or Hunting. Interpersonal self defense is only a footnote , - it's to stop civilized legal government from doing things to help us - as did the Nazis ( yes I said the "N" word ) , The Soviets , the Khmer Rouge , the Taliban , ... the african ethnic cleansing of the month ... the list goes on.

I'll give you a serious answer to your "why does anybody need an assault rifle" question - if you answer the question (asked by a few people) - on what you think an assault rifle is.

My first response was done before I actually realized there was 15 pages of nothing here and nothing really got answered.

Honestly I didn't see any real defense of "assault weapons" or the 2nd amendment in 15 pages of responses. Just a lot of stuff leading up to a closed thread.
Beat to Death.

These will drive you crazy! [thinking]
Next time I will remember to read the whole thread every time you post something stupid.

I assure you I don't search out your posts. You do say some dumb shit though.

WTF is the matter with you anyway? That's a serious question.

If you don't like what I post, or think I say some dumb shit, as you so eloquently put it, than hide me. Than, you'll never have to worry about it again. I assure you, after this post, that is exactly what I am going to do. a**h***.
I am sorry, but I think I have a differnce in opinion (from most of you) about what the 2nd is supposed to mean. To me, it says that in order for state militas to be effective the general population needs to be familer with milita grade weapons... which when you think about it mean that we should be going the ?swedish? route and REQUIREING everyone to work with/keep REAL assault weapons (aka full auto with all the evil killy bells and wistles).

It may be me, but I dont think that it is really supposed to be about protection from 'our' gov so much as a more general ability to become instant milita if the need arrises. After all, its not like they where planning on a standing army at the time... or even a standing 'national gaurd' style unit.

You can think whatever you like, but you're wrong. The real reason behind the second amendment is clearly spelled out in various Federalist Papers.

Feel free to look them up and read them.
Why do people need a designer gun lamp for $3,200?

Personally, I like when he runs the big gun image on his billboard -- it always freaks out of town guests who get all a flutter wondering why a big scary black gun is being displayed like that? If you don't live here and know what it's all about, you drive by too quickly to grasp its message, for or against. Their eyes just zone in on that big gun.

Would you people please stop using Analogies like "designer Lamps" and all the obvious things we can live without!!!. I'm waiting for the next person to say "what do we need electricity for, do know how many people get electricuted everyday???" Stop!!!!. And before you attack me thinking that i don't think we need assault weapons, your wrong, I love them with all my heart.
You can think whatever you like, but you're wrong. The real reason behind the second amendment is clearly spelled out in various Federalist Papers.

Feel free to look them up and read them.

sorry, but I am just looing at the actual wording of the amendment itself. I feel like baseing it off of letters sent back and forth between only a few of the indivduals is giving them undue importance. If it was ment as many suggest (to counter a tyranical gov) I would expect some of the smartest men in the world to actauly WRITE that instead of what they did choose as the final text.
sorry, but I am just looing at the actual wording of the amendment itself. I feel like baseing it off of letters sent back and forth between only a few of the indivduals is giving them undue importance. If it was ment as many suggest (to counter a tyranical gov) I would expect some of the smartest men in the world to actauly WRITE that instead of what they did choose as the final text.

Such things are better left to educated men........
The funny part is that the Revolutionary era flintlocks were the "assault weapons" of their day. Both in military and civilian hands.

In 2012, the military is using select-fire M4 rifles. The civilian is left with a neutered, semi-automatic, non-select fire variant.

If we really had a true understanding of the Second Amendment, and what it REALLY means, all free men would have select-fire M4s in their homes and not AR-15s.
It may be me, but I dont think that it is really supposed to be about protection from 'our' gov so much as a more general ability to become instant milita if the need arrises. After all, its not like they where planning on a standing army at the time... or even a standing 'national gaurd' style unit.

As Jose points out, you are wrong. The Second Amendment exists for arming the populace for all enemies, foreign or domestic. Look back to April 19, 1775 and you will see exactly why the Second Amendment was written. And the Third for that matter, but that's a different story.

