oh, Patches, what have you done? *UPDATE FLASH*

so how is it that a self admitted admitted drug addict (most likely oxycontin) and alcoholic is allowed to keep a political seat?
Between him, and the conduct of police any minescule amount of respect i had for authority and our goverment is officially washed down the drain.

am i living on another planet or something?
so its now socially acceptable to be a junky in political office and to allow yourself to drive around in complete blackouts endagering the public?
what a waste of f***ing skin..
LenS said:

I think they have a "Kennedy Wing" there by now! Their IDs are awaiting them as soon as they make the phone call! [rolleyes]

The don't actually need an ID. They're the ones stumbling around saying "Don't you know who I am?!"

I heard that Patches last checked into rehab SIX MONTHS AGO!!!

Ok now this riles me. It's like what I used to say when I was smoking. "Hey quitting smoking is easy! I do it all the time!!!

if only I had known I had a disease....maybe I could have got a check from the govenment!


-Weer'd Beard
SnakeEye said:
so how is it that a self admitted admitted drug addict (most likely oxycontin) and alcoholic is allowed to keep a political seat?
Between him, and the conduct of police any minescule amount of respect i had for authority and our goverment is officially washed down the drain.

am i living on another planet or something?
so its now socially acceptable to be a junky in political office and to allow yourself to drive around in complete blackouts endagering the public?
what a waste of f***ing skin..

He's a Demo who believes that he is a victim. EVERYBODY is a victim to a liberal.
you cant even work at 7-11 without pissing in a cup, but you can be an admitted polydrug abuser with alcoholic overtones and its ok to be a state senator..
i saw the news at lunch ,the RI deomcrats gave their support..
its amazing to me to watch. its like im watching some evil parallel universe.
there should be a law enacted that any politican found to be using illicit drugs be stripped of office.
JonJ said:
Screw him and every other Kennedy.
Here's the vid where he claims he has a disease like millions of other Americans that he's fighting for. Piece of shit.
I should know better than to watch ANY Kennedy just before eating dinner. G-d, was there ANY "pity me" card he DIDN'T pull out of his ass? If ANY mere citizen tried to pull that crap, they'd be in handcuffs in a detox cell faster than you can say "Kennedy's a friggin' druggie"!
And isn't Patches the good little boy that petitioned the court to get control of his mother's estate because of her addiction?
JonJ said:
And isn't Patches the good little boy that petitioned the court to get control of his mother's estate because of her addiction?

Yeah, it's probably the pain of that whole thing that got him started on the painkillers, just to take the edge off.

What was his excuse when he had his cocaine problem when he was a teen?
Never mind, it was his drunkard parents.
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