NYPD Officer NOT Indicted for Chokehold Death of Eric Garner

I lost track of what the actual charge for arrest was ? The state of NY got 1.9 million worth of unpaid tabacco taxes from the Indian tribes of NY with out beating the shit out of or killing someone.
Ok so it on film that said officer used a hold that has been banned. For me if the NYPD and its Union would plainly see as a violation. This banned choke hold knowing applied by said officer for me is a clear sign of intent to injure at the least.
Any over seeing authority would see this and fire this cop on the spot if they had real intergrity...... Charges of assault with the intent of murder yeah ok give the officer his day in court.....like that would even get that far.
I dont like Al sharpton but I feel if he didnt stick his nose in this one it would have been swept right down the sewer.
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What is most disturbing (if we aren't being trolled!) is that even if somehow we thought that pawning fags for pennies was the most heinous crime out there, tomboy still thinks murdering someone over it is an appropriate response while simultaneously championing due process for the officer and withholding judgement. Maybe it's just me, but that is about as hypocritical as you can get. Yep, the murder should get due process, but the guy he killed deserved none. He must have been guilty to the point of immediate execution.

If we haven't already, it won't be long before we see a video of Tom here doing something similar, if I was betting.
I just finished a "discussion" with some douche that took a still at the beginning of the choke. "How is this a choke hold. You can't talk while in a choke hold" he says.
A few frames ahead and there is a full arm around his neck. Looks like a choke hold to me.
Guy should be working for the media. Spin it for the sheeple.
Christ I hate trolls.

nypost said:
“If an obese person with co-existing medical problems can’t get good oxygenation to begin with, then a chokehold could put him over the edge,” and lead to a homicide finding, the source said.

So... depriving someone of oxygen that leads to his death is OK, but only because someone who was healthier might have survived it?

You know, if he hadn't used the prohibited choke hold, he wouldn't be dead.
Two EMTs and two paramedics have been suspended without pay,

So cop kills a man, and is reassigned but still being paid. The medical personnel who arrived on scene on the other hand or on UNpaid suspension. Nope. Accountability of our police is just fine...
I was hoping that at least one other member took and passed the civil service test, then got a job but its beginning to look like I am the only one..

Just out of curiosity does anyone know which Countries in North America refused to send troops to Vietnam?
I was hoping that at least one other member took and passed the civil service test, then got a job but its beginning to look like I am the only one..

Just out of curiosity does anyone know which Countries in North America refused to send troops to Vietnam?

Not sure how taking the test and getting on the job is germane to the conversation. When I took the 2011 test, there wasn't an overview on the application of a headlock.
Similarly jw, you and others here should see every cop not only as a friend but a friend who deserves to have the judicial system run its complete course BEFORE judgment is passed.

We the public can pass judgement whenever we want. The judicial system is the only place where defendants are supposed to be guaranteed an impartial trial before judgement is passed.

In the court of public opinion they seem pretty damn guilty.
Another "mulligan" given for murder. When will this stop? Thought the "good" cops were supposed to police this $hit and kick the bad cops out... Oh nevermind, where are those "good" cops again?
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tommy boy, you either condone physical violence against a man selling cigarettes or you don't

like someone else posted. You speak of due process, but where was the due process for the man who is now dead?
I was hoping that at least one other member took and passed the civil service test, then got a job but its beginning to look like I am the only one..

Just out of curiosity does anyone know which Countries in North America refused to send troops to Vietnam?
Makes me feel all warm and peachy to know that my taxes are well spent by hiring a guy who can't even stay on topic on an Internet forum. Clearly shows how intellectually superior you are, mister civil service exam.
yea but the guy has a "long criminal history" ... including selling cigarettes illegally before. Cant have cigarette dealers walking the streets of new york.
What would the tourists do if they saw such hardened criminals amongst the dudes dressed up as comic book characters.
Looks like 2nd degree murder to me. Maybe even a hate crime. Would the outcome have been different if the man were white?

No evidence of his accused crime found on him or at the scene.....
Race has NOTHING to do with this. Easily could have happened to the white guy in Fall River where the tough guy cop arrested him for taping him.

They're bullies, plain and simple.


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truly boys I feel sorry for the lot of you-

EABOD [troll]
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