Student 1"hey lets get out of our 2 period test today Billy!"
Student 2"Sound good..but how do we do it?"
1 "Get some of your Dad's bullets! and i'll grab one of my Mom's!"
2 " But ..."
1 " Well it worked in Oxford . They shut down the school."

Like they need new ways to do it...what happen to Fire alarms!!!
Hearing about these schools going into lockdown mode for one or two rounds of ammo makes me think back on my youth. Growing up in Lynn, teachers there never took anything like this seriously. When I was in fourth grade, my best friends LEO father moved out and left a box of ammo in the closet. I took some to school and gave a few to my friends. We took turns in the boys bathroom throwing them at the wall to try to get them to go off. I was hauled to the principals office after one friend was found with them, and I had to tell the truth about where I got them and who I gave them to. I didn't even get detention. My friends father got suspended from the force for 2 months and lost his promotion. As I sat in the principals office, a teacher answered the phone. She just laughed and hung up. I asked her what she was laughing at and she said oh, just another bomb threat. Back then, none of that was taken seriously. We used to get bomb threats every day, but the school was never shut down. You would never even know we had gotten one. My how things have changed.
If they were to publish a picture of the bullet, some kid might be tempted to print out a copy and threaten other chlidren with it, thus scarring them for life. Why, if he were to take a print-out to school, they'd have to lock down that school as well. And then some careless media outlet might publish a photo of the print-out, thus allowing more students to print copies of the copy, leading to an infinite regress and quite possibly then end of civilization. [rolleyes]

If they were to publish a picture of the bullet, some kid might be tempted to print out a copy and threaten other chlidren with it, thus scarring them for life. Why, if he were to take a print-out to school, they'd have to lock down that school as well. And then some careless media outlet might publish a photo of the print-out, thus allowing more students to print copies of the copy, leading to an infinite regress and quite possibly then end of civilization. [rolleyes]


It's funny because it's true [rofl] [laugh2]
If they were to publish a picture of the bullet, some kid might be tempted to print out a copy and threaten other chlidren with it, thus scarring them for life. Why, if he were to take a print-out to school, they'd have to lock down that school as well. And then some careless media outlet might publish a photo of the print-out, thus allowing more students to print copies of the copy, leading to an infinite regress and quite possibly then end of civilization. [rolleyes]


[laugh2] [rofl] That was funny.
Let me start by saying that I was born and raised in the city and am no stranger to violence, having stared down the barrel of a gun on more than one occasion...I say this lest anyone think me to be one of the (unfortuately) numerous individuals on our side of the gun fence who seem to like to hear themselves talk, waxing poetic on the violence and other problems in the inner city and sharing their hard earned "wisdom" and "expertise" from the safety of their 4 bedroom Colonial sitting on 10 wooded, secluded acres in East Bubblenuts somewhere.

That being said, while I can see how this action might be seen as going too far, experience tells me "where there's smoke there's fire." Can the fight over the 2nd Amendment really glazed your eyes over to anything deemed even remotely "anti-gun" to the extent that a bullet found in a school is supposed to be shaken off as if some kid got busted with a Playboy? What should have been done in your opinon? What if this were followed by an actual shooting at the school? What if, knock on wood, one of your kids was affected? The same people in here ridiculing the decision to lock down the school would be on Fox News in Boondock Town Hall screaming about how something should have been done to prevent this.

I don't care how pro-gun you are, a cavalier attitude about a bullet found in a damn school just might qualify you as a first rate moron, especially in these post-Columbine days of little spoiled suburban kids with no coping skills blasting at the "in-crowd" for dissing them. At least the gangbangers have a reason to be pissed.

Maybe this would raise more of a flag had some of you actually lived through some of the violence you love to talk about when justifying your need for a 30 round clip, and by lived through I mean actually experienced in REAL LIFE, not the "...if some punk were to come to my door late at night I'd 'BANG BANG BANG' goodnight" bullcrap that gets regurgitated on a regular basis amongst those with strong words and weak wills.
Can the fight over the 2nd Amendment really glazed your eyes over to anything deemed even remotely "anti-gun" to the extent that a bullet found in a school is supposed to be shaken off as if some kid got busted with a Playboy

I supposed finding cash or change in a parking lot means the bank is probably being robbed?