Throughout history, whenever a government started to turn on it's citizenry, one of the first steps was to disarm them. Spears, swords, bows and arrows, muskets, or AR15s, the implements being banned or seized may change, but the intent is always the same.

If you don't believe me ask the dead Jews, Armenians, Ukrainians, Cambodians, and countless million others who were slaughtered by their own governments.

"How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things have been like if every police operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive? If during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever was at hand? The organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt."
— Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Prize winner and author of The Gulag Archipelago, who spent 11 years in Soviet concentration camps.
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Sorry to piss you off but how many people read through the entire thread before posting? Not many,most post on things as they come across them.

I always read an entire thread, before I try and 'out' someone for something. That is clearly not what I meant.

It's his private building, so obviously he can do whatever he wants to it. I still think he's a douche bag, and wish he would spontaneously combust. Is that a problem too?
... It's his private building, so obviously he can do whatever he wants to it. ...

No, he cannot. There are zoning and sign bylaws in probably every town, most likely even more closer to Boston. I think there are also additional highway sign laws from the state as well.
No, he cannot. There are zoning and sign bylaws in probably every town, most likely even more closer to Boston. I think there are also additional highway sign laws from the state as well.

Well of course there are zoning laws. Those don't apply to him though. There's been a sign up there for 10 years. Why haven't they stopped him?

It's the biggest billboard in the state, and yet they allow him to get away with it.
Well of course there are zoning laws. Those don't apply to him though. There's been a sign up there for 10 years. Why haven't they stopped him?

It's the biggest billboard in the state, and yet they allow him to get away with it.

Has anyone actually bothered to inquire? Here's your chance.
Has anyone actually bothered to inquire? Here's your chance.

I am sure there has been at least 1 person to inquire about it. Maybe not. Maybe the system is crooked too, and laws don't apply to some people.

I'll call tomorrow and check back in.
Yeah it's been ****ing covered dude. Move on. That is not what I meant, so try again.

Next time, read the whole thread.

Maybe you can explain what you meant, since it's pretty opaque to some of us.

An added thought. Commercial advertising is treated differently than political speech. While a bill board for a product that large would be heavily regulated, a political statement (which this clearly is) has additional protections under the First Amendment.

The courts traditionally frown upon the use of zoning ordinances to restrict political expression.

I remember several years back the Board of Selectman in Milton passed an ordinance prohibiting political signs in the town. There rationale was that it was a aesthetic issue and that since they prohibited everyone from posting signs it was OK.

This is no different than when we see threads about a veteran who has been prohibited from displaying a US flag by his homeowners association or town ordinance. Whatever excuse they use, the courts generally look at display of a flag as political speech and therefore strikes down the rule.

We may not him, his positions, or his billboard, but he has every right to put it up.

Unlike liberals, we're the ones that truly believe in free speech.

The court didn't agree.
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WTF is the matter with you anyway? That's a serious question.

If you don't like what I post, or think I say some dumb shit, as you so eloquently put it, than hide me. Than, you'll never have to worry about it again. I assure you, after this post, that is exactly what I am going to do. a**h***.

Nothing wrong with me. I read your silly post and commented on it without reading the entire thread. Ooops.
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No, he cannot. There are zoning and sign bylaws in probably every town, most likely even more closer to Boston. I think there are also additional highway sign laws from the state as well.

Well of course there are zoning laws. Those don't apply to him though. There's been a sign up there for 10 years. Why haven't they stopped him?

It's the biggest billboard in the state, and yet they allow him to get away with it.

He has friends in high places for one thing...

His latest message has drawn support from Lieutenant Governor Timothy P. Murray, Public Safety Secretary Kevin M. Burke, Boston Police Commissioner Edward F. Davis, and State Police Colonel Mark Delaney, all of whom plan to attend a press conference to unveil the billboard today.


And if I'm not mistaken... there are exemptions/different rules for billboards that have political content .

MA CMR regulating Billboards...

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He has friends in high places for one thing...

Exactly. That is what I am saying. If I had the money, and made a billboard this big, on my PRIVATELY OWNED BUILDING, I bet it would not go over so well. They would fight it tooth and nail to get it removed. I guarantee that.
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