Ammo is just that, Ammo. I used to find rounds all the time in my high school. I would simply keep them for later use. I watched a teacher pick up 12 ga shells off the hallway floor once, he simply put them in his pocket and walked away.

Times have changed and I'm sure schools have protocol they have to follow now regarding this type of thing, but honestly a round is just a round.

MJ many of us have lived through the violence you describe... Many of us have been in a lot worse places than "Bean Town."

And for the record it's a MAGAZINE, not Clip...
I personally wouldn't think of it, but I know the other students here would probably crap their pants if they saw a bullet on the floor (assuming they even knew what one looked like).

That said, I think they made the situation worse by shutting down the school for a day.
Well I'll agree with MB on this one. His points are reasonable. On the other hand Derek- cash is not something that is supposed to be locked up and kept from kids. ;)

"Flame thrower ON"
Can the fight over the 2nd Amendment really glazed your eyes over to anything deemed even remotely "anti-gun" to the extent that a bullet found in a school is supposed to be shaken off as if some kid got busted with a Playboy? What should have been done in your opinon? What if this were followed by an actual shooting at the school? What if, knock on wood, one of your kids was affected? The same people in here ridiculing the decision to lock down the school would be on Fox News in Boondock Town Hall screaming about how something should have been done to prevent this.

Dollars to doughnuts most of the "bullet findings" are intentional... these
kids have seen it on the news and get into daddy's ammo chest at
home or get some 22s from some "thug life" kid they know at
school... and intentionally leave them in the bathroom or wherever for
admin types to find and then go "GUH BUH WUH! ALARM!".

Every time this has happened they have yet to find a gun, or a student
with a gun. So I don't really see what the big deal is here. Basically
these kids are taking the principal or whoever for a ride... and they
know it.


The problem is that they do next to nothing about real violence in schools. If some of the stuff that gets glossed over in schools happened on the street, there would be felony charges.

I'm all for a safe learning environment, but I would like to see them do back flips and lock downs when a gang of little bastards likes to assault their peers in the bathroom.

Well I'll agree with MB on this one. His points are reasonable. On the other hand Derek- cash is not something that is supposed to be locked up and kept from kids. ;)

"Flame thrower ON"

Neither is Ammo... Only in communist states it is...
If I was a kid nowadays I would bring 1 round of .22 everytime I wanted to leave school early.I would then find it at the right time and go screaming to a teacher that my rights have been violated with machine gun ammo lying around ready to explode.
If they were to publish a picture of the bullet, some kid might be tempted to print out a copy and threaten other chlidren with it, thus scarring them for life. Why, if he were to take a print-out to school, they'd have to lock down that school as well. And then some careless media outlet might publish a photo of the print-out, thus allowing more students to print copies of the copy, leading to an infinite regress and quite possibly then end of civilization. [rolleyes]


when I see stories like this, I think the end of civilization has already come and we just don't know it yet...
I supposed finding cash or change in a parking lot means the bank is probably being robbed?

Ammo is just that, Ammo. I used to find rounds all the time in my high school. I would simply keep them for later use. I watched a teacher pick up 12 ga shells off the hallway floor once, he simply put them in his pocket and walked away.

Times have changed and I'm sure schools have protocol they have to follow now regarding this type of thing, but honestly a round is just a round.

MJ many of us have lived through the violence you describe... Many of us have been in a lot worse places than "Bean Town."

And for the record it's a MAGAZINE, not Clip...

I hear what you're saying, but when the day comes and you have to make the call, I'm sure you'll err on the side of caution, like anybody that has a family to raise would, and risk looking like you over-reacted and keeping your job over being too soft, having it backfire in your face in the event of a shooting after the fact, and be quickly run out of your profession and maybe your freedom. Ideals are fine as points to be made in a conversation, but in real life the smart money is on those who cover their ass.

As far as the violence comment, yeah I'm sure plenty of you have been in worse spots than Bean Town, so have I. Alot of people do it every day as a matter of their daily lives though, not as a requirement for enlisting in the "Armed" Forces where you expect violence to be part of the equation.

And the whole "Clip vs. Magazine" debate is older than the both of us, just ask Remington Arms, Garand collectors or those who collect any number of other firearms that have blurred the line between what constitutes a clip and a magazine. On a side note, nitpicking about semantics, when you sure as hell knew what I meant, comes off as somewhat anal-retentive. I don't know you so I'm not saying that's you, just letting you know how it appears to the "end user". lol

I think most of us are just sick of the drama these schools cause. I can't imagine the parents that get the call that the school is locked down because of ammunition...

Like I said, they probably have to follow a strict protocol, and I'm sure it requires a lock down no matter what the amount of ammo.
This thread has me worried... I'm sure it's just a matter of time before a used primer gets stuck in my kid's sneakers and I get a call from the Principal's office!

On a serious note.. I do worry about them bringing an old empty case to school...
If they were to publish a picture of the bullet, some kid might be tempted to print out a copy and threaten other chlidren with it, thus scarring them for life. Why, if he were to take a print-out to school, they'd have to lock down that school as well. And then some careless media outlet might publish a photo of the print-out, thus allowing more students to print copies of the copy, leading to an infinite regress and quite possibly then end of civilization. [rolleyes]


Would we have to end civilization? Couldn't they just bring in some counselors?
Dollars to doughnuts most of the "bullet findings" are intentional... these
kids have seen it on the news and get into daddy's ammo chest at
home or get some 22s from some "thug life" kid they know at
school... and intentionally leave them in the bathroom or wherever for
admin types to find and then go "GUH BUH WUH! ALARM!".

Every time this has happened they have yet to find a gun, or a student
with a gun. So I don't really see what the big deal is here. Basically
these kids are taking the principal or whoever for a ride... and they
know it.


Key word here being MOST. So you're telling me in the same situation you'd risk your career, livelihood and ability to feed your family because of what happens "most" of the time?

Doubt it.

And Derek, c'mon now...I know we all like to vent about the strict laws here in Mass and all but let's be real...you don't see the need to keep bullets locked away from children? You either have no kids or are a deadbeat dad man, seriously. There comes a point in any arguement or stance where common sense must prevail to some degree, and I think it's pretty safe to say that when you liken a law that requires you to keep live ammunition away from children with Communist doctrine, you're so far past that point you don't even remember where you're supposed to be headed.

As far as all the "Commie" talk, gotta love it. I mean, look where Capitalism has gotten us...we've gone from being the strongest nation in the modern world to piece-mealing huge sections of this country to the highest foreign bidder and outsourced millions of jobs that once fed American families to other countries, all in the name of profit.

And for the record, I'm not a Communist. I just love seeing people so caught up in what they THINK they're fighting for still using all these labels...Democracy vs. Communism, Liberal vs. Conservative, Patriot vs. Desenter, when in reality it's all about the Haves vs. the Have nots, like it's ALWAYS been, however cleverly veiled.

Just ask all those poor farmers in the breadbasket of this country who voted for Bush because he was a republican, conservative or "good ol' boy" just "like them" how those subsidies and aid packages are coming along...or ask the troops that this sham govt. so vocally implores us to "support" how many pieces of scrap metal they have to armor their own vehicles with, or about the great "support" they're getting when they come home in pieces, physically or mentally...

The sheep who thinks himself free is the easiest to lead...
Alright gentlemen...Let's try and keep it civilized in here!

Removed by Mother

This I wouldn't disagree with though.
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[hmmm] I think we all overlook the true problem........In this day and age with 24/7 media coverage they just about make in their pants with a story like this. The media will be doing follow ups for a week on this story such as it is. Case in point, in Acton today the art class was firing some clay in a kiln and someone smelled smoke so they evacuated the school and of course the news copters were overhead not to miss the action from some kids lopsided pot burning![shocked]
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